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++++++++++++++++++++++++ I WILL be MURDERED, by corrupt law enforcement, November 14, 2023, to shut me up, about being s*x trafficked ++++++++++++++++++++++++
Posted by Anonymous on Sun 12th Nov 2023 09:41
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  1. November 12, 2023
  3. After 1:40 a.m. California, United States time
  6. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ I WILL be MURDERED, by corrupt law enforcement, November 14, 2023, to shut me up, about being s*x trafficked ++++++++++++++++++++++++
  9. Don't forget, myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Maxim Integrated Products (120 San Gabriel Dr, Sunnyvale, CA 94086) / Analog Devices (3550 N 1st St. San Jose, CA 95134), Mike Hess, was on prozac, at one point, and g*d knows what else, had a dominatrix (supposedly a graduate of San Jose State University (1 Washington Sq, San Jose, CA 95192), in biology ?, who went by Crystal Gayle (I spoke to her on the phone, once), had a fully loaded, unlocked g*n, under his bed, that was *not* in any type of lock box, had s*x with a male professor (San Jose State University) that resided in Santa Cruz , kept albums full of pictures of women he "dated" (more like r*ped), called those womens families during Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc, bought used p*nties, that he had sent through USPS, was at Brass Rail (Sunnyvale)(160 Persian Dr, Sunnyvale, CA 94089), the Kitkat Club (now Cheetahs Gentlemans Club (907 E Arques Ave. Sunnyvale, CA 94085), The Pink Poodle (328 S Bascom Ave, San Jose, CA 95128), HipHugger 1053 E El Camino Real, Sunnyvale, CA 94086, etc, all the time (likely, recruiting women to be escorts / courtesans / ladies of the night), paid women for s*x at Grand Central Sauna & Hot Tub (376 Saratoga Ave, San Jose, CA 95129)(in an effort to recruit ?), likely took my passport, wanted me to have s*x with his MIP colleague (drove a Jeep Wrangler), attended s*x and love addicts anonymous (another recruitment place ?), and got his m*th from Kathy (Olive Garden (2515 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, CA 94306), bartender, Safeway employee (terminated for holding onto a check for Vicky (Vicky, at one point had been a body builder, was on Prozac, drank herself into oblivion, to deal with not sleeping, from the Prozac), and bragged about stuffing beer bottles up her you know what. Kathy also was an escort / lady of the night / courtesan, introduced me to someone that she said had 2 Uterus, and was evidently her cousin, and, had a girlfriend (girl that was a friend), that worked for Mary Kay, and attended Mills college (5000 MacArthur Blvd, Oakland, CA 94613), when it had been a womans college. The grandfather of myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l  assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, , r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander.+, @georgewherbert / George W Herbert, &, Richard Lyon Herbert, was a chemistry professor at Mills College ( Originally, he hailed fron New Jersey (;jsessionid=2042EDC8D374467673B730744CBE6815,,,, "Born in Woodbury, New Jersey, in 1903") (which myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l  assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, , r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander.+, Alexandra Battagin / Alexandra Dragonetti, and corrupt doj, pretending to be a doctor, Ari Kriegsman (, "Ari Kriegsman 1992. Ari Kriegsman. Class of 1992-Honored 2002. Dwight-Englewood ... Located in Englewood, New Jersey, Dwight-Englewood is a greater New York"), have in common with the grandfather. Both of them have resided in New Jersey, at some point.
  11. Then again, myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Alexandra Battagin / Alexandra Dragonetti, has a cousin / dad / brother ?, John Dragonetti (, with an attorney, that has an office 'down the street", from the celebrity manager cousin of myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander.+, @georgewherbert / George W Herbert, &, Richard Lyon Herbert. The wife on the celebrity manager cousin, gave him an ultimatum. Quit the illegal dr*gs, and go to therapy, or she would divorce him
  13. Oh wait, myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, David battagin, has a cray cray mom, that has resides in myredbook. com, republican, felonious, Berkeley, California (, where myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, @georgewherbert / George W Herbert graduated from myredbook. com, republican, felonious University of California, at Berkeley (University Avenue and, Oxford St., Berkeley, CA 94720). That's right, Cary Kriegsman ( attended myredbook. com, republican, felonious University of California, at Berkeley, as well. And here is myredbook. com, republican, stalker, cyberstalker, perjurer, solicitor of perjury, 422 pc death threat maker, libel writer, slanderer, etc, Yourvictorygirl / thegildedrose / Rubyrose / Ruby Rose, Ruby Kriegsman, @lubylarue (second link, BERKELEY) (,,,, (BERKELEY, GRASS VALLEY, NEVADA CITY),
  18. And, here is Shelly Nealon,,, ?, graduate of myredbook. com, republican, felonious, Stanford University, and the Renbarger gang ( The sister of myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Eric Nealon seems to be married to Shawn Renbarger. No worries, myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Eric Nealon, Chevys (2116 W El Camino Real, Mountain View, CA 94040), Cattlemans ( 502 Ross Dr, Sunnyvale, CA 94089), Black Angus (1011 Blossom Hill Rd, San Jose, CA 95123), NPI (, Eric Nealon is part of the Top Hatters Motorcycle Club. Reminder, the nasty server from Sundance Palo Alto (1921 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, CA 94306) (myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, a myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, attended myredbook. com, republican, felonious De Anza Junior College (21250 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014), just like myredbook. com, etc, republican, felon, etc, Eric Nealon. THE MYREDBOOK. COM, REPUBLICAN, FELON, ETC, SERVER, Roy, that drove a dark blue, or black SUV, that lived on a Cul De Sac, in Sunnyvale, with Asian American bartender housemate. The same myredbook. com, republican, felonious, Sundance restuarant, that was one of the first three restaurants, that myedbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Richard Lyon Herbert took me to. Then, there's the myredbook dot com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, English professor friend, of  myredbook . com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, South Lake Tahoe, Elmer Sanborn, that taught at De Anza, lived off of ? Blossom Hill (had one or two dogs), that ran at myredbook. com, republican, felonious Los Gatos High (20 High School Ct, Los Gatos, CA 95030), with Elmer Sanborn. Myredbook . com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Eric nealon, sent his myredbook . com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, buddy to MacArthur Park Restaurant and Bar (27 University Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94301), to prevent me from talking about what I knew / know. Who could forget his (Eric Nealon) myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l  assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, , r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander.+, buddies, Sydney (son of Italian restaurant proprietors, in myredbook. com, republican, felonious, Santa Clara (95051), or, myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Marc Masek, at myredbook. com, republican, felonious La Mere Michelle (14467 Big Basin Way. Saratoga, CA 95070)
