- November 12, 2023
- After 1:40 a.m. California, United States time
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++ I WILL be MURDERED, by corrupt law enforcement, November 14, 2023, to shut me up, about being s*x trafficked ++++++++++++++++++++++++
- Don't forget, myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Maxim Integrated Products (120 San Gabriel Dr, Sunnyvale, CA 94086) / Analog Devices (3550 N 1st St. San Jose, CA 95134), Mike Hess, was on prozac, at one point, and g*d knows what else, had a dominatrix (supposedly a graduate of San Jose State University (1 Washington Sq, San Jose, CA 95192), in biology ?, who went by Crystal Gayle (I spoke to her on the phone, once), had a fully loaded, unlocked g*n, under his bed, that was *not* in any type of lock box, had s*x with a male professor (San Jose State University) that resided in Santa Cruz , kept albums full of pictures of women he "dated" (more like r*ped), called those womens families during Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc, bought used p*nties, that he had sent through USPS, was at Brass Rail (Sunnyvale)(160 Persian Dr, Sunnyvale, CA 94089), the Kitkat Club (now Cheetahs Gentlemans Club (907 E Arques Ave. Sunnyvale, CA 94085), The Pink Poodle (328 S Bascom Ave, San Jose, CA 95128), HipHugger 1053 E El Camino Real, Sunnyvale, CA 94086, etc, all the time (likely, recruiting women to be escorts / courtesans / ladies of the night), paid women for s*x at Grand Central Sauna & Hot Tub (376 Saratoga Ave, San Jose, CA 95129)(in an effort to recruit ?), likely took my passport, wanted me to have s*x with his MIP colleague (drove a Jeep Wrangler), attended s*x and love addicts anonymous (another recruitment place ?), and got his m*th from Kathy (Olive Garden (2515 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, CA 94306), bartender, Safeway employee (terminated for holding onto a check for Vicky (Vicky, at one point had been a body builder, was on Prozac, drank herself into oblivion, to deal with not sleeping, from the Prozac), and bragged about stuffing beer bottles up her you know what. Kathy also was an escort / lady of the night / courtesan, introduced me to someone that she said had 2 Uterus, and was evidently her cousin, and, had a girlfriend (girl that was a friend), that worked for Mary Kay, and attended Mills college (5000 MacArthur Blvd, Oakland, CA 94613), when it had been a womans college. The grandfather of myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, , r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander.+, @georgewherbert / George W Herbert, &, Richard Lyon Herbert, was a chemistry professor at Mills College (https://www.nytimes.com/1964/03/22/archives/alice-wistar-married-to-george-l-herbert.html). Originally, he hailed fron New Jersey (http://waywiser.fas.harvard.edu/people/5429/richard-wistar;jsessionid=2042EDC8D374467673B730744CBE6815, https://books.google.com/books?id=Mj8vAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA232&lpg=PA232&dq=%22Richard+Wistar%22+%22Mills+College%22&source=bl&ots=H1NblQ95NE&sig=ACfU3U1bPf1pJfvGSpLUomcA4oPW1cvOMg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi1xbOYi7uCAxUAL0QIHYIsBr44FBDoAXoECAQQAw#v=onepage&q=%22Richard%20Wistar%22%20%22Mills%20College%22&f=false, https://web.stanford.edu/class/history268/env%20history/pdfs/lnd_use_srvy_1961_.pdf, https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/cen-v036n010.p134, "Born in Woodbury, New Jersey, in 1903") (which myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, , r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander.+, Alexandra Battagin / Alexandra Dragonetti, and corrupt doj, pretending to be a doctor, Ari Kriegsman (https://d-e125.org/alumni-athletic.html, "Ari Kriegsman 1992. Ari Kriegsman. Class of 1992-Honored 2002. Dwight-Englewood ... Located in Englewood, New Jersey, Dwight-Englewood is a greater New York"), have in common with the grandfather. Both of them have resided in New Jersey, at some point.
- Then again, myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Alexandra Battagin / Alexandra Dragonetti, has a cousin / dad / brother ?, John Dragonetti (https://www.johndragonetti.com/), with an attorney, that has an office 'down the street", from the celebrity manager cousin of myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander.+, @georgewherbert / George W Herbert, &, Richard Lyon Herbert. The wife on the celebrity manager cousin, gave him an ultimatum. Quit the illegal dr*gs, and go to therapy, or she would divorce him
- Oh wait, myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, David battagin, has a cray cray mom, that has resides in myredbook. com, republican, felonious, Berkeley, California (https://www.mylife.com/jeanne-battagin/e40123400160), where myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, @georgewherbert / George W Herbert graduated from myredbook. com, republican, felonious University of California, at Berkeley (University Avenue and, Oxford St., Berkeley, CA 94720). That's right, Cary Kriegsman (https://calbears.com/sports/football/roster/cary-kriegsman/6387) attended myredbook. com, republican, felonious University of California, at Berkeley, as well. And here is myredbook. com, republican, stalker, cyberstalker, perjurer, solicitor of perjury, 422 pc death threat maker, libel writer, slanderer, etc, Yourvictorygirl / thegildedrose / Rubyrose / Ruby Rose, Ruby Kriegsman, @lubylarue (second link, BERKELEY) (https://www.theeroticreview.com/reviews/ruby-4155598672-23319/, https://www.theeroticreview.com/reviews/retro-rose---gilded-rose-5106843061-162303/, https://twitter.com/lubylarue/status/1568547356, https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-agustine-crush-cancer, https://www.whitepages.com/name/Ruby-Pratt/CA (BERKELEY, GRASS VALLEY, NEVADA CITY), https://sfburlesque.blogspot.com/2008/06/monday-june-30-hubba-hubba-uptown.html)
- https://pastelink.net/display?q=8r4c
- And, here is Shelly Nealon, https://quiltedbliss.com/, https://www.truepeoplesearch.com/find/person/p4un2urr8nnulu6u8l08, https://www.facebook.com/shelley.nealon/ ?, graduate of myredbook. com, republican, felonious, Stanford University, and the Renbarger gang (https://www.facebook.com/shawn.renbarger/). The sister of myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Eric Nealon seems to be married to Shawn Renbarger. No worries, myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Eric Nealon, Chevys (2116 W El Camino Real, Mountain View, CA 94040), Cattlemans ( 502 Ross Dr, Sunnyvale, CA 94089), Black Angus (1011 Blossom Hill Rd, San Jose, CA 95123), NPI (https://www.linkedin.com/in/eric-nealon-bob042142), Eric Nealon is part of the Top Hatters Motorcycle Club. Reminder, the nasty server from Sundance Palo Alto (1921 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, CA 94306) (myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, a myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, attended myredbook. com, republican, felonious De Anza Junior College (21250 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014), just like myredbook. com, etc, republican, felon, etc, Eric Nealon. THE MYREDBOOK. COM, REPUBLICAN, FELON, ETC, SERVER, Roy, that drove a dark blue, or black SUV, that lived on a Cul De Sac, in Sunnyvale, with Asian American bartender housemate. The same myredbook. com, republican, felonious, Sundance restuarant, that was one of the first three restaurants, that myedbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Richard Lyon Herbert took me to. Then, there's the myredbook dot com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, English professor friend, of myredbook . com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, South Lake Tahoe, Elmer Sanborn, that taught at De Anza, lived off of ? Blossom Hill (had one or two dogs), that ran at myredbook. com, republican, felonious Los Gatos High (20 High School Ct, Los Gatos, CA 95030), with Elmer Sanborn. Myredbook . com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Eric nealon, sent his myredbook . com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, buddy to MacArthur Park Restaurant and Bar (27 University Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94301), to prevent me from talking about what I knew / know. Who could forget his (Eric Nealon) myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, , r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander.+, buddies, Sydney (son of Italian restaurant proprietors, in myredbook. com, republican, felonious, Santa Clara (95051), or, myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Marc Masek, at myredbook. com, republican, felonious La Mere Michelle (14467 Big Basin Way. Saratoga, CA 95070)
