- _______________________________
- • 57 Alternative Search Engines
- • 18 File Search Engines
- • 50 URL Proxies
- • 16 DNS Checkup Tools
- • 7 Port Scanners
- • 408 Pastebin Websites [Some Defunct]
- • 12 Websites to Track Legislation
- • 62 Bit Torrent Websites
- • 16 ISOHunt/KAT/H33T/Fenopy Proxies
- • 4 Movie2k Proxies
- • 45 Pirate Bay Proxies
- • 421 File Hosts [Some Defunct]
- • 3 Dropboxes for Whistleblowing
- • HUGE Security Resource v6000 Links
- • 555 News / Security Websites
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- Alternative Search Engines
- 001 https://duckduckgo.com/
- 002 http://www.soso.com/
- 003 https://startpage.com/
- 004 https://ixquick.com
- 005 https://blekko.com/
- 006 http://www.alltheweb.com
- 007 http://www.gigablast.com/
- 008 http://www.proxysearchengine.tk
- 009 http://www.binsearch.info/
- 010 http://gibiru.com/
- 011 http://www.worldcat.org/ (library search engine)
- 012 http://www.monstercrawler.com
- 013 http://searchalot.com
- 014 http://www.searchcanvas.com/
- 015 http://web.search.ch
- 016 http://www.mamma.com
- 017 http://search.freecause.com/
- 018 http://www.ebook3000.com/ (free books)
- 019 http://translate.google.com/
- 020 http://www.robtex.com/
- 021 (hide my ass)
- 022 http://www.dmoz.org
- 023 http://www.hooseek.com/
- 024 http://search.usa.gov/
- 025 http://anubis.iseclab.org/ (dll research)
- 026 https://encrypted.google.com/
- 027 http://thorrents.com/ (magnet search engine)
- 028 http://www.cryptome.org/cryptome-search.html
- 029 http://www.dogpile.com/
- 030 http://www.20search.com/
- 031 http://www.metacrawler.com/
- 032 http://www.hotbot.com/
- 033 http://www.info.com/
- 034 http://clusty.com/
- 035 http://proxy.rickmartensen.nl/www.lukol.com/
- 036 https://privatelee.com/
- 037 http://www.exalead.com/
- 038 http://www.teoma.com/
- 039 http://www.fybersearch.com/
- 040 http://ninjagate.com/
- 041 http://www.zuula.com/
- 042 http://www.uncoverthenet.com/
- 043 http://arianna.libero.it/
- 044 http://yacy.net/en/ (open source)
- 045 http://dooble.sourceforge.net/ (open source)
- 046 http://deeperweb.com/
- 047 http://sks.pkqs.net/ (PGP search engine)
- 048 http://www.baidu.com
- 049 http://www.bing.com/
- 050 http://search.yippy.com/
- 051 http://www.completeplanet.com/
- 052 http://piratebrowser.com/ (open source)
- 053 http://imtranslator.net/translation/
- 054 http://grams7enufi7jmdl.onion/ (GRAMS)
- 055 http://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion/ (DuckDuckGo)
- 056 http://kbhpodhnfxl3clb4.onion/ (TorSearch)
- 057 https://www.zeekly.com/
- File Search Engines
- 001 http://filetram.com/
- 002 http://www.general-files.com/
- 003 http://www.sqfile.com
- 004 http://www.zoozle.org/
- 005 http://www.hotfilesearch.com/
- 006 http://search.4shared.com
- 007 http://filesocean.net/
- 008 http://filecrop.com/ [404]
- 009 http://filesearch.synthasite.com/
- 010 http://www.bergfiles.com/
- 011 http://www.uploadcity.com/
- 012 http:/www.mp3olimp.net
- 013 http://blademp3.com/
- 014 http://megasearch.us/
- 015 http://filekoala.com/
- 016 http://www.fileshut.com/
- 017 http://emp3world.cc/
- 018 http://filesonload.net/
- URL Proxy Engines
- Last updated during May of 2014.
- 001 http://virtual-browser.com/
- 002 http://www.15bb51.info/
- 003 http://viewpro.info/
- 004 http://www.keepanonymous.com/
- 005 https://www.4everproxy.com/
- 006 http://www.prox.pw
- 007 http://proxy.org
- 008 http://un-block.net/
- 009 http://iproxy.nu/
- 010 http://www.ffsurf.net/
- 011 http://unrestrictedsurf.com/
- 012 http://www.webwarper.net/
- 013 http://www.proxyweb.net/
- 014 http://letsview.info/
- 015 http://www.jailbreaked.net/
- 016 http://sitenable.com/
- 017 http://webproxy.onlinetoolkit.org/
- 018 http://revisemaths.info/
- 019 http://hotproxylist.info/
- 020 http://www.theninjacloak.com/
- 021 http://gproxy.nl
- 022 http://www.webproxies.org/
- 023 http://www.defilter.us/
- 024 http://www.pinproxy.info/
- 025 http://www.stablecloud.info/
- 026 http://www.proxytopsite.us/
- 027 http://unblock.rilhas.com/
- 028 http://www.prox1.org/
- 029 http://www.hidingyour.info/
- 030 http://hide.thenme.net/
- 031 http://www.everyproxy.com/
- 032 http://proxy.rickmartensen.nl/
- 033 http://proxy.xxxy.info/
- 034 http://proxygizlen.com/
- 035 http://incloak.com/
- 036 http://www.h1de.net/
- 037 http://www.rxproxy.com/
- 038 http://theopenproxy.net/
- 039 https://safelinking.net/
- 040 http://cryptodash.tk/
- 041 http://schoolproxy.nu/
- 042 http://www.proxysolo.com/
- 043 http://www.webstable.info/
- 044 http://www.clickschool.eu/
- 045 http://www.justproxies.com/
- 046 http://byelocks.info/
- 047 http://sookie.tk/
- 048 http://goldproxy.eu/
- 049 http://www.bittybooprox.info/
- 050 http://newproxies.net/
- Test Your IP (or Proxy)
- 01 http://www.dnsstuff.com/
- 02 http://check2ip.com/
- 03 http://network-tools.com/
- 04 http://www.myiptest.com/
- 05 https://apps.db.ripe.net/search/query.html
- 06 http://traceroute.onlinetoolkit.org/
- 07 http://centralops.net/co/
- 08 http://www.robtex.com/
- 09 http://www.whatsmyip.org/
- 10 http://www.viewdns.info/
- 11 http://www.vpngate.net/en/
- 12 http://test-ipv6.com/
- 13 http://ipchicken.com/
- 14 http://ip-lookup.net/
- 15 http://whois.online-domain-tools.com/
- 16 http://checkip.dyndns.org/
- Test Your Port Security
- 01 http://www.t1shopper.com/tools/port-scan/
- 02 http://www.pcflank.com/
- 03 http://www.whatsmyip.org/port-scanner/
- 04 http://www.hashemian.com/tools/port-scanner.php
- 05 http://www.subnetonline.com/pages/network-tools/online-port-scanner.php
- 06 http://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/
- 07 http://nmap.online-domain-tools.com/
- Paste Mirrors
- 001 http://www.pastebay.net
- 002 http://pastebin.com/
- 003 http://pastehtml.com
- 004 http://pad.telecomix.org
- 005 https://pad.riseup.net/
- 006 http://titanpad.com/
- 007 http://pastebin.mozilla.org/
- 008 https://anonymous.piratenpad.de
- 009 http://piratepad.net/
- 010 http://codepad.org
- 011 http://shorttext.com/
- 012 http://www.pastedump.com/
- 013 http://pastie.org/
- 014 https://pzt.me
- 015 http://paste.frubar.net/
- 016 http://dumpz.org/
- 017 http://pure-paste.tk (limited but works)
- 018 http://codeupload.com/
- 019 http://stickypaste.com/
- 020 http://www.pasteit.in/
- 021 http://privatepaste.com/
- 022 http://securepastebin.com/go/index.action
- 023 http://paste.scratchbook.ch/
- 024 http://pbox.ca/
- 025 http://pastebin.ca/
- 026 http://bitbin.it/
- 027 http://www.anonpaste.me/
- 028 http://slexy.org/
- 029 http://www.fpaste.org/
- 030 http://pastebin.me/
- 031 http://paste.kde.org
- 032 http://paste.ubuntu.com/
- 033 http://inetpro.org/pastebin/
- 034 http://paste.ie/
- 036 http://paste.is/
- 037 http://paste.devpda.net
- 038 http://paste.hihn.org/
- 039 http://www.megapastebin.com.ar
- 040 http://pbin.be/
- 041 http://m.essag.es/
- 042 http://paste.fuzzyhosts.com/
- 043 http://paste.pagelines.com/
- 044 http://bin.rad-dev.org/
- 045 http://copypastebin.com/
- 046 http://paste.adoy.net/
- 047 http://paste.martynip.co.uk/
- 048 http://paste2.org/new-paste [404]
- 049 http://paste.factorcode.org/new-paste
- 050 http://pastebin.daviey.com/
- 051 http://bin.cakephp.org/
