- Website : https://www.thecarsondentist.com/
- Address : 20401 Avalon Blvd Suite A, Carson, CA 90746
- Phone : +1 310-217-1507
- Washington Dental is the premier dental practice in Carson. We welcome families and individual patients that may have a dental issue or are looking for a Dentist for routine check-ups. Regular visits and prevention is key to avoiding problematic teeth in the future. We welcome you to contact Washington Dental at 310-217-1507 to make an initial appointment or to find out about our services. Our doctors are very gentle and caring. They are graduates of UCLA and USC. Our doctors are experienced in all aspects of dentistry, including; Dental implants, veneers, porcelain crowns, white fillings, emergency dental visits, root canals, composite fillings, dental extractions, wisdom teeth removal, sedation for dental procedures, dentures, sports guards, night guards, zoom teeth whitening, Invisalign, conventional braces, dental bridges, and much more.
Washington Dental
Posted by Anonymous on Sun 23rd Jan 2022 06:45
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