- Oops, that's right, the grandmother of myredbook. com, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Eric Nealon, Chevys (2116 W El Camino Real, Mountain View, CA 94040), Cattlemans ( 502 Ross Dr, Sunnyvale, CA 94089), Black Angus (1011 Blossom Hill Rd, San Jose, CA 95123), NPI (https://www.linkedin.com/in/eric-nealon-bob042142), Eric Nealon, attended Castilleja all girls school (1310 Bryant St, Palo Alto, CA 94301), just like myredbook. com, republican, pretending to be a democrat, not who she presents herself as, Kim Flomenhoft (https://www.linkedin.com/in/kim-flomenhoft-828b0711). Sometimes, I spent as many as 4 days a week at the home of the Flomenhofts, before they left California to go to North Carolina, before returning to myredbook. com, republican, felonious as all h*ll, Los Gatos, California. I spent between a week, and a month, at their Calaveras summer "hideout" with them as well, slept over at their house, attended a Ziggy Marley Concert, in San Francisco, with Kim, on a school night, went to a dance sponsored by Castilleja with Kim, and another friend of hers, met Milla Jovovich at Castilleja, and spent a weekend skiing with Kim, and Michelle Kneip, in Tahoe (I had to play peacekeeper, for a while. By the end, Kim and Michelle, were fine, and sitting together on the chair lifts together, going down the slopes together, and laughing at me, when I had to slide down on my rear end, when the snow turned to ice, at the end of the day). The dad of Kim Flomenhoft, Mark Flomenhoft (https://semiwiki.com/eda/2836-a-brief-history-of-tangent-systems/), sat on boards with Larry Sonsini, of myredbook. com, republican, felonious, Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich, and Rosatti. My mother, Greta Torp Watson, played tennis with the late Barbara Sonsini (https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/name/barbara-sonsini-obituary?pid=190863434) (and I spent quite a bit of time at their home, in Los Altos Hills). She taught at myredbook. com, republican, felonious as all h*ll, Cupertino High School (10100 Finch Ave, Cupertino, CA 95014), where canNOT be an attorney (moral turpitude) (https://dictionary.findlaw.com/definition/moral-turpitude.html), myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Alex Prazma (main suspect, back then, in the June 8 1992 attempt on my life) got booted to after being botted from myedbook. com, republican, felonious, Mountain View High (3535 Truman Ave, Mountain View, Ca, 94040)
- Next up is, myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Bernard Pailma (https://www.paloaltoonline.com/news/2019/12/31/after-six-decades-palo-alto-sandwich-standby-village-cheese-house-closes, https://www.linkedin.com/in/bernardpailma), that took female servers to raves in San Francisco, got them high on tons of pot, ecstasy, lsd, and, who knows what else, while a manager at Chevys Mountain View, and general manager at Chevys Sunnyvale. 100% chance that none of the servers has any clue what happened to them at the raves, or, after the raves. Myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Bernard Pailma, at 7722 Ginger Pl Gilroy, CA 95020, has only been 1.7 miles from the property of the myredbook. com, republican, Herbert, Mob family members, at 8588 Silvia St, Gilroy, CA 95020
- Biggest pot dealer, at myredbook. com, republican, felonious, as all h*ll, Mountain View High (3535 Truman Ave, Mountain View, Ca, 94040), Anita, coming back into my life, at around the time of myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Eric Nealon, was all myredbook. com, republican, felonious, as all h*ll, Mountain View High (3535 Truman Ave, Mountain View, Ca, 94040), @mcmtnviewpd / Mike Canfield (now biggest felon chief of police, in the history of the United States). &, myedbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +,@mcmtnviewpd / Mike Canfield was also behind one of the former students at myredbook. com, republican, felonious Mountain View high (3535 Truman Ave, Mountain View High, 94040), bartending on Castro Street, and another former student (Theresa ?) working at a book store on Castro Street
- Would be remiss not to mention, that NOT a server, NOT a car salesman, "David Cipriano" (https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-cipriano-57642b24) is a NARC, THREATENED my life, on the phone to my dad (was placed under FAKE arrest by the myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander.+, that call themselves police, at 1000 Villa St, Mountain View, CA 94041, and, then given the apartment, that was IN MY NAME !!!!!! That's how I met myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Olive Garden bartender, etc, escort / lady of the night / courtesan Kathy. The entire thing was premeditated, and, orchestrated by all the myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander.+,mentioned here, so far. Also, NOT a server, NOT a car salesman, "David Cipriano" (https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-cipriano-57642b24), attempted to get me to live in apartment full of pot (way back when), before pot was decriminalized at the state level, offering me free rent in exchange. Additionally, withOUT telling myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, NOT a server, NOT a car salesman, "David Cipriano" (https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-cipriano-57642b24) where I had moved to in Cupertino, all of a sudden he showed up at my door (and, appeared, out of nowhere, when I was at the library, twice, in Redwood City (1044 Middlefield Rd, Redwood City, CA 94063), and at the Kmart, on Delaware, in San Mateo). "David Cipriano", is in fact a NARC / undercover, and has worked with myredbook. com, republican, felon, etc, Beth Kriegsman (https://www.stonybrookmedicine.edu/hamptonsobgyn/about/physicians-staff/Beth-Kriegsman-CNM), at myredbook. com, republican, felonious, as all h*ll, University of California, at San Francisco (505 Parnassus Ave, San Francisco, Ca)
- On to myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander, +, "Rachel Cipriano" (https://www.linkedin.com/in/rachelcipriano, https://theorg.com/org/scene-health/org-chart/rachel-cipriano-mamc, https://veripages.com/profile/Rachel-Cipriano/G2DECkHB,
- 1536 Stone Vly Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89183), and non existent John Doffing / fake Walls360 / Walls 360 (5054 Bond St, Las Vegas, NV 89118) / fake bigallgraphics / big wall graphics (actually John Wilson junior (grandson, of the late John Wilson, of myredbook. com, republican, felonious, as all h*ll, Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich, and Rosati). They have lived / resided, and/or worked less than 20 minutes from one another
- Along with all that, the supposed nephew of Clidean Sliger, Frank Pacheco (https://www.truepeoplesearch.com/find/person/pl4029u2l9ur94894uu2) (who s*xually assaulted me), that I never met in my life, came looking for me, in downtown San Jose, California, one day. I had been petting some feral kittens. He convinced me to come meet this woman (turned on to be lady of the night / escort, Clidean Sliger). A young woman, between age 17, and age 20, that called herself Jules, that presumably is / was friends with myredbook. com, republican, stalker, solicitor of stalking, cyberstalker, solicitor of cyberstalking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacking, solicitor of attacking, etc, Brytne Sliger, who called herself a dominatrix (Jules) confirmed Clidean Sliger (https://www.truepeoplesearch.com/find/person/p248962r40099r06u680) was an escort / lady of the night, on sites like myredbook. com. The parents (mom, and dad) of Jules, attended myredbook. com, republican, felonious Stanford University. "This gets good", at this point. Turns out, myredbook. com, republican, felon, lady of the night / courtesan, stalker, solcitor of stalking, cyberstalker, solicitor of cyberstalking, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, etc, Clidean Sliger IS FRIENDS with myredbook. com, republican, felonious, 3535 Truman Ave, Mountain View High, and Blach Junior High (1120 Covington Rd, Los Altos, Ca, 94024), Leslie Johnson. There was a group of us that ate lunch together out on the curb, in front of the band building, at myredbook. com, republican, felonious, Mountian View High (3535 Truman Ave, Mountain View High), that at various points, included (myredbook. com, republican, felon, etc) @smittyhalbut / Mark Smith, Leslie Johnson, Letha Pease, Ryan Pease, Jill Jensky, Jordy Jensky, now republican, Gina Fulks (who removed candy from a box, and replaced the candy with chocolate covered ants, before handing that over to Lillian Carmichael), and Laurie Hollenbeck / Laurie Jamal. Laurie Hollenbeck, at one point started a rumor that I called my brothers then girlfriend, Melissa Nyrhila a sl*t, wh*re, tr*mp, etc. For months, the entire student body turned on me, and people came up to me, and threatened my life to my face. Melissa, herself, even threatened my life, over the phone, with my mom listening. Melissa was subsequently banned from the house, for about a month. At another point, Laurie Hollenbeck started another rumor. Some girl named Jennifer had started hanging out, with the group at lunch. Jennifer, one day, decided to attempt to beat me up. I invited her to walk with me, to the deans office. When Jennifer started swinging at me, on the way to the deans office, I opened my diet coke can, and dumped the diet coke on her. She kept swinging. I dumped my second diet coke, on her. She had been wearing all white. In the end, Jennifer was suspended. Anyway, myredbook. com, republican, stalker, solicitor of stalking, cyberstalker, solicitor of cyberstalking, etc, etc, Brytne Sliger (who used to sleep 3 to 4 hours a night, scream at her mom, at the top of her lungs, for about 12 hours a day, when they were both home (otherwise, about 5 to 8 hours), and and slam everything, and everything at the walls (because she wanted things like a $400 hair straightener), evidently married a friend of myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Eric Nealon. The now ex husband of myredbook. com, republican, felon, stalker, solicitor of stalking, cyberstalker, solicitor of cyberstalking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, etc, Brytne Sliger, worked at Valin, with myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Eric Nealon.