- 052 http://pastebin.dqd.cz/
- 053 http://pastebin.falz.net/
- 054 http://www.everfall.com/paste/
- 055 http://primarypad.com/
- 056 http://justpaste.it/
- 057 http://nopaste.dk/
- 058 http://paste.lisp.org/
- 059 http://paste.cullt.org/
- 060 http://paste.jaraco.com/
- 061 http://pastebin.osuosl.org/
- 062 http://hpaste.org/
- 063 http://0paste.com/
- 064 http://paste.perldancer.org/
- 065 http://pastebin.stonekeep.com/
- 066 http://paste.manjaro.org/ [404]
- 067 http://paste.geeknode.org/paste.html
- 068 http://kib2.free.fr/pastebin/edit_new_paste.php
- 069 http://paste.hostchaos.com/
- 070 http://pastebin.skullcandy.com/ [404]
- 071 http://pastebin.jwillmer.de/
- 072 https://paste.ohai.su/
- 073 http://pastebin.furver.se/
- 074 http://ja.pastebin.ca/
- 075 http://paste.mappify.org/new/
- 076 http://p.baf.cc/ [404]
- 077 http://www.fixee.org/home/
- 078 http://vpaste.net/
- 079 http://pastium.org/
- 080 http://paste.chakra-project.org/
- 081 http://paste.qth.fr/
- 082 http://paste.balbinus.org/
- 083 http://paste.cinnarch.com/
- 084 http://ponypaste.co/
- 085 http://paste.mock.ws/ [404]
- 086 http://pastepal.net/
- 087 http://paste.mikulla.org/ [404]
- 088 http://panicb.in/
- 089 http://p.linode.com [404]
- 090 http://pastebin.centos.org/
- 091 https://cryptobin.org/
- 092 https://privatepaste.com/
- 093 http://pastebin.tlhiv.org/
- 094 http://paste.opensuse.org/
- 095 https://paste.lugons.org/
- 096 http://paste.samhart.net/
- 097 http://nopaste.info/
- 098 http://wankbin.kippage.com/
- 099 http://paste.cryogenix.co.uk/
- 100 http://paste.lab10.de/
- 101 http://paste.drhack.net/
- 102 http://lassobin.com/
- 103 http://paste.blixt.org/
- 104 http://paste.jabbim.cz/
- 105 http://paste.cloudstack.org/
- 106 http://paste.strictfp.com/
- 107 http://pb.mgawow.co.uk/
- 108 http://paste.felixbruns.de
- 109 http://paste.unfoog.de/
- 110 http://paste.cdtag.de/
- 111 http://paste.tclhelp.net/
- 112 http://pastebin.kruton.de/
- 113 http://www.sebastiaanmeijer.nl/
- 114 https://paste.bitlair.nl/
- 115 http://pastebin.sabayon.org/
- 116 http://paste.jabbim.cz/
- 117 http://paste.security-portal.cz/
- 118 http://p.mzf.cz/
- 119 http://vm.frantovo.cz/
- 120 http://paste.ndlp.info/ [404'd]
- 121 http://pastebin.lujun.info/
- 122 http://paste.5cm.ru/
- 123 http://paste.thezomg.com/
- 124 http://paste.rohitab.com/
- 125 http://paste.servut.us/
- 126 http://pastebin.ipocalypse.net/
- 127 http://paste.tbee-clan.de/
- 128 http://paste.chakra-project.org/
- 129 http://pastebin.fr/
- 130 http://stirkbin.com/
- 131 http://pastebin.slackadelic.com/
- 132 http://pastebin.anope.org/
- 133 http://troll.ws/
- 134 http://www.n00bunlimited.net/
- 135 https://paste.oxynux.org/
- 136 http://opensolaris.pastebin.ca/
- 137 http://paste.schredder.me/
- 138 http://pastebins.com.ar/
- 139 http://pstbn.com/
- 140 http://text0.tk/
- 141 http://code.bulix.org/
- 142 http://demo.php-pastebin.com/ [404]
- 143 http://gentoo.pastebin.ca/
- 144 http://rula.net/
- 145 http://0wx.org/pastebin
- 146 http://paste.posativ.org/
- 147 http://siripaste.com/
- 148 http://handbrake.pastebin.ca/
- 149 http://www.killthemonsters.com/
- 150 http://p.casidiablo.net/
- 151 http://pastebin.tropi.us/
- 152 http://pastebin.127001.org/
- 153 http://p.gw.gd/
- 154 http://p.iain.it/
- 155 http://p.xae.in/
- 156 http://pastebin.k0d.cc/
- 157 http://ae7.st/p/
- 158 http://c.nopaste.dk/
- 159 http://paster.testmax.dk/Paste.htm
- 160 http://wklej.to/
- 161 https://paste.bugabuse.net/
- 162 http://rifers.org/paste/
- 163 http://paste.sirenfal.com/new
- 164 http://paste.luisaranguren.com/
- 165 http://pastebin.pandaboard.org/
- 166 http://9url.us/
- 167 http://sql.nopaste.dk/
- 168 http://csharp.nopaste.dk/
- 169 http://www.nopaste.pl/
- 170 http://nopaste.linux-dev.org/
- 171 http://nopaste.euirc.net/
- 172 http://nopaste.paefchen.net/
- 173 http://nopaste.64p.org/ [404]
- 174 http://nopaste.oppserver.net/index.php
- 175 http://nopaste.inside-irc.net/
- 176 http://paste.dprogramming.com/
- 177 http://lua.nopaste.dk/
- 178 http://nopaste.narf.at/
- 179 http://nopaste.ooaahh.de/
- 180 http://nopaste.phil.to/
- 181 http://nopaste.urbanswelt.de/
- 182 http://paste.arn-fai.net/
- 183 http://nopaste.penguinfriends.org/
- 184 http://nopaste.yamagi.org/
- 185 http://pasta.test-smoke.org/
- 186 http://paste.poohtarou.net/
- 187 http://paste.clug.gr/
- 188 http://nopaste.eisscholle.net/
- 189 http://nopaste.talk-web.de/
- 190 http://np.gsfx.de/
- 191 http://paste.tuxfamily.org/
- 192 http://www.trinchera.it/nopaste/
- 193 http://nopaste.secretlake.at/
- 194 http://paste.letsbaron.de/
- 195 http://nopaste.giuseppetropea.net/
- 196 http://nopaste.remodding.de/
- 197 http://nopaste.michael-skiba.de/
- 198 http://pb.rbfh.de/
- 199 https://defuse.ca/pastebin.htm
- 200 http://cheerilee.pastebay.com
- 201 http://wrttn.in
- 202 http://pb.lui.li/
- 203 https://pb.privatepaste.com/
- 204 http://pb.stoleyour.com/
- 205 https://openanno.privatepaste.com/
- 206 http://paste.omsklug.com/
- 207 http://sho.rtify.com/
- 208 http://paste.call-cc.org/
- 209 http://paste.mrzyx.de/
- 210 http://paste.pwny.biz/
- 211 http://paste.rndc.or.id/ [404]
- 212 http://paste.ewnix.net/index.php [404]
- 213 http://pastefree.com.ar/ [404]
- 214 http://p.ncrmnt.org/
- 215 http://paste.larry1123.net/
- 216 http://d.pragith.net/
- 217 http://lab.xero.nu/paste/?/new/
- 218 http://txt.krow.me/ [404]
- 219 http://paste.nuller.ir/
- 220 http://trashb.info/
- 221 http://toothpaste.centi.sk/
- 222 http://code.hackerspace.no/
- 223 http://paste.eriador.info/new
- 224 http://noteboxie.com/
- 225 http://paste.flashrom.org/
- 226 http://paste.simonsickle.com/
- 227 http://bin.idlerice.com/paste.html
- 228 http://pastebin.pro-web.by/
- 229 http://paste1.aayipanthi.com/ [404]
- 230 http://paste.davromaniak.eu/
- 231 http://app.urlbag.com/
- 232 http://wip.b-zeal.net/
- 233 http://pb.q3w.org/
- 234 http://pastensn.com/
- 235 http://www.xbmclogs.com/
- 236 http://pb.larskl.de/
- 237 http://www.fr3d.org/paste/
- 238 http://quark-paste.herokuapp.com/paste/
- 239 http://www.bilietu-pasaulis.lt/
- 240 http://pb.petermannlive.net/
- 241 http://code.str0.be/ [404]
- 242 http://www.fashionopti.com/
- 243 http://pastedata.cmdata.fr/
- 244 http://www.kthx.net/paste/
- 245 http://paste.tclers.tk/-New/
- 246 http://paste.dafaq.se/
- 247 http://4fs.org:5000/paste/
- 248 http://script.pathaila.com/
- 249 http://stikked.jaakko.se/
- 250 http://vprlins.pastebay.net/
- 251 http://code.suck-o.com/
- 252 http://www.paste.to/
- 253 http://paste.whitecollarcoding.com/
- 254 http://paste.hydraze.org/
- 255 http://p.pomf.se/
- 256 http://pb.wrik.co.uk/
- 257 http://pb.neckbeards.co.uk/
- 258 http://paste.invertika.org/
- 259 http://paste.girilaya.com/ [404]
- 260 http://anddev.pastebay.net/
- 261 http://paste.moepl.eu/
- 262 http://paste.drizzle.org/ [404]
- 263 https://paste.aeum.net/
- 264 http://dev.pastebay.net/
- 265 http://paste.kd8fre.com/ [404]
- 266 http://www.posu.org/
- 267 http://freetexthost.in/
- 268 http://paxii.de/pastebin/
- 269 http://paste.pool-x.eu/ [404]
- 270 http://pastebin.dimio.org/
- 271 http://dpaste.dzfl.pl/
- 272 http://upaste.us/
- 273 http://pastebin.blesmrt.net/
- 274 http://monddl.com/