  20. Oops, that's right, the grandmother of myredbook. com, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Eric Nealon, Chevys (2116 W El Camino Real, Mountain View, CA 94040), Cattlemans ( 502 Ross Dr, Sunnyvale, CA 94089), Black Angus (1011 Blossom Hill Rd, San Jose, CA 95123), NPI (, Eric Nealon, attended Castilleja all girls school (1310 Bryant St, Palo Alto, CA 94301), just like myredbook. com, republican, pretending to be a democrat, not who she presents herself as, Kim Flomenhoft ( Sometimes, I spent as many as 4 days a week at the home of the Flomenhofts, before they left California to go to North Carolina, before returning to myredbook. com, republican, felonious as all h*ll, Los Gatos, California. I spent between a week, and a month, at their Calaveras summer "hideout" with them as well, slept over at their house, attended a Ziggy Marley Concert, in San Francisco, with Kim, on a school night, went to a dance sponsored by Castilleja with Kim, and another friend of hers, met Milla Jovovich at Castilleja, and spent a weekend skiing with Kim, and Michelle Kneip, in Tahoe (I had to play peacekeeper, for a while. By the end, Kim and Michelle, were fine, and sitting together on the chair lifts together, going down the slopes together, and laughing at me, when I had to slide down on my rear end, when the snow turned to ice, at the end of the day). The dad of Kim Flomenhoft, Mark Flomenhoft (, sat on boards with Larry Sonsini, of myredbook. com, republican, felonious, Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich, and Rosatti. My mother, Greta Torp Watson, played tennis with the late Barbara Sonsini ( (and I spent quite a bit of time at their home, in Los Altos Hills). She taught at myredbook. com, republican, felonious as all h*ll, Cupertino High School (10100 Finch Ave, Cupertino, CA 95014), where canNOT be an attorney (moral turpitude) (, myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Alex Prazma (main suspect, back then, in the June 8 1992 attempt on my life) got booted to after being botted from myedbook. com, republican, felonious, Mountain View High (3535 Truman Ave, Mountain View, Ca, 94040)
  22. Next up is, myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Bernard Pailma (,, that took female servers to raves in San Francisco, got them high on tons of pot, ecstasy, lsd, and, who knows what else, while a manager at Chevys Mountain View, and general manager at Chevys Sunnyvale. 100% chance that none of the servers has any clue what happened to them at the raves, or, after the raves. Myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Bernard Pailma, at 7722 Ginger Pl Gilroy, CA 95020, has only been 1.7 miles from the property of the myredbook. com, republican, Herbert, Mob family members, at 8588 Silvia St, Gilroy, CA 95020
  25. Biggest pot dealer, at myredbook. com, republican, felonious, as all h*ll, Mountain View High (3535 Truman Ave, Mountain View, Ca, 94040), Anita, coming back into my life, at around the time of myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Eric Nealon, was all myredbook. com, republican, felonious, as all h*ll, Mountain View High (3535 Truman Ave, Mountain View, Ca, 94040), @mcmtnviewpd / Mike Canfield (now biggest felon chief of police, in the history of the United States). &, myedbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +,@mcmtnviewpd / Mike Canfield was also behind one of the former students at myredbook. com, republican, felonious Mountain View high (3535 Truman Ave, Mountain View High, 94040), bartending on Castro Street, and another former student (Theresa ?) working at a book store on Castro Street
  27. Would be remiss not to mention, that NOT a server, NOT a car salesman, "David Cipriano" ( is a NARC, THREATENED my life, on the phone to my dad (was placed under FAKE arrest by the myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander.+, that call themselves police, at 1000 Villa St, Mountain View, CA 94041, and, then given the apartment, that was IN MY NAME !!!!!! That's how I met myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Olive Garden bartender, etc, escort / lady of the night / courtesan Kathy. The entire thing was premeditated, and, orchestrated by all the myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander.+,mentioned here, so far. Also, NOT a server, NOT a car salesman, "David Cipriano" (, attempted to get me to live in apartment full of pot (way back when), before pot was decriminalized at the state level, offering me free rent in exchange. Additionally, withOUT telling myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, NOT a server, NOT a car salesman, "David Cipriano" ( where I had moved to in Cupertino, all of a sudden he showed up at my door (and, appeared, out of nowhere, when I was at the library, twice, in Redwood City (1044 Middlefield Rd, Redwood City, CA 94063), and at the Kmart, on Delaware, in San Mateo). "David Cipriano", is in fact a NARC / undercover, and has worked with myredbook. com, republican, felon, etc, Beth Kriegsman (, at myredbook. com, republican, felonious, as all h*ll, University of California, at San Francisco (505 Parnassus Ave, San Francisco, Ca)
  29. On to myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander, +, "Rachel Cipriano" (,,,
  30. 1536 Stone Vly Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89183), and non existent John Doffing / fake Walls360 / Walls 360 (5054 Bond St, Las Vegas, NV 89118) / fake bigallgraphics / big wall graphics (actually John Wilson junior (grandson, of the late John Wilson, of myredbook. com, republican, felonious, as all h*ll, Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich, and Rosati). They have lived / resided, and/or worked less than 20 minutes from one another
  32. Along with all that, the supposed nephew of Clidean Sliger, Frank Pacheco ( (who s*xually assaulted me), that I never met in my life, came looking for me, in downtown San Jose, California, one day. I had been petting some feral kittens. He convinced me to come meet this woman (turned on to be lady of the night / escort, Clidean Sliger). A young woman, between age 17, and age 20, that called herself Jules, that presumably is / was friends with myredbook. com, republican, stalker, solicitor of stalking, cyberstalker, solicitor of cyberstalking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacking, solicitor of attacking, etc, Brytne Sliger, who called herself a dominatrix (Jules) confirmed Clidean Sliger ( was an escort / lady of the night, on sites like myredbook. com. The parents (mom, and dad) of Jules, attended myredbook. com, republican, felonious Stanford University. "This gets good", at this point. Turns out, myredbook. com, republican, felon, lady of the night / courtesan, stalker, solcitor of stalking, cyberstalker, solicitor of cyberstalking, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, etc, Clidean Sliger IS FRIENDS with myredbook. com, republican, felonious, 3535 Truman Ave, Mountain View High, and Blach Junior High (1120 Covington Rd, Los Altos, Ca, 94024), Leslie Johnson. There was a group of us that ate lunch together out on the curb, in front of the band building, at myredbook. com, republican, felonious, Mountian View High (3535 Truman Ave, Mountain View High), that at various points, included (myredbook. com, republican, felon, etc) @smittyhalbut / Mark Smith, Leslie Johnson, Letha Pease, Ryan Pease, Jill Jensky, Jordy Jensky, now republican, Gina Fulks (who removed candy from a box, and replaced the candy with chocolate covered ants, before handing that over to Lillian Carmichael), and Laurie Hollenbeck / Laurie Jamal. Laurie Hollenbeck, at one point started a rumor that I called my brothers then girlfriend, Melissa Nyrhila a sl*t, wh*re, tr*mp, etc. For months, the entire student body turned on me, and people came up to me, and threatened my life to my face. Melissa, herself, even threatened my life, over the phone, with my mom listening. Melissa was subsequently banned from the house, for about a month. At another point, Laurie Hollenbeck started another rumor. Some girl named Jennifer had started hanging out, with the group at lunch. Jennifer, one day, decided to attempt to beat me up. I invited her to walk with me, to the deans office. When Jennifer started swinging at me, on the way to the deans office, I opened my diet coke can, and dumped the diet coke on her. She kept swinging. I dumped my second diet coke, on her. She had been wearing all white. In the end, Jennifer was suspended. Anyway, myredbook. com, republican, stalker, solicitor of stalking, cyberstalker, solicitor of cyberstalking, etc, etc, Brytne Sliger (who used to sleep 3 to 4 hours a night, scream at her mom, at the top of her lungs, for about 12 hours a day, when they were both home (otherwise, about 5 to 8 hours), and and slam everything, and everything at the walls (because she wanted things like a $400 hair straightener), evidently married a friend of myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Eric Nealon. The now ex husband of myredbook. com, republican, felon, stalker, solicitor of stalking, cyberstalker, solicitor of cyberstalking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, etc, Brytne Sliger, worked at Valin, with myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Eric Nealon.