- Who could forget, myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, "Mr I drive a white Volvo, live within a 1 minute walk from Castro street (94040), related to the owners of Eddies g*n shop (Eddy's Shooting Sports, 400 Moffett Blvd STE F, Mountain View, CA 94043, https://m.facebook.com/p/Eddys-Shooting-Sports-100063314612813/). Felon attended myredbook. com, republican, felonious, Mountain View High (3535 Truman Ave, Mountain View High, 94040)
- Then, there is extraordinarily angry, could go p*stal, had / has no degree, in music, myredbook. com, republican, felon, s*x trafficker, solicitor of s*x trafficking, stalker, solicitor of stalking, cyberstalker, solicitor of cyberstalking, 422 pc death threat maker, etc, Robin Kramer (https://www.mv-voice.com/news/2012/08/23/mvhs-music-teacher-begins-last-year-of-long-career). She thought nothing of having nude pictures of the drum line, hanging in her office, with just their drums, etc, in front of their genitalia. All the parents, that would go into her office, pretended not to see the pictures
- Wait a second. Not done. Have to write about myredbook. com, republican, felons, stalkers, solicitors of stalking, cyberstalkers, solicitors of cyberstalking, libel writers, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slandering, pimps, solicitors of pimping, assaulters, solicitors of assaulting, attempted murderers, solicitors of murder, etc, etc, Kathy Dewar (https://www.linkedin.com/in/kathy-dewar-10676418), and Scott Dewar. Myredbook. com, republican, felon, etc, etc, Kathy Dewar, used to have myredbook. com, republican, etc, etc, NPR, @Ailsachang read XXX papers out loud, to the class, when everyone was about 14 to 16 years old. Everyone would just look at one another, essentially freezing, not knowing what to do. Myredbook. com, republican, felon, etc, etc, Scott Dewar (https://modelsociety.com/Photographer/scott-dewar), obviously has plenty of male clientele to refer (https://www.linkedin.com/in/sdewar?challengeId=AQEJk0hKiOY0VwAAAYu_97F0dqJq5YcIEU-5YnoNVmxghRTpwo8oQ99xlQJO-BsW1kqMOSXFZA0eavFqpLQqvZMTFW2ysCl9gg&submissionId=624d1a25-f1a9-9617-e398-4b7a2160ae6c&challengeSource=AgEN8_REVxA23QAAAYu_-FnIca_VRqZj5H4cC-8Dew75AHbSzQ2owW5ZbvK2hbU&challegeType=AgHAR5LmqeR5-wAAAYu_-FnL5vpjq6itQxqRPp4LmJVYNAokrrf_Xsg&memberId=AgG6-5FVBoP2FwAAAYu_-FnOtvEOyi8GU-3BqoFFyOf_ygU&recognizeDevice=AgGim87mWUgSkwAAAYu_-FnQp3qSH4RhvTykraIOraL6YGIYxP3F, https://siteperfect.com/) to ladies of the night / escorts. Reminder, myredbook. com, republican, felonious, misogynist, libel writing, slandering, etc, etc, Peets Coffee, is where myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, , r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander.+, Alice Wistar Herbert (schizophrenic, illegally deputized), and, adult, Richard Lyon Herbert, walked to, every day, in myredbook. com, republican, felonious, downtown Los Altos (94022), twice a day, to conspire with, myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, , r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander.+, that call themselves police (1 N San Antonio Rd, Los Altos, CA 94022), and journalists (myredbook. com, republican, felons, etc, at the terrorist, organization that call themselves the Los Altos Town Crier (that every one of them has willingly, knowingly, and with malicious intent, at the very minimum, aided and abetted r*pe, solicitation of rape, solicitation of murder, attempted murder, stalking, solicitation of stalking, perjury, solicitation of perjury, bribery, blackmail, extortion, cyberstalking, solicitation of cyberstalking, blackhat hacking, solicitation of blackhat hacking, libel writing, solicitation of libel writing, slandering, solicitation of slandering, pimping, solicitation of pimping, extortion, solicitation of extortion, 422 pc death threat making, assault, solicitation of assault, attacking, solicitation of attacking, identity theft, etc, etc), to conspire about how to illegally destroy my life, in every, way, shape, and form
- Oh, and then myredbook. com, republican, felons, etc, etc, Alana Kriegsman (https://www.linkedin.com/in/akriegsman), and John O'Connell (https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-o-connell-4a00ab76) ***** attended The Johns Hopkins University, TOGETHER. ***** He NEVER has had a TBI. Total d*ck. Sold ecstasy, etc, and got women so high, they had no idea what was what, and r*ped them. Thought hwas better than everyone else, and smarter than everyone else. Former roommate of NOT a server / NOT a car salesman, IS A NARC / IS UNDERCOVER, corrupt, myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, fake phlebotomist, "David Cipriano" (https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-cipriano-57642b24)
- Now, I want to cover, myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, "Dr" Justin Lo (who had NO IDEA that there are different types of IVs). Justin Lo has lived at 779 Orange Ave, Los Altos, Ca, 94022 (https://nuwber.com/person/563a46777686b0176ba652fb). *********************** Myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, GARY HERBERT (part of the myredbook. com, republican, FELON, MOB, Herbert family), has resided at !!!!!!!!!!! 706 Orange, Ave, Los Altos, Ca, 94022 (https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/gary-herbert_id_G-6054172114021142621) !!!!!!!!!!! *********************** Myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, "Dr" Justin Lo, had young ladies, in his "waiting room" (about 20 years old0 bragging about their $700 jeans, and $1500 purses. In one case, while I was in his office (not a practice room) - an office with a desk, and chairs - some Caucasian, young lady, about 25 years old, came in, rapped her arms around "Dr" Justin Lo, and "begged" for more opioids. They were definitely having s*x !
- Myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, realtor, Gary Herbert (https://www.realtor.com/realestateagents/56b331e689a68901006cbd25), is likely, responsible for getting myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, , r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander.+, canNOT be an attorney (moral turpitude), Alex Prazma, and Mr. let me talk to an UNDERAGE, minor, about the b*ndage, d*mination, and s*do mas*chism books, written by Anne Rice, Ben Bakst, into the realtor world / giving them their start in reality. meaning, the myredbook. com, republican, felon, Mob herbert family members, probably were acquainted with myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Alex Prazma, PRIOR to the attempt on my life, June 8 1992 (and, that the myredbook. com, republican, FELON, MOB, Herbert family members were involved in the June 8 1992 attempt on my life
- Moving down my list, Memo Hinckley / Bill Hinckley (https://www.linkedin.com/in/memohinckley), friend of the myredbook. com, republican, felon, MOB, Herbert family members (8588 Silvia St Gilroy, CA 95020, 319 Waverly Ln, Los Altos, CA 94022, Point Reyes, Inverness, Marin, Ca), shares NEW MEXICO, in common **** with the brother **** of myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander,+, Greg and Glen Chapel (George Chapel junior)(https://www.truepeoplesearch.com/find/person/pxlu222nlnr08r8606nru), and, Paul Feinberg (https://www.zoominfo.com/p/Paul-Feinberg/405733071) (brother of myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, corrupt attorney, Jeff Feinberg / @rddedhd (twitter / X). ** When George Chapel junior refused to give money to myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Greg Chapel (2838 Concord Lane, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051, 4085007328), ********** myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander,+, Greg and Glen Chapel, had already made a copy of my *** card (that I had, in desperation, given to Glen Chapel, to get me food, after 1 of my surgeries). Myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander,+, Greg and Glen Chapel used the duplicate card, that they made, with the help of myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander,+, FELONS, that call themselves police, at 610 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051, at BANK OF THE WEST (San Francisco (BANK OF THE WEST is the bank they bank from, anyway)
- In case, you already do *not* know, evidently, there had been 10s of 1000s of conversations, that took place, between myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Glen Chapel (2838 Concord lane, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051, 4082475330, 4086060620), and the myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander,+, FELONS, that call themselves police, at 610 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051 (that took place at the myredbook. com, republican, felonious, Santa Clara convention center (5001 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, CA 95054), about how Glen Chapel, Greg Chapel, all the myredbook. com, republican, felons, etc, that call themselves police (610 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051), and all the rest of the myredbook. com, republican, felons, etc, written about here, and on other places, were going to continue to s*x traffick me, how they were going to physically harm me, ten trillion times, how they were going to continue to illegally destroy my life, and how they would all eventually MURDER me
- On August 7th, 2023, the myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander,+, FELONS, that call themselves police, at 610 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051, *************************** DID, IN FACT, ATTEMPT TO MURDER ME, and it was PRE MEDITATED / PLANNED IN ADVANCE) ***************************. As a method of witness intimidation / obstruction of justice, myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander,+, FELONS, that call themselves police, at 610 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051, came withOUT a warrant, threatening to get a warrant from a judge, and come back (st*pid me, I opened my door). They INTENTIONALLY, and with MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF UNLAWFUL FORCE, ********************* SLAMMED ********************* me against my bed (two 6'9, partcipants in rohypnol R*PING). I am 5'3, and at the time weighed 114 lbs (and am D*SABLED / ALTERNATIVELY ABLED). I requested to go the hospital, at least 1000 times, before even getting to San Jose. REFUSED ! Friends of myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, UGLY AS F*CK, SUPER DUPER EXTREME FELON, David Battagin (2840, or 2841, Concord Lane, in myredbook. com, republican, felnious as f*ck, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051) were sent, instead. NO temperature taken. NO chest xray ! No blood work done ! , etc, etc. Get to the EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, felon, myredbook. com, republican, TERRORIST , R*PING, MURDERING, ASSAULTING, etc, facility in San Jose. The myredbook. com, republican, r*ping, perjuring, suborning perjury, solicitng perjury , assaulting, sokliciting assault, etc, etc, supposed female corrections officers notice I cannot breathe. They toss me an inhaler. The inhaler does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, all day, until 7 p.m. ! Meanwhile, by 7 p.m., i have been beat up EXTREMELY BADLY, by some myredbook. com, TERRORIST, MONSTER, etc, that was about 6'5, or 6'6, about 400lbs to 600 lbs (true weight), with brown hair, that admits to being a friend of myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Glen Chapel. ********************************** On top of that, I had to SCREAM, for 3 hours, to get water **********************************. Plus, a literal partcipant, in rohypnol r*ping mme, a SUPER, myredbook. com, republican, MONSTER, TERRORIST, stalker, solicitor of stalkuing, 422 pc death threat maker, attempted murderer, solcitor of attempted murder, assaulter, solicitor of assault, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, etc, Asian American, "male nurse" keeps walking by, taunting me, going "how can you yell, if you cannot breathe".
- August 8th, 2023, I wnt to the emergency room, at O'Connor hospital (2105 Forest Ave, San Jose, CA 95128), at about 2 a.m. My temperature after taking Tylenol, was 102 !!!!!!!!!!!!! I had an upper respiratory tract infection, the flu, my asthma, AND, AND, AND, AND, AND, AND, AND, AND, AND, AND, AND, **************** PARTIALLY COLLAPSED LUNGS ****************. I recorded a phone call, with an advice nurse, where she says that the partially collapsed lungs, could be, and likely were caused by the myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander,+, FELONS, that call themselves police, at 610 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051 (that took place at the myredbook. com, republican, felonious, Santa Clara convention center (5001 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, CA 95054), about how Glen Chapel, Greg Chapel, all the myredbook. com, republican, felons, etc, that call themselves police (610 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051)
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- --------> Very important part. the myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander,+, Greg and Glen Chapel, have relatives in myredbook. com, republican, felonious, Montana (Cassandra Z Saeed (Cassandra Z. Saeed Age 32. Kalispell, MT, https://www.peekyou.com/cassandra_saeed, https://www.truepeoplesearch.com/find/person/p6uu0ulr268402ulu84n). The myredbook. com, republican, felonious, Mob herbert family, has property, in Montana, as well. The property belonging to the myredbook. com, republican, MOB Herbert family, in Montana is listed under the name of Jill Wistar Hatier (https://www.waheagle.com/story/2018/05/03/obituaries/carmoreau-hatier/14527.html)(though the Montana property, is a family property. Oh, and myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Christian Clemmensen (president of the republican, club, at myredbook. com, republican, felonious Mountain View High (3535 Truman Ave, Mountain View, ca, 94040), that "made" Asian American, kelvin (sp ?) p** his pants, that drew obscene pictures of Kevin McArdle (https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/mercurynews/name/kevin-mcardle-obituary?id=8195614), that was one of the best friends forever, with myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, canNOT be an attorney, moral turpitude, Alex Prazma, ATTENDED the University of Montana (https://www.linkedin.com/in/christian-clemmensen-28413071). In other words, myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander,+, Greg and Glen Chapel, were more than likely involved in the June 8 1992, attempt on my life
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- Of course, although, I have an audio recording of myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Greg Chapel, admitting to r*ping me, and, screaming he, and his ex wife, Robyn Chapel(sky) are going to murder me, I believe she has a restraining order against him, that he violates between one to 20 times a day. She filed for divorce, from him, in 2003. He would not sign the papers, until around 2018 (Roseville Superior court ?). He was waiting for his 401 k from Jan Marini. Jan Marini terminated his employment, eventually. His myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, doctor (Joseph J Walters, https://signaturemd.com/concierge-physicians/joseph-walters-md-saratoga-ca/about-joseph-walters-md/), signed off on disability , for multiple sclerosis, even though JJW, told myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Greg Chapel, he does *not* have multiple sclerosis (and, that a bulging disk is causing all his problems). Over the years myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Greg Chapel, probably stole over $250,000 worth of product from Jan Marini, unless Jan Marini allowed hourly emplyees to tke home product with them. myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Greg Chapel, was accused of double dipping at one point. myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Greg Chapel, and his brother, Glen Chapel, threatened my life, and I was forced to testify for myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Greg Chapel. Myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Greg Chapel, did *not8 tell Roybn Chapelsky about the 401K either.