- 275 http://paste.capsload.it/
- 276 http://paste.behstant.com/
- 277 http://paste.pchowtos.co.uk/
- 278 http://paste.geekon.in/
- 279 http://pastebin.d3vito.de/
- 280 http://paste.deltadigital.us/
- 281 http://webzi.dk/
- 282 http://rapor.terkos.com.tr/
- 283 http://infovlad.com/
- 284 http://www.while.do/
- 285 http://pastebin.theitcave.com/
- 286 http://script.pathaila.com/
- 287 http://pastebin.mods-xbmc.pl/
- 288 http://p.khobbits.co.uk/
- 289 http://paste.liamstanley.net/
- 290 http://memorybank.in/
- 291 http://julien311085.free.fr/pastebin/
- 292 http://pasteguru.com/
- 292 http://links.pelisdescargas.com/
- 293 http://test.chosd.com/
- 294 http://worldpaste.com/
- 295 http://paste.e-shell.org/
- 296 https://www.quickleak.org/
- 297 http://paste.yt/
- 298 http://pasterack.org/
- 299 http://tehsausage.com/paste/
- 300 http://paste.darkbyte.ru/
- 301 http://paste.dumbinter.net/
- 302 http://pastebin.starforge.co.uk/
- 303 http://pasting.djstey.com/
- 304 http://pastebin.sk89q.com/
- 305 http://pastebin.paxii.de/
- 306 http://bin.jr26.tk/
- 307 http://ciurana.eu/pastebin/
- 308 http://perl.nopaste.dk/
- 309 http://pastebin.dinhosting.fr/
- 310 http://paste.desdelinux.net/
- 311 http://paste42.de/
- 312 http://pastebox.m4tt30.de/
- 313 http://pastebin.gadean.de/
- 315 http://paste.scsys.co.uk/
- 316 http://k3rmit.org/nopaste/
- 317 http://paste.siedlaa.com/
- 318 http://nopaste.ceske-hry.cz/
- 319 http://nopaste.chaoz-irc.net/
- 320 http://lidor.net/p/p.aspx
- 321 http://nopaste.martes.de/
- 322 http://paste.archive01.org/
- 323 http://paste.novarata.net/
- 324 http://paste.bitswap.de/
- 325 http://paste.flying-sheep.de/ [404'd]
- 326 http://www.fungusnuts.com/pasty.php
- 327 http://gbpaste.org/
- 328 http://pastekitten.com/ [404'd]
- 329 http://g0dil.de/paste
- 330 http://paste.mooc.fi/
- 331 http://paste.phcn.ws/
- 332 http://www.miemala.com/paste
- 333 http://pascal.pastebay.com/
- 334 http://paste.wcell.org/
- 335 http://bybox.us/
- 336 http://paste.shadow-dragon.net [404'd]
- 337 http://pastebin.jity.de/
- 338 http://www.pastebin.com.br/
- 339 http://paste.devosi.info/ [404'd]
- 340 http://pastebin.scriptacademy.org/
- 341 http://blib.org/
- 342 http://paste.paluminum.net/
- 343 http://pastebin.cmsmadesimple.org/
- 344 http://p.mac-mini.org/
- 345 http://pastebin.avamods.com/
- 356 http://nonal.paste.atraxi.fr/
- 357 http://paste.jpowermacg4.com/
- 358 http://ciurana.eu/pastebin/
- 359 http://rage.n3t-t3z.com/
- 360 http://nopaste.edoom.de/
- 361 http://paste.atomiku.com/
- 362 http://eilios.kpaste.net/
- 363 http://fferen.kpaste.net/
- 364 http://rathena.kpaste.net/
- 365 http://pastebin.sekati.com/
- 366 http://pastebin.bothouse.net/
- 367 http://pastebin.bon99.com/
- 368 http://pastebin.sandboxsite.net/
- 369 http://www.heypasteit.com/
- 370 http://openpaste.org/
- 372 http://paste.htxurl.info/
- 372 http://paste.sis.bthstudent.se/
- 373 http://pastethis.in/
- 374 http://paste.phcn.de/
- 375 http://paste.z0p.org/
- 376 http://paste.kealper.com/
- 377 http://pasab.pastebay.com/
- 378 http://paste.akingi.com/
- 379 http://mtrobilisim.tk/
- 380 http://paste.bradleygill.com/
- 381 http://paste.thelovebug.org/
- 382 http://a3dl.org/
- 383 http://paste.irc-ban.de/
- 384 http://www.cryptolit.nl/
- 385 http://paste.fls-wiesbaden.de/
- 386 http://kodo.ameoto.com/
- 387 http://www.pastershub.com/
- 388 http://demo.nullfix.com/pastebox/
- 389 http://paste.se/
- 390 http://paste.edvx.net/
- 391 http://www.divu.in/paste/
- 392 http://paste.cxxc.se/
- 393 http://cogblock.com/paste/
- 394 http://stikked-ita.apps.zone52.org/
- 395 http://paste.itunix.eu/
- 396 http://minetest.wjake.com/stikked/
- 397 http://paste.analyticsninja.co/
- 398 http://paste.riothero.com/stikked/
- 399 http://q.sedw.ca/
- 400 http://www.donesh.com/dpaste/
- 401 http://pb.ricin.us/
- 402 http://stikked.giev.de/
- 403 http://paste.svenz.lv/
- 404 http://f00l.de/pastebin/
- 405 http://bcsav.kpaste.net/
- 406 http://secsav.kpaste.net/
- 407 http://xyz.kpaste.net/
- 408 http://sit.kpaste.net/
- Track Legislation
- 001 http://govtrack.us
- 002 http://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/current
- 003 http://www.govtrack.us/states/bills/browse
- 004 http://www.opencongress.org/
- 005 http://thomas.loc.gov
- 006 http://www.gpo.gov/
- 007 http://www.rules.house.gov
- 008 http://www.rules.senate.gov
- 009 http://www.opensecrets.org/
- 010 http://catalog.loc.gov/
- 011 http://maplight.org/
- 012 http://legiscan.com/
- Torrent Sites
- 001 http://torrentcrazy.ee
- 002 http://torrentz.eu/
- 003 http://torrage.com/ [create your own torrents]
- 004 http://www.torrenthound.com
- 005 http://www.torrents.to/
- 006 http://www.realtorrentz.eu/
- 007 http://torrentdeluxe.com/
- 008 http://kickass.to/
- 009 http://thepiratebay.se/
- 010 http://www.demonoid.ph/
- 011 http://www.torrentbit.net/
- 012 http://www.scrapetorrent.com/
- 013 http://www.btjunkie.net/
- 014 http://discographytorrent.blogspot.com/
- 015 http://fenopy.eu
- 016 http://www.mininova.org/
- 017 http://www.sumotorrent.com [a few popups]
- 018 http://file.sh
- 019 http://www.torrentsland.com
- 020 http://www.picktorrent.com/
- 021 http://www.yourbittorrent.com/
- 022 http://bittrend.com/
- 023 http://bitsnoop.com/
- 024 http://1337x.org/
- 025 http://extratorrent.com/
- 026 http://www.seedpeer.me/
- 027 http://bitsnoop.com/
- 028 http://www.toorgle.com/
- 029 http://www.torrentroom.com/
- 030 http://torrent-finder.info
- 031 http://www.torrentdownloads.ws
- 032 http://zoink.it/ [torrent cache storage]
- 033 http://bittorrent.am/
- 034 http://forum.tntvillage.scambioetico.org/
- 035 http://www.torrentdownloads.net/
- 036 http://h33t.com/
- 037 http://rarbg.com/index2.php
- 038 http://www.torrentfunk.com/
- 039 http://onebigtorrent.org/
- 040 http://tors.in/ [simple torrent uploader]
- 041 http://www.torrentalot.com/
- 042 http://www.thelocalbay.com/
- 043 http://www.mnova.eu/
- 044 http://www.torlock.com
- 045 http://torrent.cd/
- 046 http://torrents.fm/
- 047 http://torrindex.com/
- 048 http://torrentz.in/
- 049 http://torrentz.piratereverse.info/
- 050 http://www.torrentr.eu/
- 051 http://www.torrentroot.com/
- 052 http://scrapetorrent.com/
- 053 http://www.torrentzap.com
- 054 http://www.mac-torrents.com
- 055 http://archive.org/details/bittorrent
- 056 https://bitfetch.com (HTML5 required)
- 057 http://www.torrentpond.com/
- 058 http://torrentsearch.to/
- 059 http://www.onebigtorrent.org/
- 060 http://yts.re/ | http://yts.im/
- 061 http://www.vitorrent.org/
- ISOHunt/KAT/H33T/Fenopy Proxies
- 001 http://isohunt.piratereverse.info/
- 002 http://iso.dashitz.com/
- 003 http://isohunt.tpbproxy.info/
- 004 http://kickassunblock.info
- 005 http://kickassunblock.com
- 006 http://kickassproxy.info
- 007 http://katproxy.com
- 008 http://kat.dashitz.com/
- 009 http://h33tunblock.info
- 010 http://h33tunblocked.co
- 011 http://h33t.uk.to
- 012 http://h33tmirror.co/
- 013 http://fenopyproxy.co
- 014 http://unblockfenopy.eu
- 015 http://come.in/
- 016 http://kickass.to/
- Movie2k Proxies
- 001 http://www.movie2k.to/
- 002 http://www.movie2k.me/
- 003 http://www.movie2k.com/
- 004 http://www.movie2k.ws/
- Pirate Bay Proxies
- This list was updated June 2014.
