- Website: https://medium.com/@juanbravofernandez/
- Juan Bravo Fernandez has an impressive portfolio containing a range of photography, specifically wildlife photography. Juan Bravo Fernandez is an experienced traveler so naturally, he knows some of the best places to go and when. One of his favorite locations to capture wildlife at is in Alaska. Alaska is home to the most magnificent and unforgettable views making it a great place to capture wildlife. Juan Bravo Fernandez aims to inspire others and draw more attention to the rewarding experience being a photographer is. Capturing some of the most exotic animals in their natural habitat that so few people have seen brings an adrenaline rush like no other. The best part of it all is that Juan Bravo Fernandez can do what he loves most and travel while capturing beautiful photographs at the same time. Check out some of his amazing and unique work – you will not be disappointed!
Juan Bravo Fernandez
Posted by Anonymous on Fri 19th Mar 2021 15:45
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