- Phyllis Childs (3724 French Ave Sacramento, California 95821) pays for the rent of, the dental care of, the medical care of, the car of, the car insurance of, the food of, the clothing of, etc, Robyn Chapelsky, btw. myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Greg Chapel, has to go through Phllis Childs, to convey anything to his ex wife. That me be violating the restraining order against him
- Jan Marini (5883 Rue Ferrari, San Jose, CA 95138), seems to have no interest in going after myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Greg Chapel, for all the product he may have stolen.
- Some of the Jan Marini product may have gone to myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Steve Johnson (apparently, he resides in the county of Panama, most of the time, has a 15 year old girlfriend in Panama, and, has paid that 15 year old, for s*x, too.
- Although the country of Canada, and the state of Connecticut, agree that the video, I have, is indeed a R*PE VIDEO, &, likely of myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander,+, Greg and Glen Chapel, Alexandra Battagin / Alexandra Dragonetti , David Battagin, Cliff Liu, and Aidian Keefe , et al, r*ping me, the myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander,+,republican, felons, in the republican, terrorist, states of America, are ignoring it
- Adding to all this, myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander,+, working for google, have taken bribes, etc, from myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander,+, Greg and Glen Chapel, Cliff Liu, Alexandra Battagin/ Alexandra Dragonettin, David Battagin, Aidan Keefe, et al, to keep me locked out of my youtube account for more than 3 weeks
- Moreover, myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander,+,Greg and Glen Chapel, have had me followed to and from San Jose, by acquaintances of theirs, for about the last 2 months (which I have dutifully reported). No worries, myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Glen Chapel, followed me to and from my lab appointment (blood draw) a couple of days ago.
- On that note, I have been formally diagnosed with HYPER-thyroidism, AND, AND, AND, AND, AND, AND, AND, AND, AND, AND, AND, have a goiter (Low potassium, twice (prescribed potassium), elevated heart rate (108, resting in the office of my primary care doctor, November 1st, 2023), trouble breathing, excessive sweating, even in seventy five degree weather, and inability to sustain weight (despite eating massive amounts of calories, should have clued in, all the emergency room doctors). I am now on methimazole
- Next round of blood tests include every test under the sun for estrogen, testosterone, parathyroid, thyroid, and, yes, PCOS
- Current diagnoses below
- _________________________
- HYPER-thyroidism
- Goiter
- 2 forms of psoriasis (Inverse, and plaque)
- Fibroids (one 7 c.m., in 2016)
- Ovarian dermoids (one 9 c.m, surgically removed, in 2016. They grow at a rate of 1 m.m., or more, per year since the day that you are born, or, conceived)
- Internal psoriasis
- Migraines
- Asthma
- Psoriatic arthritis
- ____________________________________
- Returning to NON health related items, every day , pretty much, that I have spent in the presence of myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Greg Chapel, or, every day, that I have spent, at myredbook. com, republican, felonious, 2838 Concord Lane, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051, myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Greg Chapel,has been on the phone with myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, former Cheif of police of Los Altos (94022), Sunnyvale (94087), and Lake Oswego, Don Johnson. That includes in the parking lot of Grocery Oulet (Homestead Road, Santa Clara, Ca)
- Adding to all this, myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander,+,use the same phone company that I do (I was first), use the same medical insurance, and medical group that I do (again, I was first with the medical insuarnce, and medical group), and were ordered to do that, by members of the myredbook. com, republican, MOB, Herbert family (e.g. @georgewherbert / George W Herbert, &, @scotchfairy / Lee Thompson Herbert)
- Would not want to fail to mention, that envelopes come in the mail, for myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Steve Johnson (to 2838 Concord lane, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051), with MONEY in them. Steve Johnson, shares that MONEY, with myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Glen Chapel. ********* The IRS does NOT care *********. ********* The IRS is GETTING PAID OFF *********
- ____________________________________
- https://pastebin.pl/view/2f23f025
- __________________________________
- "Anything we ever say,or write on the internet/www,in private or public, w/1, or 1+ people present,for legal purposes,is speculation"
- https://hacked-emails.com/leak/pb-GDBsS8j4
- https://web.archive.org/web/20120319160353/http://www.myredbook.com/
- https://web.archive.org/web/20130505013938/http://myredbookrevealed.blogspot.com
- https://web.archive.org/web/20130505013938/http://myredbookrevealed.blogspot.com
- https://web.archive.org/web/20130505013938/http://myredbookrevealed.blogspot.com
- https://web.archive.org/web/20130505013938/http://myredbookrevealed.blogspot.com
- https://web.archive.org/web/20130505013938/http://myredbookrevealed.blogspot.com
- https://web.archive.org/web/20130505013938/http://myredbookrevealed.blogspot.com
- Alabama
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- ________
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- Americus
- Andersonville
- Athens
- Atlanta
- Augusta
- Bainbridge
- Blairsville
- Brunswick
- Calhoun
- Carrollton
- Columbus
- Dahlonega
- Dalton
- Darien
- Decatur
- Douglas
- East Point
- Fitzgerald
- Fort Valley
- Gainesville
- La Grange
- Macon
- Marietta
- Milledgeville
- Plains
- Rome
- Savannah
- Toccoa
- Valdosta
- Warm Springs
- Warner Robins
- Washington
- Waycross
- Hawaii
- Hanalei
- Hilo
- Honaunau
- Honolulu
- Kahului
- Kaneohe