- 001 http://tpb.ninja.so/
- 002 http://thepiratebay.tn/
- 003 https://piratereverse.info/
- 004 http://suprbay.net/thepiratebay.se
- 005 http://tpb.par-anoia.net/
- 006 http://livepirate.com/
- 007 http://thebootlegbay.net/
- 008
- 009
- 010
- 011
- 012 http://www.getpirate.com/
- 013 http://pirateproxy.net/
- 014 http://anonybay.com
- 015 http://thepiratebay.club/
- 016 http://thepiratebay.kim/
- 017 http://thepiratebay.red/
- 018 http://bay.mc2dn.name/
- 019 http://unblocked-piratebay.com/
- 020 http://probay.in/
- 021 https://tpb.derp.pw/
- 022 http://bich.in/
- 023 http://kuiken.co/
- 024 http://pirateshit.com/
- 025 http://torrentfiles.in/
- 026 http://tpb.piraten.lu/
- 027 http://pirateproxy.net/
- 028 http://bayproxy.org/
- 029 http://tpb.genyaa.org/
- 030 http://piratebaymirror.me/
- 031 http://piratebayalternative.me/
- 032 http://theproxybay.uk.to/
- 033 http://proxy.rickmartensen.nl/thepiratebay.se
- 034 http://lanunbay.org/
- 035 http://quluxingba.info/
- 036 http://piratebaysafe.me/
- 037 http://the-pirate-proxy.com/
- 038 http://quluxingba.info/
- 039 http://tpb.madfedora.site40.net/
- 040 http://tvbay.net/
- 041 http://pirateshore.org/
- 042 http://51tsj.com/
- 043 http://tpb.pusic.si/
- 044 http://tpb.360percents.com/
- 045 http://themusicbay.net/
- File Hosts
- 001 http://ul.to/
- 002 http://letitbit.net/
- 003 http://rapidgator.net/
- 004 http://rapidshare.com/
- 005 http://lix.in
- 006 http://hotfile.com/
- 007 http://www.filereactor.com/
- 008 http://depositfiles.com/
- 009 http://www.filejungle.com/
- 010 http://filepost.com/
- 011 http://www.mediafire.com
- 012 http://ryushare.com/
- 013 http://bitshare.com/ [FREE]
- 014 http://bayfiles.com/ [FREE]
- 015 http://wikisend.com/
- 016 http://www.4shared.com
- 017 http://hitfile.net/
- 018 http://www.uploadboost.com/
- 019 http://bitshare.com/ [FREE]
- 020 http://www.zippyshare.com/
- 021 http://oron.com/
- 022 http://hulkshare.com
- 023 http://www.filefactory.com/
- 024 http://www.files.to/
- 025 http://www.gigasize.com/
- 026 https://www.transferbigfiles.com/
- 027 http://www2.zshare.ma/ [FREE]
- 028 http://www.uploadmb.com
- 029 http://www.netload.in/
- 030 http://turbobit.net/
- 031 http://shareflare.net/
- 032 http://crocko.com/
- 033 http://extabit.com/
- 034 http://uploadstation.com/ [FREE]
- 035 http://longfiles.com/
- 036 http://premiumfresh.in/
- 037 http://upload.megashare.com/
- 038 http://www.multiupload.com/
- 039 http://uploading.com/
- 040 http://onmirror.com/
- 041 http://www.imzupload.com/
- 042 http://rcupload.com/
- 043 https://www.box.com/
- 044 http://www.putlocker.com/
- 045 http://www.ziddu.com/
- 046 http://filemates.com/
- 047 http://luckyshare.net/
- 048 http://www.speedyshare.com/ [FREE]
- 049 http://goldfile.eu/
- 050 https://www.furk.net/
- 051 http://www.xup.in/ [FREE]
- 052 http://www.share-online.biz/
- 053 http://uploads.ziddu.com/
- 054 http://ifile.it/upload-classic.html
- 055 http://www.sendspace.com/
- 056 http://www.enterupload.com/ [404'd]
- 057 http://www.madshare.com/
- 058 http://www.unibytes.com/
- 059 http://www.embedupload.com/
- 060 http://muchshare.net/ [FREE]
- 061 http://www.filehost.ws/ [404'd]
- 062 http://mirrorstack.com/
- 063 http://cramit.in/ [404'd]
- 064 http://brontofile.com/ [404'd]
- 065 http://www.sharebeast.com
- 066 http://www.datafilehost.com/
- 067 http://www.uloz.to/
- 068 http://upload-il.net/ [FREE]
- 069 http://minus.com/
- 070 http://www.squillion.com/ [404'd]
- 071 http://www.megafileupload.com/
- 072 http://filesave.me/ [FREE]
- 073 http://freakshare.com/
- 074 http://boltfile.com/
- 075 http://www.peejeshare.com/ [404'd]
- 076 http://uploadany.com/
- 077 http://bayfiles.com/ [FREE]
- 078 http://czshare.com/
- 079 http://glumbouploads.com/
- 080 http://www.yourfilelink.com/
- 081 http://www.webfilehost.com/
- 082 http://d-h.st/
- 083 http://megaswf.com/
- 084 http://www.filesonly.com/
- 085 http://www.filecargo.com/
- 086 http://www.upitus.net/
- 087 http://ghost.new-web.net/ [bullshit]
- 088 http://amonshare.com/
- 089 http://www.files2net.com/
- 090 http://fs01.info/
- 091 http://flashmirrors.com/
- 092 http://www.upload.tc/ [404'd]
- 093 http://400kb.com/ [404'd]
- 094 http://file.my/
- 095 http://www.mainshared.com/
- 096 http://www.mydatacase.com/
- 097 http://filerio.in/
- 098 http://www.filetolink.com/
- 099 http://filesratio.com/ [404'd]
- 100 http://wefile.org/
- 101 http://uberfile.us/ [404'd]
- 102 http://www.share.az/
- 103 http://www.xtraupload.co.nr/
- 104 http://upshare.ocom.pl/
- 105 http://sendshack.com/
- 106 http://extabit.com/ [404'd]
- 107 http://filestay.com/ [404'd]
- 108 http://fileking.co/ [404'd]
- 109 http://filedefend.com/ [404'd]
- 110 http://filerio.in/
- 111 http://lumfile.com/
- 112 http://filegag.com/ [bullshit]
- 113 http://verzend.be/
- 114 http://180upload.com/
- 115 http://gigapeta.com/
- 116 http://billionuploads.com/
- 117 http://www.nowdownload.ch/
- 118 http://nosupload.com/
- 119 http://upload.ugm.ac.id [404'd]
- 120 http://www.filesend.net/
- 121 http://www.fast-files.com/
- 122 http://www.uploadzeal.com/
- 123 http://k007.kiwi6.com/ [bullshit]
- 124 http://ftp.undip.ac.id/
- 125 http://hgfilehost.asia/ [404'd]
- 126 http://fileshare.in.ua/ [bullshit]
- 127 http://www.axifile.com/
- 128 http://wyslijto.pl/
- 129 http://www.shrta.com/
- 130 http://www.bonpoo.com/ [404'd]
- 131 http://file.bzlba.com/
- 132 http://www.ortofiles.com/
- 133 http://www.edisk.cz/
- 134 http://fleetupload.com/ [bullshit]
- 135 http://www.bin.ge/
- 136 http://www.filexoom.com/ [404'd]
- 137 http://ompldr.org/ [404'd]
- 138 http://www.upload.ee/
- 139 http://supload.com/
- 140 http://filecopter.net/ [404'd]
- 141 http://itzfree.com/ [bullshit]
- 142 http://www.uploadonall.com/
- 143 http://www.filesninja.in/upload-file
- 144 http://www.filedwon.com/
- 145 http://gbitfiles.com/ [404'd]
- 146 http://upload.yesspeed.com/
- 147 http://www.turtleshare.com/
- 148 http://www.gazup.com/
- 149 http://www.dashfile.com/ [404'd]
- 150 http://www.myuplbox.com/
- 151 http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/cgi-bin/upload.cgi
- 152 http://u-file.net/
- 153 http://drupload.net/ [404'd]
- 154 http://azsfile.info/ [404'd]
- 155 http://upload.ugm.ac.id/
- 156 http://upload.ng-multimedia.com/
- 157 http://up.adiga-pro.com/ [bullshit]
- 158 http://ge.tt/
- 159 http://upfile.me/
- 160 http://www.typhoonupload.com/ [INFECTED]
- 161 http://nutfile.com/
- 162 http://filesonly.com/ [404'd]
- 163 http://qfpost.com/ [404'd]
- 164 http://file4sharing.com/
- 165 http://yonderbit.com/index.html
- 166 http://www.filesbowl.com/index.html
- 167 http://www.3.file.am/
- 168 https://www.oteupload.com/ [404'd]
- 169 http://www.fileopic.com/ [404'd]
- 170 http://www.hellupload.com/ [INFECTED]
- 171 http://www.hostingbulk.com/ [bullshit]
- 172 http://freeuploaded.net
- 173 http://www.zzzfile.com/
- 174 http://savefile.to/ [404'd]
- 175 http://www.6upload.net/
- 176 http://www.uploadoo.com/
- 177 http://www.upsfile.com/
- 178 http://fshare.in/
- 179 http://www.filesfrog.net/ [not free]
- 180 http://www.file-wire.net/ [404'd]
- 181 http://www.load.to/
- 182 http://www.uploadboy.com/