  34. Who could forget, myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, "Mr I drive a white Volvo, live within a 1 minute walk from Castro street (94040), related to the owners of Eddies g*n shop (Eddy's Shooting Sports, 400 Moffett Blvd STE F, Mountain View, CA 94043, Felon attended myredbook. com, republican, felonious, Mountain View High (3535 Truman Ave, Mountain View High, 94040)
  36. Then, there is extraordinarily angry, could go p*stal, had / has no degree, in music, myredbook. com, republican, felon, s*x trafficker, solicitor of s*x trafficking, stalker, solicitor of stalking, cyberstalker, solicitor of cyberstalking, 422 pc death threat maker, etc, Robin Kramer ( She thought nothing of having nude pictures of the drum line, hanging in her office, with just their drums, etc, in front of their genitalia. All the parents, that would go into her office, pretended not to see the pictures
  39. Wait a second. Not done. Have to write about myredbook. com, republican, felons, stalkers, solicitors of stalking, cyberstalkers, solicitors of cyberstalking, libel writers, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slandering, pimps, solicitors of pimping, assaulters, solicitors of assaulting, attempted murderers, solicitors of murder, etc, etc, Kathy Dewar (, and Scott Dewar. Myredbook. com, republican, felon, etc, etc, Kathy Dewar, used to have myredbook. com, republican, etc, etc, NPR, @Ailsachang read XXX papers out loud, to the class, when everyone was about 14 to 16 years old. Everyone would just look at one another, essentially freezing, not knowing what to do. Myredbook. com, republican, felon, etc, etc, Scott Dewar (, obviously has plenty of male clientele to refer (, to ladies of the night / escorts. Reminder, myredbook. com, republican, felonious, misogynist, libel writing, slandering, etc, etc, Peets Coffee, is where myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l  assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, , r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander.+, Alice Wistar Herbert (schizophrenic, illegally deputized), and, adult, Richard Lyon Herbert, walked to, every day, in myredbook. com, republican, felonious, downtown Los Altos (94022), twice a day, to conspire with, myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l  assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, , r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander.+, that call themselves police (1 N San Antonio Rd, Los Altos, CA 94022), and journalists (myredbook. com, republican, felons, etc, at the terrorist, organization that call themselves the Los Altos Town Crier (that every one of them has willingly, knowingly, and with malicious intent, at the very minimum, aided and abetted r*pe, solicitation of rape, solicitation of murder, attempted murder, stalking, solicitation of stalking, perjury, solicitation of perjury, bribery, blackmail, extortion, cyberstalking, solicitation of cyberstalking, blackhat hacking, solicitation of blackhat hacking, libel writing, solicitation of libel writing, slandering, solicitation of slandering, pimping, solicitation of pimping, extortion, solicitation of extortion, 422 pc death threat making, assault, solicitation of assault, attacking, solicitation of attacking, identity theft, etc, etc), to conspire about how to illegally destroy my life, in every, way, shape, and form
  42. Oh, and then myredbook. com, republican, felons, etc, etc, Alana Kriegsman (, and John O'Connell ( ***** attended The Johns Hopkins University, TOGETHER. *****  He NEVER has had a TBI. Total d*ck. Sold ecstasy, etc, and got women so high, they had no idea what was what, and r*ped them. Thought hwas better than everyone else, and smarter than everyone else. Former roommate of NOT a server / NOT a car salesman, IS A NARC / IS UNDERCOVER, corrupt, myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, fake phlebotomist, "David Cipriano" (
  44. Now, I want to cover, myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, "Dr" Justin Lo (who had NO IDEA that there are different types of IVs). Justin Lo has lived at 779 Orange Ave, Los Altos, Ca, 94022 ( *********************** Myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, GARY HERBERT (part of the myredbook. com, republican, FELON, MOB, Herbert family), has resided at !!!!!!!!!!! 706 Orange, Ave, Los Altos, Ca, 94022 ( !!!!!!!!!!! ***********************  Myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, "Dr" Justin Lo, had young ladies, in his "waiting room" (about 20 years old0 bragging about their $700 jeans, and $1500 purses. In one case, while I was in his office (not a practice room) - an office with a desk, and chairs - some Caucasian, young lady, about 25 years old, came in, rapped her arms around "Dr" Justin Lo, and "begged" for more opioids. They were definitely having s*x !