- Kapaa
- Kawaihae
- Lahaina
- Laie
- Wahiawa
- Wailuku
- Waimea
- Idaho
- Blackfoot
- Boise
- Bonners Ferry
- Caldwell
- Coeur d’Alene
- Idaho City
- Idaho Falls
- Kellogg
- Lewiston
- Moscow
- Nampa
- Pocatello
- Priest River
- Rexburg
- Sun Valley
- Twin Falls
- Illinois
- Alton
- Arlington Heights
- Arthur
- Aurora
- Belleville
- Belvidere
- Bloomington
- Brookfield
- Cahokia
- Cairo
- Calumet City
- Canton
- Carbondale
- Carlinville
- Carthage
- Centralia
- Champaign
- Charleston
- Chester
- Chicago
- Chicago Heights
- Cicero
- Collinsville
- Danville
- Decatur
- DeKalb
- Des Plaines
- Dixon
- East Moline
- East Saint Louis
- Effingham
- Elgin
- Elmhurst
- Evanston
- Freeport
- Galena
- Galesburg
- Glen Ellyn
- Glenview
- Granite City
- Harrisburg
- Herrin
- Highland Park
- Jacksonville
- Joliet
- Kankakee
- Kaskaskia
- Kewanee
- La Salle
- Lake Forest
- Libertyville
- Lincoln
- Lisle
- Lombard
- Macomb
- Mattoon
- Moline
- Monmouth
- Mount Vernon
- Mundelein
- Naperville
- Nauvoo
- Normal
- North Chicago
- Oak Park
- Oregon
- Ottawa
- Palatine
- Park Forest
- Park Ridge
- Pekin
- Peoria
- Petersburg
- Pontiac
- Quincy
- Rantoul
- River Forest
- Rock Island
- Rockford
- Salem
- Shawneetown
- Skokie
- South Holland
- Springfield
- Streator
- Summit
- Urbana
- Vandalia
- Virden
- Waukegan
- Wheaton
- Wilmette
- Winnetka
- Wood River
- Zion
- Indiana
- Anderson
- Bedford
- Bloomington
- Columbus
- Connersville
- Corydon
- Crawfordsville
- East Chicago
- Elkhart
- Elwood
- Evansville
- Fort Wayne
- French Lick
- Gary
- Geneva
- Goshen
- Greenfield
- Hammond
- Hobart
- Huntington
- Indianapolis
- Jeffersonville
- Kokomo
- Lafayette
- Madison
- Marion
- Michigan City
- Mishawaka
- Muncie
- Nappanee
- Nashville
- New Albany
- New Castle
- New Harmony
- Peru
- Plymouth
- Richmond
- Santa Claus
- Shelbyville
- South Bend
- Terre Haute
- Valparaiso
- Vincennes
- Wabash
- West Lafayette
- Iowa
- Amana Colonies
- Ames
- Boone
- Burlington
- Cedar Falls
- Cedar Rapids
- Charles City
- Cherokee
- Clinton
- Council Bluffs
- Davenport
- Des Moines
- Dubuque
- Estherville
- Fairfield
- Fort Dodge
- Grinnell
- Indianola
- Iowa City
- Keokuk
- Mason City
- Mount Pleasant
- Muscatine
- Newton
- Oskaloosa
- Ottumwa
- Sioux City
- Waterloo
- Webster City
- West Des Moines
- Kansas
- Abilene
- Arkansas City
- Atchison
- Chanute
- Coffeyville
- Council Grove
- Dodge City
- Emporia
- Fort Scott
- Garden City
- Great Bend
- Hays
- Hutchinson
- Independence
- Junction City
- Kansas City
- Lawrence
- Leavenworth
- Liberal
- Manhattan
- McPherson
- Medicine Lodge
- Newton
- Olathe
- Osawatomie
- Ottawa
- Overland Park
- Pittsburg
- Salina
- Shawnee
- Smith Center
- Topeka
- Wichita
- Kentucky
- Ashland
- Barbourville
- Bardstown
- Berea
- Boonesborough
- Bowling Green
- Campbellsville
- Covington
- Danville
- Elizabethtown
- Frankfort
- Harlan
- Harrodsburg
- Hazard
- Henderson
- Hodgenville
- Hopkinsville
- Lexington
- Louisville
- Mayfield
- Maysville
- Middlesboro
- Newport
- Owensboro
- Paducah
- Paris
- Richmond
- Louisiana
- Abbeville
- Alexandria
- Bastrop
- Baton Rouge
- Bogalusa
- Bossier City
- Gretna
- Houma
- Lafayette
- Lake Charles
- Monroe
- Morgan City
- Natchitoches
- New Iberia
- New Orleans
- Opelousas
- Ruston
- Saint Martinville
- Shreveport
- Thibodaux
- Maine
- Auburn
- Augusta
- Bangor
- Bar Harbor
- Bath
- Belfast
- Biddeford
- Boothbay Harbor
- Brunswick
- Calais
- Caribou
- Castine
- Eastport
- Ellsworth
- Farmington
- Fort Kent
- Gardiner
- Houlton
- Kennebunkport
- Kittery
- Lewiston
- Lubec
- Machias
- Orono
- Portland
- Presque Isle
- Rockland
- Rumford
- Saco
- Scarborough
- Waterville
- York
- Maryland
- Aberdeen
- Annapolis
- Baltimore
- Bethesda-Chevy Chase
- Bowie
- Cambridge
- Catonsville
- College Park
- Columbia
- Cumberland
- Easton
- Elkton
- Emmitsburg
- Frederick
- Greenbelt
- Hagerstown
- Hyattsville
- Laurel
- Oakland
- Ocean City
- Rockville
- Saint Marys City
- Salisbury
- Silver Spring
- Takoma Park
- Towson
- Westminster
- Massachusetts
- Abington
- Adams
- Amesbury
- Amherst
- Andover
- Arlington
- Athol
- Attleboro
- Barnstable
- Bedford
- Beverly
- Boston
- Bourne
- Braintree
- Brockton
- Brookline
- Cambridge
- Canton
- Charlestown
- Chelmsford
- Chelsea
- Chicopee
- Clinton
- Cohasset
- Concord
- Danvers
- Dartmouth
- Dedham
- Dennis
- Duxbury
- Eastham
- Edgartown
- Everett
- Fairhaven
- Fall River
- Falmouth
- Fitchburg
- Framingham
- Gloucester
- Great Barrington
- Greenfield
- Groton
- Harwich
- Haverhill
- Hingham
- Holyoke
- Hyannis
- Ipswich
- Lawrence
- Lenox
- Leominster
- Lexington
- Lowell
- Ludlow
- Lynn
- Malden
- Marblehead
- Marlborough
- Medford
- Milton
- Nahant
- Natick
- New Bedford
- Newburyport
- Newton
- North Adams
- Northampton
- Norton
- Norwood
- Peabody
- Pittsfield
- Plymouth
- Provincetown
- Quincy
- Randolph
- Revere
- Salem
- Sandwich
- Saugus
- Somerville
- South Hadley
- Springfield
- Stockbridge
- Stoughton
- Sturbridge
- Sudbury
- Taunton
- Tewksbury
- Truro
- Watertown
- Webster
- Wellesley
- Wellfleet
- West Bridgewater
- West Springfield
- Westfield
- Weymouth
- Whitman
- Williamstown
- Woburn
- Woods Hole
- Worcester
- Michigan
- Adrian
- Alma
- Ann Arbor
- Battle Creek
- Bay City
- Benton Harbor
- Bloomfield Hills
- Cadillac
- Charlevoix
- Cheboygan
- Dearborn
- Detroit
- East Lansing
- Eastpointe
- Ecorse
- Escanaba
- Flint
- Grand Haven
- Grand Rapids
- Grayling
- Grosse Pointe
- Hancock
- Highland Park
- Holland
- Houghton
- Interlochen
- Iron Mountain
- Ironwood
- Ishpeming
- Jackson
- Kalamazoo
- Lansing
- Livonia
- Ludington
- Mackinaw City
- Manistee
- Marquette
- Menominee
- Midland
- Monroe
- Mount Clemens
- Mount Pleasant
- Muskegon
- Niles
- Petoskey
- Pontiac
- Port Huron
- Royal Oak
- Saginaw
- Saint Ignace
- Saint Joseph
- Sault Sainte Marie
- Traverse City
- Trenton
- Warren
- Wyandotte
- Ypsilanti
- Minnesota
- Albert Lea
- Alexandria
- Austin
- Bemidji
- Bloomington
- Brainerd
- Crookston
- Duluth
- Ely
- Eveleth
- Faribault
- Fergus Falls
- Hastings
- Hibbing
- International Falls
- Little Falls
- Mankato
- Minneapolis
- Moorhead
- New Ulm
- Northfield