- 183 http://www.spaadyshare.net/ [not free]
- 184 http://en.packupload.com/
- 185 http://share.yunfile.com/
- 186 http://sharefileland.com/
- 187 https://filr.ch/
- 188 http://www.krazyfile.com/ [404'd]
- 189 http://mygigaload.com/ [404'd]
- 190 http://cepzo.com
- 191 http://megafiles.se/
- 192 http://batshare.com/
- 193 http://filepak.com/ [404'd]
- 194 http://www.hyperfileshare.com/
- 195 http://derp.co.uk/
- 196 http://mup5.com/
- 197 http://www.easybytez.com/ [bullshit]
- 198 http://banashare.com/
- 199 http://filemoon.com/
- 200 http://filebeam.com/
- 201 http://restfile.bz/ [404'd]
- 202 http://filetrip.net/ [bullshit]
- 203 http://nosvideo.com/
- 204 http://upload.accudata.com/
- 205 http://www.wooftp.com/ [bullshit]
- 206 http://uploaduj.net/ [bullshit]
- 207 http://www.picaxo.com/
- 208 http://www.queenshare.com/
- 209 http://4fastfile.com/ [404'd]
- 210 http://www.senduit.com/
- 211 http://www.ugoupload.net/ [bullshit]
- 212 http://www.henchfile.com/
- 213 http://mongofiles.com/ [bullshit]
- 214 http://host03.pipebytes.com/
- 215 http://www.rmdown.com/
- 216 http://www.megafileupload.com/
- 217 http://amshare.co/ [bullshit]
- 218 http://ifile.ws/ [404'd]
- 219 http://www.247upload.com/ [bullshit]
- 220 http://filenuke.com/
- 221 http://www.uploadblast.com/
- 222 http://exoshare.com/ [bullshit]
- 223 http://megaload.it/ [404'd]
- 224 http://www.uploadc.com/ [bullshit]
- 225 http://www.dataport.cz/
- 226 http://s01.megarapid.eu/upload/
- 227 http://igetfile.com/
- 228 http://gigaup.fr/
- 229 http://www.eyesfile.ca/ [404'd]
- 230 http://dosya.tc/
- 231 http://uploadbud.com/ [404'd]
- 232 http://pandamemo.com/ [bullshit]
- 233 http://view.samurajdata.se/
- 234 http://fileb.ag/
- 235 http://www.blitzfiles.com/
- 236 http://dropcanvas.com/
- 237 http://earnupload.eu/ [bullshit]
- 238 http://freakshare.com/
- 239 http://hipfile.com/
- 240 http://jumbofiles.org/index
- 241 http://mafiastorage.com/
- 242 http://www.megafileupload.com/
- 243 http://eraupload.com/ [404'd]
- 244 http://uploadpie.com/
- 245 http://uploadhero.co/
- 246 http://www.filegagplus.com/ [bullshit]
- 247 http://ezzfile.co.nz/ [404'd]
- 248 http://swatupload.com/ [404'd]
- 249 http://filesr.us/ [404'd]
- 250 http://www.addshare.net/index
- 251 http://hugefiles.net/
- 252 http://sanshare.com/ [bullshit]
- 253 http://www.easyupload.tk/
- 254 http://engfiles.com/
- 255 http://www.uploadz.ws/
- 256 http://upload.mrtuan.us/
- 257 http://www.flootr.com/
- 258 http://www.rarload.com/
- 259 http://www.hulkload.com/ [bullshit]
- 260 http://www.ecfile.com/ [404'd]
- 261 http://u.mufff.in/
- 262 http://upload.theotherside.pl/index.php
- 263 http://depeshare.com/
- 264 http://365.com.my/ [404'd]
- 267 http://filz.us/
- 268 http://mukupload.com/ [bullshit]
- 269 http://uploadmaxx.com/ [404'd]
- 270 http://cyberlocker.ch/ [404'd]
- 271 http://upload.iyval.org/ [404'd]
- 272 http://www.xn--pgbgmp8efxn.net/
- 273 https://www.zeta-uploader.com/en
- 274 http://deeplates.pl/
- 275 http://www.davvas.com/ [404'd]
- 276 http://lui.li
- 277 https://upload.ph/
- 278 http://up.inet.ge/ [bullshit]
- 279 http://jimupload.com/ [404'd]
- 280 http://tishare.com/ [bullshit]
- 281 http://www.freestorage.ro/ [404'd]
- 282 http://instabyte.net/ [404'd]
- 283 http://www.swankshare.com/
- 284 http://www.hotupload.net/
- 285 http://onemillionfiles.com/ [404'd]
- 286 http://flexefile.com/ [404'd]
- 287 http://upload110.com/ [bullshit]
- 288 http://dl.zici.fr/ [bullshit]
- 289 http://dippedgarage.com/
- 290 http://www.braxupload.se/ [404'd]
- 291 http://upload2.arceb.us/ [bullshit]
- 292 http://sharebunkr.com/ [bullshit]
- 293 http://www.upload7.com/
- 294 http://ryltiberium.com/
- 295 http://filestore9.com/
- 296 http://www.lionupload.com/ [bullshit]
- 297 http://dulieu.4vn.eu/
- 298 http://www.putlocker.co.in/
- 299 http://upload.amc-clan.at/
- 300 http://www.sharedwe.com/
- 301 http://izsharing.net/ [404'd]
- 302 http://u00p.com/ [404'd]
- 303 http://potload.com/
- 304 http://duvaret.com/
- 305 http://alaboshate.com/ [404'd]
- 306 http://www.d4d.net/home [404'd]
- 307 https://secureupload.me/ [404'd]
- 308 http://kranshy.net/
- 309 http://files.egyknight.com/ [404'd]
- 310 http://share.dmaster.ru/
- 311 http://www.uploadhookup.com/index.php/home [404'd]
- 312 http://upload.zzr-forum.de/
- 313 http://omgperu.com/ [bullshit]
- 314 http://upload.gnserver.org/ [404'd]
- 315 http://amz.in.ua/up/home [bullshit]
- 316 http://upload.qevr.it/ [bullshit]
- 317 http://filecached.info/ [404'd]
- 318 http://www.mirfiles.co.uk/upload/ [bullshit]
- 319 http://www.uploadmini.com/
- 320 http://www.wrzuctotu.pl/index.php/ [glitched]
- 321 http://dl.j0ck3r.com/
- 322 http://misc.morris-family.us/ [404'd]
- 323 http://www.leechshare.com/ [glitched]
- 324 http://filebox.immux.net/ [404'd]
- 325 http://isacapo88.net16.net/ [glitched]
- 326 http://uploadjockey.com/ [bullshit]
- 327 http://p48-up.1k.fr/
- 328 http://apuntes.adasilva.com/ [404'd]
- 329 http://test.yuxuda.biz/
- 330 http://aydigital.net/upload/
- 331 http://www.starkindustries.cl/up/public/ [404'd]
- 332 http://share.ringo.cm/
- 333 http://datainman.com/ [404'd]
- 334 http://www.u-mm.com/upld/ [glitched]
- 335 http://yorapid.com/
- 336 http://files.sticed.com/ [404'd]
- 337 http://up.sef.ps/xu/home [bullshit]
- 338 http://qsend.it/home [bullshit]
- 339 http://file.whuz.biz/ [bullshit]
- 340 http://cosmicthings.com/hosting/home
- 341 http://makinazosite.com/sharesnow/index.php/home [404'd]
- 342 http://artica.es/f/index.php/
- 343 http://4lodzik.de/xu2/
- 344 http://www.upload-box.com/index.php/
- 345 http://bonnyworkplace.altervista.org/upload/ [bullshit]
- 346 http://maddin.ch/xu2-neu/ [bullshit]
- 347 http://xu2.eradigital.kom.my/
- 348 http://www.markusgolec.com/xu2/
- 349 http://www.fsagx.be/xu2/index.php/ [bullshit]
- 350 http://jurajbandzak.com/hosting/ [bullshit]
- 351 http://zxupload.techhimcom.ru/ [bullshit]
- 352 http://game.css-nkp.net//home
- 353 http://msfire.tk/
- 354 http://makinazosite.com/sharesnow/index.php/home
- 355 http://all3dfiles.com/home [bullshit]
- 356 http://bertholdsson.com/xu/public/
- 357 http://www.quickupdown.com/home [404'd]
- 358 http://document-space.com/index.php/home
- 359 http://jinker.org/upload/index.php/
- 360 http://files.bestmedia-omsk.ru/index.php/home
- 361 http://data.imitsch.eu/home [bullshit]
- 362 http://krivel5.freehostia.com/home [404'd]
- 363 http://upload.leonidlab.com/home [404'd]
- 364 http://files.sambuev.com/ [bullshit]
- 365 http://akeys.org/load/ [bullshit]
- 366 http://freeshare.nazuka.net/index.php/home [bullshit]
- 367 http://f.ishoo.ru/home [404'd]
- 368 http://files.wwqt.net/index.php/home
- 369 http://disk.yavtomske.ru/home [bullshit]
- 370 http://www.lacacao.com/files/index.php/ [bullshit]
- 371 http://0j0.net/dumbo5/xu2/index.php [404'd]
- 372 http://oncubasimevi.com/dosyayukleme/index.php/ [bullshit]
- 373 http://datenear.net/up2/home [404'd]
- 374 http://blakker.pl/ [404'd]
- 375 http://jauschnegg.eu/demo/xu2/ [404'd]
- 376 http://www.anafile.com/
- 377 http://megacache.net/
- 378 http://chasebackup.com/ [404'd]
- 379 http://www.files.co.hu/