  47. Myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, realtor, Gary Herbert (, is likely, responsible for getting myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l  assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, , r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander.+, canNOT be an attorney (moral turpitude), Alex Prazma, and Mr. let me talk to an UNDERAGE, minor, about the b*ndage, d*mination, and s*do mas*chism books, written by Anne Rice, Ben Bakst, into the realtor world / giving them their start in reality. meaning, the myredbook. com, republican, felon, Mob herbert family members, probably were acquainted with myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Alex Prazma, PRIOR to the attempt on my life, June 8 1992  (and, that the myredbook. com, republican, FELON, MOB, Herbert family members were involved in the June 8 1992 attempt on my life
  49. Moving down my list, Memo Hinckley / Bill Hinckley (, friend of the myredbook. com, republican, felon, MOB, Herbert family members (8588 Silvia St Gilroy, CA 95020, 319 Waverly Ln, Los Altos, CA 94022, Point Reyes, Inverness, Marin, Ca), shares NEW MEXICO, in common **** with the brother **** of myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander,+, Greg and Glen Chapel (George Chapel junior)(, and, Paul Feinberg ( (brother of myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, corrupt attorney, Jeff Feinberg / @rddedhd (twitter / X). ** When George Chapel junior refused to give money to myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Greg Chapel (2838 Concord Lane, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051, 4085007328), ********** myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander,+, Greg and Glen Chapel, had already made a copy of my *** card (that I had, in desperation, given to Glen Chapel, to get me food, after 1 of my surgeries). Myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander,+, Greg and Glen Chapel used the duplicate card, that they made, with the help of myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander,+, FELONS, that call themselves police, at 610 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051, at BANK OF THE WEST (San Francisco (BANK OF THE WEST is the bank they bank from, anyway)
  51. In case, you already do *not* know, evidently, there had been 10s of 1000s of conversations, that took place, between myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Glen Chapel (2838 Concord lane, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051, 4082475330, 4086060620), and the myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander,+, FELONS, that call themselves police, at 610 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051 (that took place at the myredbook. com, republican, felonious, Santa Clara convention center (5001 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, CA 95054), about how Glen Chapel, Greg Chapel, all the myredbook. com, republican, felons, etc, that call themselves police (610 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051), and all the rest of the myredbook. com, republican, felons, etc, written about here, and on other places, were going to continue to s*x traffick me, how they were going to physically harm me, ten trillion times, how they were going to continue to illegally destroy my life, and how they would all eventually MURDER me
  53. On August 7th, 2023, the myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander,+, FELONS, that call themselves police, at 610 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051, *************************** DID, IN FACT, ATTEMPT TO MURDER ME, and it was PRE MEDITATED / PLANNED IN ADVANCE) ***************************. As a method of witness intimidation / obstruction of justice, myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander,+, FELONS, that call themselves police, at 610 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051, came withOUT a warrant, threatening to get a warrant from a judge, and come back (st*pid me, I opened my door). They INTENTIONALLY, and with MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF UNLAWFUL FORCE, ********************* SLAMMED ********************* me against my bed (two 6'9, partcipants in rohypnol R*PING). I am 5'3, and at the time weighed 114 lbs (and am D*SABLED / ALTERNATIVELY ABLED). I requested to go the hospital, at least 1000 times, before even getting to San Jose. REFUSED ! Friends of myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, UGLY AS F*CK, SUPER DUPER EXTREME FELON, David Battagin (2840, or 2841, Concord Lane, in myredbook. com, republican, felnious as f*ck, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051) were sent, instead. NO temperature taken. NO chest xray ! No blood work done ! , etc, etc. Get to the EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, EXTREME, felon, myredbook. com, republican, TERRORIST , R*PING, MURDERING, ASSAULTING, etc, facility in San Jose. The myredbook. com, republican, r*ping, perjuring, suborning perjury, solicitng perjury , assaulting, sokliciting assault, etc, etc, supposed female corrections officers notice I cannot breathe. They toss me an inhaler. The inhaler does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, all day, until 7 p.m. ! Meanwhile, by 7 p.m., i have been beat up EXTREMELY BADLY, by some myredbook. com, TERRORIST, MONSTER, etc, that was about 6'5, or 6'6, about 400lbs to 600 lbs (true weight), with brown hair, that admits to being a friend of myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Glen Chapel. ********************************** On top of that, I had to SCREAM, for 3 hours, to get water **********************************. Plus, a literal partcipant, in rohypnol r*ping mme, a SUPER, myredbook. com, republican, MONSTER, TERRORIST, stalker, solicitor of stalkuing, 422 pc death threat maker, attempted murderer, solcitor of attempted murder, assaulter, solicitor of assault, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, etc, Asian American, "male nurse" keeps walking by, taunting me, going "how can you yell, if you cannot breathe".
  55. August 8th, 2023, I wnt to the emergency room, at O'Connor hospital (2105 Forest Ave, San Jose, CA 95128), at about 2 a.m. My temperature after taking Tylenol, was 102 !!!!!!!!!!!!! I had an upper respiratory tract infection, the flu, my asthma, AND, AND, AND, AND, AND, AND, AND, AND, AND, AND, AND, **************** PARTIALLY COLLAPSED LUNGS ****************. I recorded a phone call, with an advice nurse, where she says that the partially collapsed lungs, could be, and likely were caused by the myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander,+, FELONS, that call themselves police, at 610 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051 (that took place at the myredbook. com, republican, felonious, Santa Clara convention center (5001 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, CA 95054), about how Glen Chapel, Greg Chapel, all the myredbook. com, republican, felons, etc, that call themselves police (610 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051)
  57. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  59. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  61. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  63. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  65. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  67. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  69. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  71. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  73. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  76. --------> Very important part. the myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander,+, Greg and Glen Chapel, have relatives in myredbook. com, republican, felonious, Montana (Cassandra Z Saeed (Cassandra Z. Saeed Age 32. Kalispell, MT,, The myredbook. com, republican, felonious, Mob herbert family, has property, in Montana, as well. The property belonging to the myredbook. com, republican, MOB Herbert family, in Montana is listed under the name of Jill Wistar Hatier ( the Montana property, is a family property. Oh, and myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Christian Clemmensen (president of the republican, club, at myredbook. com, republican, felonious Mountain View High (3535 Truman Ave, Mountain View, ca, 94040), that "made" Asian American, kelvin (sp ?) p** his pants, that drew obscene pictures of Kevin McArdle (, that was one of the best friends forever, with myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, canNOT be an attorney, moral turpitude, Alex Prazma, ATTENDED the University of Montana ( In other words, myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander,+, Greg and Glen Chapel, were more than likely involved in the June 8 1992, attempt on my life
  77. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  78. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  79. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  80. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  81. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  82. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  83. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  84. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  85. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  86. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  88. Of course, although, I have an audio recording of myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Greg Chapel, admitting to r*ping me, and, screaming he, and his ex wife, Robyn Chapel(sky) are going to murder me, I believe she has a restraining order against him, that he violates between one to 20 times a day. She filed for divorce, from him, in 2003. He would not sign the papers, until around 2018 (Roseville Superior court ?). He was waiting for his 401 k from Jan Marini. Jan Marini terminated his employment, eventually. His myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, doctor (Joseph J Walters,, signed off on disability , for multiple sclerosis, even though JJW, told myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Greg Chapel, he does *not* have multiple sclerosis (and, that a bulging disk is causing all his problems). Over the years myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Greg Chapel, probably stole over $250,000 worth of product from Jan Marini, unless Jan Marini allowed hourly emplyees to tke home product with them. myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Greg Chapel, was accused of double dipping at one point. myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Greg Chapel, and his brother, Glen Chapel, threatened my life, and I was forced to testify for myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Greg Chapel. Myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Greg Chapel, did *not8 tell Roybn Chapelsky about the 401K either.