- Owatonna
- Pipestone
- Red Wing
- Rochester
- Saint Cloud
- Saint Paul
- Sauk Centre
- South Saint Paul
- Stillwater
- Virginia
- Willmar
- Winona
- Mississippi
- Bay Saint Louis
- Biloxi
- Canton
- Clarksdale
- Columbia
- Columbus
- Corinth
- Greenville
- Greenwood
- Grenada
- Gulfport
- Hattiesburg
- Holly Springs
- Jackson
- Laurel
- Meridian
- Natchez
- Ocean Springs
- Oxford
- Pascagoula
- Pass Christian
- Philadelphia
- Port Gibson
- Starkville
- Tupelo
- Vicksburg
- West Point
- Yazoo City
- Missouri
- Boonville
- Branson
- Cape Girardeau
- Carthage
- Chillicothe
- Clayton
- Columbia
- Excelsior Springs
- Ferguson
- Florissant
- Fulton
- Hannibal
- Independence
- Jefferson City
- Joplin
- Kansas City
- Kirksville
- Lamar
- Lebanon
- Lexington
- Maryville
- Mexico
- Monett
- Neosho
- New Madrid
- Rolla
- Saint Charles
- Saint Joseph
- Saint Louis
- Sainte Genevieve
- Salem
- Sedalia
- Springfield
- Warrensburg
- West Plains
- Montana
- Anaconda
- Billings
- Bozeman
- Butte
- Dillon
- Fort Benton
- Glendive
- Great Falls
- Havre
- Helena
- Kalispell
- Lewistown
- Livingston
- Miles City
- Missoula
- Virginia City
- Nebraska
- Beatrice
- Bellevue
- Boys Town
- Chadron
- Columbus
- Fremont
- Grand Island
- Hastings
- Kearney
- Lincoln
- McCook
- Minden
- Nebraska City
- Norfolk
- North Platte
- Omaha
- Plattsmouth
- Red Cloud
- Sidney
- Nevada
- Boulder City
- Carson City
- Elko
- Ely
- Fallon
- Genoa
- Goldfield
- Henderson
- Las Vegas
- North Las Vegas
- Reno
- Sparks
- Virginia City
- Winnemucca
- New Hampshire
- Berlin
- Claremont
- Concord
- Derry
- Dover
- Durham
- Exeter
- Franklin
- Hanover
- Hillsborough
- Keene
- Laconia
- Lebanon
- Manchester
- Nashua
- Peterborough
- Plymouth
- Portsmouth
- Rochester
- Salem
- Somersworth
- New Jersey
- Asbury Park
- Atlantic City
- Bayonne
- Bloomfield
- Bordentown
- Bound Brook
- Bridgeton
- Burlington
- Caldwell
- Camden
- Cape May
- Clifton
- Cranford
- East Orange
- Edison
- Elizabeth
- Englewood
- Fort Lee
- Glassboro
- Hackensack
- Haddonfield
- Hoboken
- Irvington
- Jersey City
- Lakehurst
- Lakewood
- Long Beach
- Long Branch
- Madison
- Menlo Park
- Millburn
- Millville
- Montclair
- Morristown
- Mount Holly
- New Brunswick
- New Milford
- Newark
- Ocean City
- Orange
- Parsippany–Troy Hills
- Passaic
- Paterson
- Perth Amboy
- Plainfield
- Princeton
- Ridgewood
- Roselle
- Rutherford
- Salem
- Somerville
- South Orange Village
- Totowa
- Trenton
- Union
- Union City
- Vineland
- Wayne
- Weehawken
- West New York
- West Orange
- Willingboro
- Woodbridge
- New Mexico
- Acoma
- Alamogordo
- Albuquerque
- Artesia
- Belen
- Carlsbad
- Clovis
- Deming
- Farmington
- Gallup
- Grants
- Hobbs
- Las Cruces
- Las Vegas
- Los Alamos
- Lovington
- Portales
- Raton
- Roswell
- Santa Fe
- Shiprock
- Silver City
- Socorro
- Taos
- Truth or Consequences
- Tucumcari
- New York
- Albany
- Amsterdam
- Auburn
- Babylon
- Batavia
- Beacon
- Bedford
- Binghamton
- Bronx
- Brooklyn
- Buffalo
- Chautauqua
- Cheektowaga
- Clinton
- Cohoes
- Coney Island
- Cooperstown
- Corning
- Cortland
- Crown Point
- Dunkirk
- East Aurora
- East Hampton
- Eastchester
- Elmira
- Flushing
- Forest Hills
- Fredonia
- Garden City
- Geneva
- Glens Falls
- Gloversville
- Great Neck
- Hammondsport
- Harlem
- Hempstead
- Herkimer
- Hudson
- Huntington
- Hyde Park
- Ilion
- Ithaca
- Jamestown
- Johnstown
- Kingston
- Lackawanna
- Lake Placid
- Levittown
- Lockport
- Mamaroneck
- Manhattan
- Massena
- Middletown
- Mineola
- Mount Vernon
- New Paltz
- New Rochelle
- New Windsor
- New York City
- Newburgh
- Niagara Falls
- North Hempstead
- Nyack
- Ogdensburg
- Olean
- Oneida
- Oneonta
- Ossining
- Oswego
- Oyster Bay
- Palmyra
- Peekskill
- Plattsburgh
- Port Washington
- Potsdam
- Poughkeepsie
- Queens
- Rensselaer
- Rochester
- Rome
- Rotterdam
- Rye
- Sag Harbor
- Saranac Lake
- Saratoga Springs
- Scarsdale
- Schenectady
- Seneca Falls
- Southampton
- Staten Island
- Stony Brook
- Stony Point
- Syracuse
- Tarrytown
- Ticonderoga
- Tonawanda
- Troy
- Utica
- Watertown
- Watervliet
- Watkins Glen
- West Seneca
- White Plains
- Woodstock
- Yonkers
- North Carolina
- Asheboro
- Asheville
- Bath
- Beaufort
- Boone
- Burlington
- Chapel Hill
- Charlotte
- Concord
- Durham
- Edenton
- Elizabeth City
- Fayetteville
- Gastonia
- Goldsboro
- Greensboro
- Greenville
- Halifax
- Henderson
- Hickory
- High Point
- Hillsborough
- Jacksonville
- Kinston
- Kitty Hawk
- Lumberton
- Morehead City
- Morganton
- Nags Head
- New Bern
- Pinehurst
- Raleigh
- Rocky Mount
- Salisbury
- Shelby
- Washington
- Wilmington
- Wilson
- Winston-Salem
- North Dakota
- Bismarck
- Devils Lake
- Dickinson
- Fargo
- Grand Forks
- Jamestown
- Mandan
- Minot
- Rugby
- Valley City
- Wahpeton
- Williston
- Ohio
- Akron
- Alliance
- Ashtabula
- Athens
- Barberton
- Bedford
- Bellefontaine
- Bowling Green
- Canton
- Chillicothe
- Cincinnati
- Cleveland
- Cleveland Heights
- Columbus
- Conneaut
- Cuyahoga Falls
- Dayton
- Defiance
- Delaware
- East Cleveland
- East Liverpool
- Elyria
- Euclid
- Findlay
- Gallipolis
- Greenville
- Hamilton
- Kent
- Kettering
- Lakewood
- Lancaster
- Lima
- Lorain
- Mansfield
- Marietta
- Marion
- Martins Ferry
- Massillon
- Mentor
- Middletown
- Milan
- Mount Vernon
- New Philadelphia
- Newark
- Niles
- North College Hill
- Norwalk
- Oberlin
- Painesville
- Parma
- Piqua
- Portsmouth
- Put-in-Bay
- Salem
- Sandusky
- Shaker Heights
- Springfield
- Steubenville
- Tiffin
- Toledo
- Urbana
- Warren
- Wooster
- Worthington
- Xenia
- Yellow Springs
- Youngstown
- Zanesville
- Oklahoma
- Ada
- Altus
- Alva
- Anadarko
- Ardmore
- Bartlesville
- Bethany
- Chickasha
- Claremore
- Clinton
- Cushing
- Duncan
- Durant
- Edmond
- El Reno
- Elk City
- Enid
- Eufaula
- Frederick
- Guthrie
- Guymon
- Hobart
- Holdenville
- Hugo
- Lawton
- McAlester
- Miami
- Midwest City
- Moore
- Muskogee
- Norman
- Oklahoma City
- Okmulgee
- Pauls Valley
- Pawhuska
- Perry
- Ponca City
- Pryor
- Sallisaw
- Sand Springs
- Sapulpa
- Seminole
- Shawnee
- Stillwater
- Tahlequah
- The Village
- Tulsa
- Vinita
- Wewoka
- Woodward
- Oregon
- Albany
- Ashland
- Astoria
- Baker City