- 380 http://fpsbay.com/upload
- 381 http://upstore.net/
- 382 http://www.zdosya.com/
- 383 http://server1.filesavr.com/
- 384 http://upload.83.io [404'd]
- 385 http://redload.net/
- 386 http://themediastorage.com/
- 387 http://datosgabriel.tk/box4/ [glitched]
- 388 http://www.almohandes.org/upload2/
- 389 http://1manban.com/upload/index.php/home [404'd]
- 390 http://www.filedropper.com/
- 391 http://mukino.pl/xu/index.php/ [404'd]
- 392 http://www.90upload.com/
- 393 http://www.fileflyer.com/
- 394 http://directxex.net/
- 395 http://uppit.com/
- 396 http://afup.biz/ [404'd]
- 397 http://uload.netii.net/index.php/home [bullshit]
- 398 http://www.trisomnia.com.ar/ [bullshit]
- 399 http://fileslab.com/home
- 400 http://files.kkhost.pl/index.php/
- 401 http://www.acds.net/ [bullshit]
- 402 http://isacapo88.net16.net/
- 403 http://descargas.citalin.com//index.php/home
- 404 http://dilip.justrohit.com/home
- 405 http://asgard.apec.org/home
- 406 http://terafile.co/
- 407 https://anonfiles.com/
- 408 http://www.ozupload.com/ [bullshit]
- 409 https://crocko.com/
- 410 http://www.uploadable.ch/
- 411 http://filedump.org/
- 412 http://turbobit.net/upload/old
- 413 http://www.hidemyass.com/upload/
- 414 http://free-uploading.com/
- 415 http://www.filepup.net/
- 416 http://mtop.ws/
- 417 http://www.thaicyberupload.com/
- 418 http://spicyfile.com/
- 419 http://filhg.com/
- 420 http://nitrobits.com/
- 421 http://expirebox.com/
- Leak Documents Here
- 01 http://pdf.yt/
- 02 http://y6xjgkgwj47us5ca.onion/
- 03 http://wntxyw6zdeos7ag6.onion/
- HUGE Security Resource version 6000
- http://cryptome.org/2012/08/huge-sec-v6000.txt
- http://pastebin.furver.se/6upr1i01m/
- http://www.miemala.com/paste?id=86
- http://slexy.org/view/s20vyYnqy5
- News / Security Websites
- 001 http://www.marketoracle.co.uk
- 002 http://www.thememoryhole.org
- 003 http://www.truthout.org
- 004 http://www.freepatentsonline.com
- 005 http://www.infowars.com/
- 006 http://www.infowars.net
- 007 http://www.prisonplanet.com/
- 008 http://www.truthnews.us/
- 009 http://www.wusa9.com
- 010 http://www.guardian.co.uk
- 011 http://cryptome.org/
- 012 http://cartome.org/
- 013 http://eyeball-series.org/
- 014 http://jya.com/
- 015 http://www.infoworld.com/
- 016 http://www.roguegovernment.com
- 017 http://www.blacklistednews.com
- 018 http://www.telegraph.co.uk
- 019 http://www.informationliberation.com
- 020 http://www.reuters.com/
- 021 http://business.theage.com.au
- 022 http://www.thestar.co.uk
- 023 http://www.moneymorning.com
- 024 http://www.dailymail.co.uk
- 025 http://www.theinternationalforecaster.com/
- 026 http://wikileaks.org
- 027 http://mirror.wikileaks.info/
- 028 http://wardiary.wikileaks.org/
- 029 http://www.americanfreepress.net
- 030 http://www.irishtimes.com/
- 031 http://rinf.com/
- 032 http://www.networkworld.com/
- 033 http://www.bloomberg.com
- 034 http://www.azfamily.com
- 035 http://jetpress.org
- 036 http://www.pensitoreview.com
- 037 http://www.data-archive.ac.uk
- 038 http://thinkprogress.org
- 039 http://www.presstv.ir
- 040 http://www.eff.org/
- 041 http://openfreedom.info
- 042 http://www.iht.com
- 043 http://www.khou.com/
- 044 http://www.roanoke.com/news/
- 045 http://www.africancrisis.co.za
- 046 http://www.biometrics.co.uk
- 047 http://aftermathnews.wordpress.com/
- 048 http://www.usmedicine.com/
- 049 http://www.fas.org/
- 050 http://www.usatoday.com/
- 051 http://www.abovetopsecret.com/
- 052 http://www.wanttoknow.info
- 053 http://www.themoscowtimes.com
- 054 http://apnews.myway.com
- 055 http://www.libertyforlife.com
- 056 http://www.news.com.au
- 057 http://www.knowthelies.com/
- 058 http://www.ft.com/
- 059 http://globalresearch.ca/
- 060 http://pubrecord.org/
- 061 http://www.whitehouse.gov/
- 062 http://www.techbriefs.com/
- 063 http://www.sundayherald.com/
- 064 http://www.russiatoday.com
- 065 http://www.opednews.com/
- 066 http://www.independent.co.uk
- 067 http://www.rense.com
- 068 http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/
- 069 http://rawstory.com/
- 070 http://www.americanchronicle.com/
- 071 http://news.scotsman.com/
- 072 http://www.ktva.com/
- 073 http://www.news8.net
- 074 http://www.news4us.com/
- 075 http://en.rian.ru
- 076 http://noworldsystem.com/
- 077 http://www.dawn.com/
- 078 http://www.reebok.com/
- 079 http://www.michiganmessenger.com/
- 080 http://waronyou.com/
- 081 http://www.stern.de
- 082 http://news.bbc.co.uk
- 083 http://www.bloomberg.com
- 084 http://www.realjewnews.com/
- 085 http://www.wired.com/
- 086 http://www.telemetryspectrum.org
- 087 http://0daynews.org
- 088 http://www.techgadgets.in
- 089 http://www.armytimes.com/
- 090 http://www.commondreams.org/
- 091 http://www.globalsecurity.org
- 092 http://biz.yahoo.com/
- 093 http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/
- 094 http://www.heyokamagazine.com/
- 095 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/
- 096 http://www.ocregister.com/
- 097 http://www.naturalnews.com/
- 098 http://www.etaiwannews.com/
- 099 http://www.wsws.org/
- 100 http://justgetthere.us/
- 101 http://www.cnbc.com
- 102 http://www.restoretherepublic.net/
- 103 http://canadianpress.google.com
- 104 https://www.flrules.org/
- 105 http://www.parentcentral.ca
- 106 http://www.newsdaily.com
- 107 http://www.thestreet.com/
- 108 http://www.bioinformatics.org
- 109 http://www.dissidentvoice.org
- 110 http://www.ynetnews.com/a
- 111 http://www.kgw.com/
- 112 http://www.connietalk.com/
- 113 http://www.muslimnews.co.uk
- 114 http://www.carolinajournal.com
- 115 http://www.examiner.com/news-info
- 116 http://www.denverpost.com/
- 117 http://muckrakerreport.com/
- 118 http://www.spacewar.com/
- 119 http://www.timesonline.co.uk
- 120 http://www.livescience.com/technology/
- 121 http://thefutureofthings.com/
- 122 http://www.allheadlinenews.com
- 123 http://www.allgov.com/
- 124 http://www.worldnetdaily.com/
- 125 http://www.ece.nus.edu.sg
- 126 http://www.oldthinkernews.com
- 127 http://palestinethinktank.com
- 128 http://www.tradingmarkets.com/
- 129 http://www.maannews.net
- 130 http://www.heritage.org
- 131 http://www.vnunet.com
- 132 http://www.tuscaloosanews.com
- 133 http://news.yahoo.com/
- 134 http://www.historycommons.org
- 135 http://therealmccain.com
- 136 http://www.mit-kmi.com
- 137 http://www.washingtontechnology.com
- 138 http://www.ynetnews.com
- 139 http://news.slashdot.org
- 140 http://www.aclweb.org/anthology-new
- 141 http://www.freepatentsonline.com
- 142 http://seclists.org/
- 143 http://business.theage.com.au/
- 144 http://www.courthousenews.com/
- 145 http://www.911truth.org
- 146 http://www.pensitoreview.com/
- 147 http://tech.slashdot.org/
- 148 http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/
- 149 http://techon.nikkeibp.co.jp/
- 150 http://www.alternet.org/
- 151 http://www.ireport.com/
- 152 http://www.airforcetimes.com/
- 153 http://www.airspacemag.com/
- 154 http://dickdestiny.com/
- 155 http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/
- 156 http://news.antiwar.com/
- 157 http://news.sky.com/
- 158 http://www.newsok.com/
- 159 http://www.washingtonpost.com/
- 160 http://www.newmediajournal.us/