  90. Phyllis Childs (3724 French Ave Sacramento, California 95821) pays for the rent of, the dental care of, the medical care of, the car of, the car insurance of, the food of, the clothing of, etc, Robyn Chapelsky, btw. myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Greg Chapel, has to go through Phllis Childs, to convey anything to his ex wife. That me be violating the restraining order against him
  92. Jan Marini (5883 Rue Ferrari, San Jose, CA 95138), seems to have no interest in going after myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Greg Chapel, for all the product he may have stolen.
  94. Some of the Jan Marini product may have gone to myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Steve Johnson (apparently, he resides in the county of Panama, most of the time, has a 15 year old girlfriend in Panama, and, has paid that 15 year old, for s*x, too.
  98. Although the country of Canada, and the state of Connecticut, agree that the video, I have, is indeed a R*PE VIDEO, &, likely of myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander,+, Greg and Glen Chapel, Alexandra Battagin / Alexandra Dragonetti , David Battagin, Cliff Liu, and Aidian Keefe , et al, r*ping me, the myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander,+,republican, felons, in the republican, terrorist, states of America, are ignoring it
  100. Adding to all this,  myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander,+, working for google, have taken bribes, etc, from  myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander,+, Greg and Glen Chapel, Cliff Liu, Alexandra Battagin/ Alexandra Dragonettin, David Battagin, Aidan Keefe, et al, to keep me locked out of my youtube account for more than 3 weeks
  102. Moreover, myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander,+,Greg and Glen Chapel, have had me followed to and from San Jose, by acquaintances of theirs, for about the last 2 months (which I have dutifully reported). No worries, myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Glen Chapel, followed me to and from my lab appointment (blood draw) a couple of days ago.
  107. On that note, I have been formally diagnosed with HYPER-thyroidism, AND, AND, AND, AND, AND, AND, AND, AND, AND, AND, AND, have a goiter (Low potassium, twice (prescribed potassium), elevated heart rate (108, resting in the office of my primary care doctor, November 1st, 2023), trouble breathing, excessive sweating, even in seventy five degree weather, and inability to sustain weight (despite eating massive amounts of calories, should have clued in, all the emergency room doctors). I am now on methimazole
  109. Next round of blood tests include every test under the sun for estrogen, testosterone, parathyroid, thyroid, and, yes, PCOS
  113. Current diagnoses below
  114. _________________________
  116. HYPER-thyroidism
  117. Goiter
  118. 2 forms of psoriasis (Inverse, and plaque)
  119. Fibroids (one 7 c.m., in 2016)
  120. Ovarian dermoids (one 9 c.m, surgically removed, in 2016. They grow at a rate of 1 m.m., or more, per year since the day that you are born, or, conceived)
  121. Internal psoriasis
  122. Migraines
  123. Asthma
  124. Psoriatic arthritis
  127. ____________________________________
  129. Returning to NON health related items, every day , pretty much, that I have spent in the presence of myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Greg Chapel, or, every day, that I have spent, at myredbook. com, republican, felonious, 2838 Concord Lane, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051, myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Greg Chapel,has been on the phone with myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, former Cheif of police of Los Altos (94022), Sunnyvale (94087), and Lake Oswego, Don Johnson. That includes in the parking lot of Grocery Oulet (Homestead Road, Santa Clara, Ca)
  132. Adding to all this, myredbook dot com, etc, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander,+,use the same phone company that I do (I was first), use the same medical insurance, and medical group that I do (again, I was first with the medical insuarnce, and medical group), and were ordered to do that, by members of the myredbook. com, republican, MOB, Herbert family (e.g. @georgewherbert / George W Herbert, &, @scotchfairy / Lee Thompson Herbert)
  134. Would not want to fail to mention, that envelopes come in the mail, for myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Steve Johnson (to 2838 Concord lane, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051), with MONEY in them. Steve Johnson, shares that MONEY, with myredbook. com, etc, republican, s*x traff*cker, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, attempted murderer, solicitor of murder, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, attacker, solicitor of attacking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, witness intimidator , solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, +, Glen Chapel. ********* The IRS does NOT care *********. ********* The IRS is GETTING PAID OFF *********