- Beaverton
- Bend
- Brookings
- Burns
- Coos Bay
- Corvallis
- Eugene
- Grants Pass
- Hillsboro
- Hood River
- Jacksonville
- John Day
- Klamath Falls
- La Grande
- Lake Oswego
- Lakeview
- McMinnville
- Medford
- Newberg
- Newport
- Ontario
- Oregon City
- Pendleton
- Port Orford
- Portland
- Prineville
- Redmond
- Reedsport
- Roseburg
- Salem
- Seaside
- Springfield
- The Dalles
- Tillamook
- Pennsylvania
- Abington
- Aliquippa
- Allentown
- Altoona
- Ambridge
- Bedford
- Bethlehem
- Bloomsburg
- Bradford
- Bristol
- Carbondale
- Carlisle
- Chambersburg
- Chester
- Columbia
- Easton
- Erie
- Franklin
- Germantown
- Gettysburg
- Greensburg
- Hanover
- Harmony
- Harrisburg
- Hazleton
- Hershey
- Homestead
- Honesdale
- Indiana
- Jeannette
- Jim Thorpe
- Johnstown
- Lancaster
- Lebanon
- Levittown
- Lewistown
- Lock Haven
- Lower Southampton
- McKeesport
- Meadville
- Middletown
- Monroeville
- Nanticoke
- New Castle
- New Hope
- New Kensington
- Norristown
- Oil City
- Philadelphia
- Phoenixville
- Pittsburgh
- Pottstown
- Pottsville
- Reading
- Scranton
- Shamokin
- Sharon
- State College
- Stroudsburg
- Sunbury
- Swarthmore
- Tamaqua
- Titusville
- Uniontown
- Warren
- Washington
- West Chester
- Wilkes-Barre
- Williamsport
- York
- Rhode Island
- Barrington
- Bristol
- Central Falls
- Cranston
- East Greenwich
- East Providence
- Kingston
- Middletown
- Narragansett
- Newport
- North Kingstown
- Pawtucket
- Portsmouth
- Providence
- South Kingstown
- Tiverton
- Warren
- Warwick
- Westerly
- Wickford
- Woonsocket
- South Carolina
- Abbeville
- Aiken
- Anderson
- Beaufort
- Camden
- Charleston
- Columbia
- Darlington
- Florence
- Gaffney
- Georgetown
- Greenville
- Greenwood
- Hartsville
- Lancaster
- Mount Pleasant
- Myrtle Beach
- Orangeburg
- Rock Hill
- Spartanburg
- Sumter
- Union
- South Dakota
- Aberdeen
- Belle Fourche
- Brookings
- Canton
- Custer
- De Smet
- Deadwood
- Hot Springs
- Huron
- Lead
- Madison
- Milbank
- Mitchell
- Mobridge
- Pierre
- Rapid City
- Sioux Falls
- Spearfish
- Sturgis
- Vermillion
- Watertown
- Yankton
- Tennessee
- Alcoa
- Athens
- Chattanooga
- Clarksville
- Cleveland
- Columbia
- Cookeville
- Dayton
- Elizabethton
- Franklin
- Gallatin
- Gatlinburg
- Greeneville
- Jackson
- Johnson City
- Jonesborough
- Kingsport
- Knoxville
- Lebanon
- Maryville
- Memphis
- Morristown
- Murfreesboro
- Nashville
- Norris
- Oak Ridge
- Shelbyville
- Tullahoma
- Texas
- Abilene
- Alpine
- Amarillo
- Arlington
- Austin
- Baytown
- Beaumont
- Big Spring
- Borger
- Brownsville
- Bryan
- Canyon
- Cleburne
- College Station
- Corpus Christi
- Crystal City
- Dallas
- Del Rio
- Denison
- Denton
- Eagle Pass
- Edinburg
- El Paso
- Fort Worth
- Freeport
- Galveston
- Garland
- Goliad
- Greenville
- Harlingen
- Houston
- Huntsville
- Irving
- Johnson City
- Kilgore
- Killeen
- Kingsville
- Laredo
- Longview
- Lubbock
- Lufkin
- Marshall
- McAllen
- McKinney
- Mesquite
- Midland
- Mission
- Nacogdoches
- New Braunfels
- Odessa
- Orange
- Pampa
- Paris
- Pasadena
- Pecos
- Pharr
- Plainview
- Plano
- Port Arthur
- Port Lavaca
- Richardson
- San Angelo
- San Antonio
- San Felipe
- San Marcos
- Sherman
- Sweetwater
- Temple
- Texarkana
- Texas City
- Tyler
- Uvalde
- Victoria
- Waco
- Weatherford
- Wichita Falls
- Ysleta
- Utah
- Alta
- American Fork
- Bountiful
- Brigham City
- Cedar City
- Clearfield
- Delta
- Fillmore
- Green River
- Heber City
- Kanab
- Layton
- Lehi
- Logan
- Manti
- Moab
- Monticello
- Murray
- Nephi
- Ogden
- Orderville
- Orem
- Panguitch
- Park City
- Payson
- Price
- Provo
- Saint George
- Salt Lake City
- Spanish Fork
- Springville
- Tooele
- Vernal
- Vermont
- Barre
- Bellows Falls
- Bennington
- Brattleboro
- Burlington
- Essex
- Manchester
- Middlebury
- Montpelier
- Newport
- Plymouth
- Rutland
- Saint Albans
- Saint Johnsbury
- Sharon
- Winooski
- Virginia
- Abingdon
- Alexandria
- Bristol
- Charlottesville
- Chesapeake
- Danville
- Fairfax
- Falls Church
- Fredericksburg
- Hampton
- Hanover
- Hopewell
- Lexington
- Lynchburg
- Manassas
- Martinsville
- New Market
- Newport News
- Norfolk
- Petersburg
- Portsmouth
- Reston
- Richmond
- Roanoke
- Staunton
- Suffolk
- Virginia Beach
- Waynesboro
- Williamsburg
- Winchester
- Washington
- Aberdeen
- Anacortes
- Auburn
- Bellevue
- Bellingham
- Bremerton
- Centralia
- Coulee Dam
- Coupeville
- Ellensburg
- Ephrata
- Everett
- Hoquiam
- Kelso
- Kennewick
- Longview
- Moses Lake
- Oak Harbor
- Olympia
- Pasco
- Point Roberts
- Port Angeles
- Pullman
- Puyallup
- Redmond
- Renton
- Richland
- Seattle
- Spokane
- Tacoma
- Vancouver
- Walla Walla
- Wenatchee
- Yakima
- West Virginia
- Bath
- Beckley
- Bluefield
- Buckhannon
- Charles Town
- Charleston
- Clarksburg
- Elkins
- Fairmont
- Grafton
- Harpers Ferry
- Hillsboro
- Hinton
- Huntington
- Keyser
- Lewisburg
- Logan
- Martinsburg
- Morgantown
- Moundsville
- New Martinsville
- Parkersburg
- Philippi
- Point Pleasant
- Princeton
- Romney
- Shepherdstown
- South Charleston
- Summersville
- Weirton
- Welch
- Wellsburg
- Weston
- Wheeling
- White Sulphur Springs
- Williamson
- Wisconsin
- Appleton
- Ashland
- Baraboo
- Belmont
- Beloit
- Eau Claire
- Fond du Lac
- Green Bay
- Hayward
- Janesville
- Kenosha
- La Crosse
- Lake Geneva
- Madison
- Manitowoc
- Marinette
- Menasha
- Milwaukee
- Neenah
- New Glarus
- Oconto
- Oshkosh
- Peshtigo
- Portage
- Prairie du Chien
- Racine
- Rhinelander
- Ripon
- Sheboygan
- Spring Green
- Stevens Point
- Sturgeon Bay
- Superior
- Waukesha
- Wausau
- Wauwatosa
- West Allis
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- Casper
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- Douglas
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- Gillette
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- Newcastle
- Powell
- Rawlins
- Riverton
- Rock Springs
- Sheridan
- Ten Sleep
- Thermopolis
- Torrington
- Worland
++++++++++++++++++++++++ I WILL be MURDERED, by corrupt law enforcement, November 14, 2023, to shut me up, about being s*x trafficked ++++++++++++++++++++++++
Posted by Anonymous on Sun 12th Nov 2023 09:41
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