- 161 http://www.eweek.com/
- 162 http://www.thelocal.de/
- 163 http://dailynightly.msnbc.msn.com/
- 164 http://www.azcentral.com
- 165 http://moneynews.com/
- 166 http://www.thefirstpost.co.uk/
- 167 http://www.businessinsider.com
- 168 http://www1.voanews.com/english/news/
- 169 http://www.c-spanvideo.org
- 170 http://www.corpwatch.org/
- 171 http://www.afghanconflictmonitor.org/
- 172 http://www.jtbaker.com/
- 173 http://healthhaven.com/
- 174 http://www.kaiserhealthnews.org/
- 175 http://www.gulfinthemedia.com/
- 176 http://www.govtrackinsider.com
- 177 http://pubs.acs.org/
- 178 http://truthforthebold.com/
- 179 http://www.ama-assn.org/amednews/
- 180 http://www.postindependent.com/
- 181 http://www.arabianbusiness.com
- 182 http://ftalphaville.ft.com
- 183 http://gulfnews.com
- 184 http://www.borsedubai.com
- 185 http://www.healthcare-now.org/
- 186 http://findarticles.com/
- 187 http://www.aafp.org/
- 188 http://247wallst.com/
- 189 http://www.zerohedge.com/
- 190 http://www.mynews4.com/
- 191 http://www.newsmax.com/
- 192 http://abcnews.go.com/
- 193 http://thomas.loc.gov/
- 194 http://www.eringer33.com/
- 195 http://www.theskanner.com/
- 196 http://www.myvidster.com/
- 197 http://www.bi-me.com/
- 198 http://www.wired.com/
- 199 http://maxkeiser.com/
- 200 http://www.news-spider.com/
- 201 http://www.goldshark.com/
- 202 http://cei.org/newsroom
- 203 http://www.watoday.com.au
- 204 http://www.itwire.com/
- 205 http://www.thepeninsulaqatar.com/
- 206 http://fraudtalk.blogspot.com/
- 207 http://www.techdirt.com
- 208 http://www.asiantribune.com/
- 209 http://www.goldseek.com/
- 210 http://www.shtfplan.com
- 211 http://www.leraweb.org
- 212 http://dailycaller.com/
- 213 http://sgtreport.com
- 214 http://www.battlecreekenquirer.com/
- 215 http://www.newgeography.com/
- 216 http://www.koreatimes.co.kr
- 217 http://www.dodbuzz.com/
- 218 http://blog.cyberwar.nl/
- 219 http://uncoverthenews.com/
- 220 http://www.debka.com/
- 221 http://risky.biz/
- 222 http://cyberwar.nl/
- 223 http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/index.html
- 224 http://www.findthatfile.com/
- 225 http://www.archive.org/web/web.php
- 226 http://tesfanews.net/
- 227 http://www.net-security.org
- 228 http://www.blizzhackers.cc/
- 229 http://wattsupwiththat.com
- 230 http://www.dnainfo.com/
- 231 http://txtor.dwerg.net/
- 232 http://lists.randombit.net/mailman/listinfo/cryptography
- 233 http://lists.randombit.net
- 234 http://www.infowarrior76.com/INFOWARRIOR.html
- 235 http://nakedsecurity.sophos.com
- 236 http://www.post-gazette.com
- 237 http://www.ctnewsjunkie.com/
- 238 http://cryptocomb.org/
- 239 http://www.oddnewstoday.com/
- 240 http://www.e-ir.info/
- 241 http://mikephilbin.blogspot.com
- 242 http://www.rollcall.com
- 243 http://www.qcsunonline.com/
- 244 http://1worldcurrency.net/
- 245 http://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/
- 246 http://www.stansberryresearch.com/
- 247 http://www.nation.co.ke
- 248 http://goodtimesweb.org
- 249 http://www.inquisitr.com/
- 250 http://sadhillnews.com
- 251 http://www.sciencedaily.com/
- 252 http://climatedepot.com/
- 253 http://naturalsociety.com/
- 254 http://www.komonews.com
- 255 http://buggedplanet.info/index.php
- 256 http://www.newser.com
- 257 http://www.real-science.com
- 258 http://www.ticotimes.net
- 259 http://thedailybell.com/
- 260 http://www.filehostnews.com/
- 261 http://fffff.at/fuck-google/
- 262 http://www.lewrockwell.com
- 263 http://www.deseretnews.com/
- 264 http://www.economyincrisis.org/
- 265 http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com
- 266 http://www.bradblog.com/
- 267 http://fukushima-diary.com/
- 268 http://www.commodityonline.com
- 269 http://www.dw-world.de
- 270 http://iwpr.net/
- 271 http://web.archive.org
- 272 http://wlstorage.net/
- 273 http://www.infiniteunknown.net
- 274 http://definitions.dictionary.net/
- 275 http://www.newworldorderreport.com/
- 276 http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/
- 277 http://www.thiscantbehappening.net/
- 278 http://www.indymedia.ie
- 279 http://torrentfreak.com/
- 280 http://dirtycopsmustregister.com/
- 281 http://www.fff.org/
- 282 http://www.canadiantyranny.com/
- 283 http://tsaoutofourpants.wordpress.com/
- 284 http://www.stanfordlawreview.org/online/privacy-paradox
- 285 http://mwcnews.net/
- 286 http://junkscience.com/
- 287 http://worldtomorrow.wikileaks.org/
- 288 http://blog.alexanderhiggins.com
- 289 http://www.uaff.us/uaff_news_2012.htm
- 290 http://www.chris-floyd.com/
- 291 http://sinclairnews.net/
- 292 http://www.lsnewsgroup.com
- 293 http://www.terminalx.org/
- 294 http://thehackernews.com
- 295 http://enenews.com/
- 296 http://alt-market.com/
- 297 http://www.indian-military.org/
- 298 http://infojustice.org/home
- 299 http://whistleblower.org/
- 300 http://redtape.msnbc.msn.com
- 301 http://www.krmg.com/categories/news/
- 302 http://blog.alexanderhiggins.com/
- 303 http://www.businessspectator.com
- 304 http://www.andyworthington.co.uk
- 305 http://www.pacc-news.com
- 306 http://www.financialsense.com/
- 307 http://kingworldnews.com/
- 308 http://www.legislativegazette.com/
- 309 http://ppjg.me/
- 310 http://planet.infowars.com/
- 311 http://zone-h.org/
- 312 http://explosivereports.com/
- 313 http://www.japantoday.com
- 314 http://www.information-age.com/
- 315 http://theintelhub.com/bilderberg-2012/
- 316 http://www.infowars.com/bilderberg2012/
- 317 http://www.ustream.tv/
- 318 http://www.lfjournal.com/
- 319 http://www.truthdig.com/
- 320 https://ameristroika.wordpress.com/
- 321 http://chasvoice.blogspot.com/
- 322 http://israelspy.com/
- 323 http://tarpley.net/
- 324 http://www.strategic-culture.org/
- 325 http://www.state.gov/
- 326 http://news.ycombinator.com/
- 327 http://chasvoice.blogspot.com/
- 328 http://www.youtube-mp3.org/
- 329 http://www.coverthistory.com
- 330 http://blog.tenthamendmentcenter.com
- 331 http://theintelligencenews.com/
- 332 http://www.hsaj.org/
- 333 http://euobserver.com/
- 334 http://cryptocomb.org/Phoenix%20Tapes.html
- 335 http://www.newsdiffs.org/browse | www.newsdiffs.org
- 336 http://not4attribution.blogspot.co.uk/
- 337 http://threatpost.com
- 338 http://www.securityworldnews.com
- 339 http://thelibertymill.com/
- 340 http://iraq-war.ru
- 341 http://dealbook.nytimes.com/
- 342 http://stackoverflow.com/
- 343 http://www.ethicalhacker.net/
- 344 http://anarkos.info/
- 345 http://www.thebureauinvestigates.com/
- 346 http://cryptodox.com/
- 347 http://labornotes.org
- 348 http://mondoweiss.net/
- 349 https://piazzadcara.wordpress.com/
- 350 http://par-anoia.net/releases.html
- 351 http://sdiwc.net/digital-library/
- 352 http://whistle.is/
- 353 http://leaks-db.hacktalk.net/
- 354 http://ozdc.net/
- 355 https://secure.cryptome.us/
- 356 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php
- 357 http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/
- 358 http://www.cyberwarnews.info/
- 359 http://wcitleaks.org/
- 360 http://www.nanowerk.com
- 361 http://progressillinois.com
- 362 http://www.illinoiscarry.com/
- 363 http://www.preventdisease.com/
- 364 http://thecrowscrew.org/news.html