  135. ____________________________________
  139. __________________________________
  142. "Anything we ever say,or write on the internet/www,in private or public, w/1, or 1+ people present,for legal purposes,is speculation"
  163. Alabama
  164. Alaska
  165. Arizona
  166. Arkansas
  167. California
  168. Colorado
  169. Connecticut
  170. Delaware
  171. Florida
  172. Georgia
  173. Hawaii
  174. Idaho
  175. Illinois Indiana
  176. Iowa
  177. Kansas
  178. Kentucky
  179. Louisiana
  180. Maine
  181. Maryland
  182. Massachusetts
  183. Michigan
  184. Minnesota
  185. Mississippi
  186. Missouri
  187. Montana Nebraska
  188. Nevada
  189. New Hampshire
  190. New Jersey
  191. New Mexico
  192. New York
  193. North Carolina
  194. North Dakota
  195. Ohio
  196. Oklahoma
  197. Oregon
  198. Pennsylvania Rhode Island
  199. South Carolina
  200. South Dakota
  201. Tennessee
  202. Texas
  203. Utah
  204. Vermont
  205. Virginia
  206. Washington
  207. West Virginia
  208. Wisconsin
  209. Wyoming
  211. ________
  213. Alexander City
  214.  Andalusia
  215.  Anniston
  216.  Athens
  217.  Atmore
  218.  Auburn
  219.  Bessemer
  220.  Birmingham
  221.  Chickasaw
  222.  Clanton
  223.  Cullman
  224.  Decatur
  225.  Demopolis
  226.  Dothan
  227.  Enterprise
  228.  Eufaula
  229.  Florence
  230.  Fort Payne
  231.  Gadsden
  232.  Greenville
  233.  Guntersville
  234.  Huntsville
  235.  Jasper
  236.  Marion
  237.  Mobile
  238.  Montgomery
  239.  Opelika
  240.  Ozark
  241.  Phenix City
  242.  Prichard
  243.  Scottsboro
  244.  Selma
  245.  Sheffield
  246.  Sylacauga
  247.  Talladega
  248.  Troy
  249.  Tuscaloosa
  250.  Tuscumbia
  251.  Tuskegee
  253. Alaska
  255.  Anchorage
  256.  Cordova
  257.  Fairbanks
  258.  Haines
  259.  Homer
  260.  Juneau
  261.  Ketchikan
  262.  Kodiak
  263.  Kotzebue
  264.  Nome
  265.  Palmer
  266.  Seward
  267.  Sitka
  268.  Skagway
  269.  Valdez
  271. Arizona
  273.  Ajo
  274.  Avondale
  275.  Bisbee
  276.  Casa Grande
  277.  Chandler
  278.  Clifton
  279.  Douglas
  280.  Flagstaff
  281.  Florence
  282.  Gila Bend
  283.  Glendale
  284.  Globe
  285.  Kingman
  286.  Lake Havasu City
  287.  Mesa
  288.  Nogales
  289.  Oraibi
  290.  Phoenix
  291.  Prescott
  292.  Scottsdale
  293.  Sierra Vista
  294.  Tempe
  295.  Tombstone
  296.  Tucson
  297.  Walpi
  298.  Window Rock
  299.  Winslow
  300.  Yuma
  302. Arkansas
  304.  Arkadelphia
  305.  Arkansas Post
  306.  Batesville
  307.  Benton
  308.  Blytheville
  309.  Camden
  310.  Conway
  311.  Crossett
  312.  El Dorado
  313.  Fayetteville
  314.  Forrest City
  315.  Fort Smith
  316.  Harrison
  317.  Helena
  318.  Hope
  319.  Hot Springs
  320.  Jacksonville
  321.  Jonesboro
  322.  Little Rock
  323.  Magnolia
  324.  Morrilton
  325.  Newport
  326.  North Little Rock
  327.  Osceola
  328.  Pine Bluff
  329.  Rogers
  330.  Searcy
  331.  Stuttgart
  332.  Van Buren
  333.  West Memphis
  335. California
  337.  Alameda
  338.  Alhambra
  339.  Anaheim
  340.  Antioch
  341.  Arcadia
  342.  Bakersfield
  343.  Barstow
  344.  Belmont
  345.  Berkeley
  346.  Beverly Hills
  347.  Brea
  348.  Buena Park
  349.  Burbank
  350.  Calexico
  351.  Calistoga
  352.  Carlsbad
  353.  Carmel
  354.  Chico
  355.  Chula Vista
  356.  Claremont
  357.  Compton
  358.  Concord
  359.  Corona
  360.  Coronado
  361.  Costa Mesa
  362.  Culver City
  363.  Daly City
  364.  Davis
  365.  Downey
  366.  El Centro
  367.  El Cerrito
  368.  El Monte
  369.  Escondido
  370.  Eureka
  371.  Fairfield
  372.  Fontana
  373.  Fremont
  374.  Fresno
  375.  Fullerton
  376.  Garden Grove
  377.  Glendale
  378.  Hayward
  379.  Hollywood
  380.  Huntington Beach
  381.  Indio
  382.  Inglewood
  383.  Irvine
  384.  La Habra
  385.  Laguna Beach
  386.  Lancaster
  387.  Livermore
  388.  Lodi
  389.  Lompoc
  390.  Long Beach
  391.  Los Angeles
  392.  Malibu
  393.  Martinez
  394.  Marysville
  395.  Menlo Park
  396.  Merced
  397.  Modesto
  398.  Monterey
  399.  Mountain View
  400.  Napa
  401.  Needles
  402.  Newport Beach
  403.  Norwalk
  404.  Novato
  405.  Oakland
  406.  Oceanside
  407.  Ojai
  408.  Ontario
  409.  Orange
  410.  Oroville
  411.  Oxnard
  412.  Pacific Grove
  413.  Palm Springs
  414.  Palmdale
  415.  Palo Alto
  416.  Pasadena
  417.  Petaluma
  418.  Pomona
  419.  Port Hueneme
  420.  Rancho Cucamonga
  421.  Red Bluff
  422.  Redding
  423.  Redlands
  424.  Redondo Beach
  425.  Redwood City
  426.  Richmond
  427.  Riverside
  428.  Roseville
  429.  Sacramento
  430.  Salinas
  431.  San Bernardino
  432.  San Clemente
  433.  San Diego
  434.  San Fernando
  435.  San Francisco
  436.  San Gabriel
  437.  San Jose
  438.  San Juan Capistrano
  439.  San Leandro
  440.  San Luis Obispo
  441.  San Marino
  442.  San Mateo
  443.  San Pedro
  444.  San Rafael
  445.  San Simeon
  446.  Santa Ana
  447.  Santa Barbara
  448.  Santa Clara
  449.  Santa Clarita
  450.  Santa Cruz
  451.  Santa Monica
  452.  Santa Rosa
