- Documenting the Death of America and Much More
- https://www.quickleak.org/wuYUTpnU
- In the near future, most of you will wake up one day
- and realize the startling fact that the American people
- have completely lost control of their country. It may take
- more time for others to finally realize, but everyone will.
- Those working for government most likely won’t realize this
- until they loose their jobs and their homes as well.
- This is not a threat. This is a promise. It’s happening.
- How do I know? I’m an American ... I’ve been watching.
- I’ve been reading ... I’ve been keeping track of events.
- The major event confirming the fall of the American empire?
- CNPC-Gazprom. Known as “the holy grail†deal to counter
- the petro-dollar stranglehold over the world. This created
- a “domino effect†, one country after another began to
- form alliance with the BRICS and soon enough, the world
- is now getting ready to drop the petro-dollar and set up
- SDR-style exchanges.
- The only country Obama/Kerry ended up isolating was America.
- We have become isolated by our own sanctions, our foreign
- policy has fucked us one end out the other, this will end bad.
- Some comments I’ve read online from people who live in
- America claim “this is good news†refering to the collapse
- of the evil western banking empire. And yes, it may be good
- news for some of the people living within the BRICS nations.
- But let’s stick with some facts as to how this is going to
- effect you, me and every other American as well.
- 1. We are going to see dramatic increases of prices from
- food to fuel by 2015, are Americans ready for that?
- 2. We are going to, inevitably, see our dollar loose
- reserve currency status - therefore we will no longer be
- the major superpower anymore. Understand what that means?
- 3. Inevitably we will live to witness a full-scale collapse.
- This will not be pretty. I am talking “bail-insâ€, mass starvation,
- riots, killing, looting, spreading of disease (no healthcare),
- rape, blackouts, mass supply shortages for years to come and
- martial law may be declared. The average person will not have
- a running toilet to shit in, much less have enough toilet paper
- to wipe their asses with *UNLESS they are fully prepared for this
- kind of economic disaster to unfold. I do recommend prepping.
- 4. When times get this tough, most governments end up going
- full-retard ; they panic and yes they get out of control,
- many times they end up killing their own civilians recouping
- from power-craven-withdrawal symptoms. Are you really ready
- to witness a much more hardcore fascistic police state? The
- truth is you may see a civil war break out after knee-jerking
- reactions such as mass gun confiscation and mass internment.
- The truth is this - you WILL NOT see martial law declared right
- away - the government will watch the crisis fully unfold, while
- people are looting and killing each other over basic supplies.
- When enough people have starved to death - ONLY THEN will you
- see deployment of mercenary forces / LEC SWAT teams used to
- confiscate firearms from the rest of those whom survived!
- And if all hell boils over, add 5. Nuclear World War III.
- I have chosen to lay low and document all of this as long
- as I still can. I have provided a link below - a ZIP full of
- recent events, most information of relevant importance.
- 2014_NEWS_BACKUP.zip (49.2MB)
- https://anonfiles.com/file/7b76eac61a4c6d469212e60e35d09286
- Everything I have collected is being dispersed to various
- sources, and I have planned storing vast information underground
- in faraday cages to protect it from being destroyed by future
- EMP attacks. This information will explain to future generations
- how America collapsed and the motherfuckers who were behind this
- treason. I do hope someday our military will seek vengeance
- upon these major players.
Documenting the Death of America and Much More
Posted by Anonymous on Sun 29th Jun 2014 00:36
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