- 365 http://hack-db.com/
- 366 http://bwcentral.org/
- 367 http://www.dailybinarynews.com
- 368 http://falkvinge.net/
- 369 http://torrentcrazy.com/news/all
- 370 http://www.blackredmedia.com
- 371 http://www.gunreports.com/news/
- 372 http://www.scmagazine.com.au/
- 373 http://patriotupdate.com/
- 374 http://cyberwarzone.com/
- 375 http://www.nettime.org/archives.php
- 376 http://www.publicintegrity.org
- 377 https://citizenlab.org/
- 378 http://www.informationweek.com/
- 379 http://newsbusters.org/
- 380 http://healthfreedoms.org/
- 381 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
- 382 http://www.dronejournalismlab.org/
- 383 http://www.nj.com/
- 384 http://proxy.rickmartensen.nl/dealbook.nytimes.com/
- 385 http://proxy.rickmartensen.nl/www.globalresearch.ca/
- 386 http://www.outdoorhub.com/
- 387 http://techliberation.com/
- 388 http://www.cbsnews.com/
- 389 http://txchnologist.com/
- 390 http://squidblacklist.org/
- 391 http://livingunderdrones.org/
- 392 http://civiliansinconflict.org/
- 393 http://crnbuzz.com/
- 394 http://stormcloudsgathering.com/
- 395 http://freakoutnation.com/
- 396 https://pandaunite.org/
- 397 http://proxy.rickmartensen.nl/cyberwarzone.com/
- 398 http://jonathanturley.org
- 399 http://www.prnewswire.com/
- 400 http://www.libertygarage.us/
- 401 http://farmwars.info/
- 402 http://www.propublica.org/
- 403 http://globalpoliticalawakening.blogspot.com
- 404 http://defense-update.com/
- 405 http://avn.org.au/
- 406 http://www.hangthebankers.com/
- 407 http://socioecohistory.wordpress.com/
- 408 http://financialsurvivalnetwork.com/
- 409 http://neworder.box.sk/
- 410 http://www.phrack.org
- 411 http://www.hackipedia.org/
- 412 http://www.pakalertpress.com
- 413 http://stopthecyborgs.org/
- 414 http://www.illsecure.com/
- 415 http://cryptojunky.com/
- 416 https://leaksource.wordpress.com/
- 417 http://www.sott.net/
- 418 http://ungunban.nationalgunrights.org/
- 419 http://wiki.digital-forensic.org
- 420 http://etfdailynews.com/
- 421 http://wipkip.nikhef.nl/events/
- 422 http://chillingeffects.org/
- 423 http://smallwarsjournal.com/
- 424 http://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/
- 425 http://exiledonline.com/
- 426 http://hackread.com/
- 427 http://paranoia.dubfire.net/
- 428 http://www.infidelbodyarmor.com/
- 429 http://off-the-wall-security.blogspot.com/
- 430 http://www.icij.org/offshore
- 431 http://www.offshorealert.com/
- 432 http://textfiles.com/
- 433 http://search.wikileaks.org/plusd/index.php
- 434 http://politicalfailblog.com/
- 435 http://proxy.rickmartensen.nl/www.icij.org
- 436 http://www.socialistworld.net/
- 437 http://www.stopillegalmayors.com/
- 438 http://www.prepper-resources.com/
- 439 http://www.hstoday.us/
- 440 https://georgiebc.wordpress.com/
- 441 http://youranonnews.tumblr.com/
- 442 http://www.storyleak.com/
- 443 http://www.megapastebin.com.ar/last-pastes.html
- 444 http://spreadlibertynews.com/
- 445 http://amresolution.com/
- 446 http://www.setyoufreenews.com/
- 447 http://www.darkgovernment.com
- 448 http://www.emptywheel.net/
- 449 http://www.dailymaverick.co.za/
- 450 http://www.securityinfowatch.com/
- 451 http://www.onthemedia.org
- 452 http://www.northwestlibertynews.com/
- 453 http://www.andyworthington.co.uk/
- 454 http://www.eastvalleytribune.com/
- 455 http://www.tradeaidmonitor.com/
- 456 http://www.fightforthefuture.org/
- 457 http://www.nhforliberty.com/
- 458 http://proxy.rickmartensen.nl/www.cdt.org/
- 459 http://www.naplesnews.com/
- 460 http://grahamcluley.com/
- 461 http://www.dailypaul.com/
- 462 http://wbracken.wordpress.com/
- 463 http://raisethefist.com/index1.html
- 464 https://secure.netsolhost.com/cryptome.org/index.html
- 465 http://www.bilderbergfringefestival.co.uk/
- 466 http://www.richardsilverstein.com/
- 467 http://pastebin.com/trends
- 468 http://www.schneier.com
- 469 http://vibol.hou.cc/
- 470 http://www.theprisma.co.uk/
- 471 https://prism-break.org/
- 472 http://web.archive.org/
- 473 http://comsecllc.blogspot.com/
- 474 http://www.usnews.com/news/blogs/dotmil
- 475 http://williamaarkin.wordpress.com/
- 476 http://gosh.msfn.org/
- 477 http://www.policecrimes.com/
- 478 http://americandictators.blogspot.com/
- 479 http://guncontrolkills.us/
- 480 http://thepensivequill.am/
- 481 http://wakeup-world.com/
- 482 http://modernsurvivalblog.com/
- 483 http://warforourmind.com/
- 484 https://ssd.eff.org/
- 485 http://antiprism.eu
- 486 http://blog.cryptographyengineering.com/
- 487 http://whatthegovernmentcantdoforyou.com/
- 488 http://www.redressonline.com/
- 489 https://www.quickleak.org/last-pastes.html
- 490 http://pastebin.com/u/OpBanksters
- 491 http://anonymous.livelyblog.com/
- 492 http://www.nraila.org/
- 493 http://www.racelinecentral.com/
- 494 http://defcad.com/
- 495 http://mediafreedominternational.org
- 496 http://www.4thmedia.org/
- 497 http://www.silverbearcafe.com/
- 498 http://www.boilingfrogspost.com
- 499 http://rt.com/
- 500 http://www.veteranstoday.com/
- 501 http://newsworldwide.wordpress.com/
- 502 http://resources.infosecinstitute.com/
- 503 http://goldstocksforex.com/
- 504 http://www.washingtonsblog.com/
- 505 http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/
- 506 http://offgridsurvival.com/
- 507 http://endthelie.com/
- 508 http://www.fluoridealert.org
- 509 http://hacksperger.wordpress.com
- 510 http://www.captainsjournal.com/
- 511 http://www.activistpost.com/
- 512 http://www.crooksandliars.com/
- 513 http://www.wikileaks-forum.com/
- 514 http://www.weeklystandard.com/
- 515 http://www.dailydot.com/
- 516 http://wipkip.nikhef.nl/events/
- 517 http://freedomoutpost.com
- 518 http://freebeacon.com/
- 519 http://distrowatch.com/
- 520 http://dronesurvivalguide.org/
- 521 http://thecommonsenseshow.com/
- 522 http://www.canadianliberty.com/
- 523 http://www.libertynewsonline.com/
- 524 http://www.tscm.com/
- 525 http://english.people.com.cn/
- 526 http://benswann.com/
- 527 http://www.youtube.com/user/MAINEPREPPER
- 528 http://lionsofliberty.com/
- 529 http://www.lonestarxrayshielding.com/
- 530 http://privacysos.org/
- 531 http://www.independentsentinel.com/
- 532 http://www.prepperwebsite.com/
- 533 http://www.thesurvivalistblog.net/
- 534 https://firstlook.org/theintercept/
- 535 http://dccrimestories.com/
- 536 http://www.ora.tv/offthegrid
- 537 http://libertymaniacs.com/
- 538 http://www.againstcronycapitalism.org/
- 539 http://downtrend.com/
- 540 http://www.policestateusa.com/
- 541 http://clashdaily.com
- 542 http://www.know-vaccines.org/
- 543 http://goldenjackass.com/
- 544 http://revolution-news.com/
- 545 http://bearingarms.com
- 546 http://www.americasfreedomfighters.com/
- 547 https://mercid.wordpress.com/
- 548 http://teapartynation.com/
- 549 https://protonmail.ch/
- 550 http://hackersnewsbulletin.com
- 551 http://www.goldreporter.de/
- 552 http://shtfschool.com
- 553 http://www.askaprepper.com/
- 554 https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1874173687/cryptome-global-archives
- 555 http://cryptomeorg.siteprotect.net/
Posted by Anonymous on Wed 11th Jun 2014 18:09
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