  453.  Sausalito
  454.  Simi Valley
  455.  Sonoma
  456.  South San Francisco
  457.  Stockton
  458.  Sunnyvale
  459.  Susanville
  460.  Thousand Oaks
  461.  Torrance
  462.  Turlock
  463.  Ukiah
  464.  Vallejo
  465.  Ventura
  466.  Victorville
  467.  Visalia
  468.  Walnut Creek
  469.  Watts
  470.  West Covina
  471.  Whittier
  472.  Woodland
  473.  Yorba Linda
  474.  Yuba City
  476. Colorado
  478.  Alamosa
  479.  Aspen
  480.  Aurora
  481.  Boulder
  482.  Breckenridge
  483.  Brighton
  484.  Canon City
  485.  Central City
  486.  Climax
  487.  Colorado Springs
  488.  Cortez
  489.  Cripple Creek
  490.  Denver
  491.  Durango
  492.  Englewood
  493.  Estes Park
  494.  Fort Collins
  495.  Fort Morgan
  496.  Georgetown
  497.  Glenwood Springs
  498.  Golden
  499.  Grand Junction
  500.  Greeley
  501.  Gunnison
  502.  La Junta
  503.  Leadville
  504.  Littleton
  505.  Longmont
  506.  Loveland
  507.  Montrose
  508.  Ouray
  509.  Pagosa Springs
  510.  Pueblo
  511.  Silverton
  512.  Steamboat Springs
  513.  Sterling
  514.  Telluride
  515.  Trinidad
  516.  Vail
  517.  Walsenburg
  518.  Westminster
  520. Connecticut
  522.  Ansonia
  523.  Berlin
  524.  Bloomfield
  525.  Branford
  526.  Bridgeport
  527.  Bristol
  528.  Coventry
  529.  Danbury
  530.  Darien
  531.  Derby
  532.  East Hartford
  533.  East Haven
  534.  Enfield
  535.  Fairfield
  536.  Farmington
  537.  Greenwich
  538.  Groton
  539.  Guilford
  540.  Hamden
  541.  Hartford
  542.  Lebanon
  543.  Litchfield
  544.  Manchester
  545.  Mansfield
  546.  Meriden
  547.  Middletown
  548.  Milford
  549.  Mystic
  550.  Naugatuck
  551.  New Britain
  552.  New Haven
  553.  New London
  554.  North Haven
  555.  Norwalk
  556.  Norwich
  557.  Old Saybrook
  558.  Orange
  559.  Seymour
  560.  Shelton
  561.  Simsbury
  562.  Southington
  563.  Stamford
  564.  Stonington
  565.  Stratford
  566.  Torrington
  567.  Wallingford
  568.  Waterbury
  569.  Waterford
  570.  Watertown
  571.  West Hartford
  572.  West Haven
  573.  Westport
  574.  Wethersfield
  575.  Willimantic
  576.  Windham
  577.  Windsor
  578.  Windsor Locks
  579.  Winsted
  581. Delaware
  583.  Dover
  584.  Lewes
  585.  Milford
  586.  New Castle
  587.  Newark
  588.  Smyrna
  589.  Wilmington
  591. Florida
  593.  Apalachicola
  594.  Bartow
  595.  Belle Glade
  596.  Boca Raton
  597.  Bradenton
  598.  Cape Coral
  599.  Clearwater
  600.  Cocoa Beach
  601.  Cocoa-Rockledge
  602.  Coral Gables
  603.  Daytona Beach
  604.  De Land
  605.  Deerfield Beach
  606.  Delray Beach
  607.  Fernandina Beach
  608.  Fort Lauderdale
  609.  Fort Myers
  610.  Fort Pierce
  611.  Fort Walton Beach
  612.  Gainesville
  613.  Hallandale Beach
  614.  Hialeah
  615.  Hollywood
  616.  Homestead
  617.  Jacksonville
  618.  Key West
  619.  Lake City
  620.  Lake Wales
  621.  Lakeland
  622.  Largo
  623.  Melbourne
  624.  Miami
  625.  Miami Beach
  626.  Naples
  627.  New Smyrna Beach
  628.  Ocala
  629.  Orlando
  630.  Ormond Beach
  631.  Palatka
  632.  Palm Bay
  633.  Palm Beach
  634.  Panama City
  635.  Pensacola
  636.  Pompano Beach
  637.  Saint Augustine
  638.  Saint Petersburg
  639.  Sanford
  640.  Sarasota
  641.  Sebring
  642.  Tallahassee
  643.  Tampa
  644.  Tarpon Springs
  645.  Titusville
  646.  Venice
  647.  West Palm Beach
  648.  White Springs
  649.  Winter Haven
  650.  Winter Park
  652. Georgia
  654.  Albany
  655.  Americus
  656.  Andersonville
  657.  Athens
  658.  Atlanta
  659.  Augusta
  660.  Bainbridge
  661.  Blairsville
  662.  Brunswick
  663.  Calhoun
  664.  Carrollton
  665.  Columbus
  666.  Dahlonega
  667.  Dalton
  668.  Darien
  669.  Decatur
  670.  Douglas
  671.  East Point
  672.  Fitzgerald
  673.  Fort Valley
  674.  Gainesville
  675.  La Grange
  676.  Macon
  677.  Marietta
  678.  Milledgeville
  679.  Plains
  680.  Rome
  681.  Savannah
  682.  Toccoa
  683.  Valdosta
  684.  Warm Springs
  685.  Warner Robins
  686.  Washington
  687.  Waycross
  689. Hawaii
  691.  Hanalei
  692.  Hilo
  693.  Honaunau
  694.  Honolulu
  695.  Kahului
  696.  Kaneohe
  697.  Kapaa
  698.  Kawaihae
  699.  Lahaina
  700.  Laie
  701.  Wahiawa
  702.  Wailuku
  703.  Waimea
  705. Idaho
  707.  Blackfoot
  708.  Boise
  709.  Bonners Ferry
  710.  Caldwell
  711.  Coeur d’Alene
  712.  Idaho City
  713.  Idaho Falls
  714.  Kellogg
  715.  Lewiston
  716.  Moscow
  717.  Nampa
  718.  Pocatello
  719.  Priest River
  720.  Rexburg
  721.  Sun Valley
  722.  Twin Falls
  724. Illinois
  726.  Alton
  727.  Arlington Heights
  728.  Arthur
  729.  Aurora
  730.  Belleville
  731.  Belvidere
  732.  Bloomington
  733.  Brookfield
  734.  Cahokia
  735.  Cairo
  736.  Calumet City
  737.  Canton
  738.  Carbondale
  739.  Carlinville
  740.  Carthage
  741.  Centralia
  742.  Champaign
  743.  Charleston
  744.  Chester
  745.  Chicago
  746.  Chicago Heights
  747.  Cicero
  748.  Collinsville
  749.  Danville
  750.  Decatur
  751.  DeKalb
  752.  Des Plaines
  753.  Dixon
  754.  East Moline
  755.  East Saint Louis
  756.  Effingham
  757.  Elgin
  758.  Elmhurst
  759.  Evanston
  760.  Freeport
  761.  Galena
  762.  Galesburg
  763.  Glen Ellyn
  764.  Glenview
  765.  Granite City
  766.  Harrisburg
  767.  Herrin
  768.  Highland Park
  769.  Jacksonville
  770.  Joliet
  771.  Kankakee
  772.  Kaskaskia
  773.  Kewanee
  774.  La Salle
  775.  Lake Forest
  776.  Libertyville
  777.  Lincoln
  778.  Lisle
  779.  Lombard
  780.  Macomb
  781.  Mattoon
  782.  Moline
  783.  Monmouth
  784.  Mount Vernon
  785.  Mundelein
  786.  Naperville
  787.  Nauvoo
  788.  Normal
  789.  North Chicago
  790.  Oak Park
  791.  Oregon
  792.  Ottawa
  793.  Palatine
  794.  Park Forest
  795.  Park Ridge
  796.  Pekin
  797.  Peoria
  798.  Petersburg
  799.  Pontiac
  800.  Quincy
  801.  Rantoul
  802.  River Forest
  803.  Rock Island
  804.  Rockford
  805.  Salem
  806.  Shawneetown
  807.  Skokie
  808.  South Holland
  809.  Springfield
  810.  Streator
  811.  Summit
  812.  Urbana
  813.  Vandalia
  814.  Virden
  815.  Waukegan
  816.  Wheaton
  817.  Wilmette
  818.  Winnetka
  819.  Wood River
  820.  Zion
  822. Indiana
  824.  Anderson
  825.  Bedford
  826.  Bloomington
  827.  Columbus
  828.  Connersville
  829.  Corydon
  830.  Crawfordsville
  831.  East Chicago
  832.  Elkhart
  833.  Elwood
  834.  Evansville
  835.  Fort Wayne
  836.  French Lick
  837.  Gary
  838.  Geneva
  839.  Goshen
  840.  Greenfield
  841.  Hammond
  842.  Hobart
  843.  Huntington
  844.  Indianapolis
  845.  Jeffersonville
  846.  Kokomo
  847.  Lafayette
  848.  Madison
  849.  Marion
  850.  Michigan City
  851.  Mishawaka
  852.  Muncie
  853.  Nappanee
  854.  Nashville
  855.  New Albany
  856.  New Castle
  857.  New Harmony
  858.  Peru
  859.  Plymouth
  860.  Richmond
  861.  Santa Claus
  862.  Shelbyville
  863.  South Bend
  864.  Terre Haute
  865.  Valparaiso
  866.  Vincennes
  867.  Wabash
  868.  West Lafayette
  870. Iowa
  872.  Amana Colonies
  873.  Ames
  874.  Boone
  875.  Burlington
  876.  Cedar Falls
  877.  Cedar Rapids
  878.  Charles City
  879.  Cherokee
  880.  Clinton
  881.  Council Bluffs
  882.  Davenport
  883.  Des Moines
  884.  Dubuque
  885.  Estherville
  886.  Fairfield
  887.  Fort Dodge
  888.  Grinnell
  889.  Indianola
  890.  Iowa City
  891.  Keokuk
  892.  Mason City
  893.  Mount Pleasant
  894.  Muscatine
  895.  Newton
  896.  Oskaloosa
  897.  Ottumwa
  898.  Sioux City
  899.  Waterloo
  900.  Webster City
  901.  West Des Moines
  903. Kansas
  905.  Abilene
  906.  Arkansas City
  907.  Atchison
  908.  Chanute
  909.  Coffeyville
  910.  Council Grove
  911.  Dodge City
  912.  Emporia
  913.  Fort Scott
  914.  Garden City
  915.  Great Bend
  916.  Hays
  917.  Hutchinson
  918.  Independence
  919.  Junction City
  920.  Kansas City
  921.  Lawrence
  922.  Leavenworth
  923.  Liberal
  924.  Manhattan
  925.  McPherson
  926.  Medicine Lodge
  927.  Newton
  928.  Olathe
  929.  Osawatomie
  930.  Ottawa
  931.  Overland Park
  932.  Pittsburg
  933.  Salina
  934.  Shawnee
  935.  Smith Center
  936.  Topeka
  937.  Wichita
  939. Kentucky
  941.  Ashland
  942.  Barbourville
  943.  Bardstown
  944.  Berea
  945.  Boonesborough
  946.  Bowling Green
  947.  Campbellsville
  948.  Covington
  949.  Danville
  950.  Elizabethtown
  951.  Frankfort
  952.  Harlan
  953.  Harrodsburg
  954.  Hazard
  955.  Henderson
  956.  Hodgenville
  957.  Hopkinsville
  958.  Lexington
  959.  Louisville
  960.  Mayfield
  961.  Maysville
  962.  Middlesboro
  963.  Newport
  964.  Owensboro
  965.  Paducah
  966.  Paris
  967.  Richmond
  969. Louisiana
  971.  Abbeville
  972.  Alexandria
  973.  Bastrop
  974.  Baton Rouge
  975.  Bogalusa
  976.  Bossier City
  977.  Gretna
  978.  Houma
  979.  Lafayette
  980.  Lake Charles
  981.  Monroe
  982.  Morgan City
  983.  Natchitoches
  984.  New Iberia
  985.  New Orleans
  986.  Opelousas
  987.  Ruston
  988.  Saint Martinville
  989.  Shreveport
  990.  Thibodaux
  992. Maine
  994.  Auburn
  995.  Augusta
  996.  Bangor
  997.  Bar Harbor
  998.  Bath
  999.  Belfast
  1000.  Biddeford
  1001.  Boothbay Harbor
  1002.  Brunswick
  1003.  Calais
  1004.  Caribou
  1005.  Castine
  1006.  Eastport
  1007.  Ellsworth
  1008.  Farmington
  1009.  Fort Kent
  1010.  Gardiner
  1011.  Houlton
  1012.  Kennebunkport
  1013.  Kittery
  1014.  Lewiston
  1015.  Lubec
  1016.  Machias
  1017.  Orono
  1018.  Portland
  1019.  Presque Isle
  1020.  Rockland
  1021.  Rumford
  1022.  Saco
  1023.  Scarborough
  1024.  Waterville
  1025.  York
  1027. Maryland
  1029.  Aberdeen
  1030.  Annapolis
  1031.  Baltimore
  1032.  Bethesda-Chevy Chase
  1033.  Bowie
  1034.  Cambridge
  1035.  Catonsville
  1036.  College Park
  1037.  Columbia
  1038.  Cumberland
  1039.  Easton
  1040.  Elkton
  1041.  Emmitsburg
  1042.  Frederick
  1043.  Greenbelt
  1044.  Hagerstown
  1045.  Hyattsville
  1046.  Laurel
  1047.  Oakland
  1048.  Ocean City
  1049.  Rockville
  1050.  Saint Marys City
  1051.  Salisbury
  1052.  Silver Spring
  1053.  Takoma Park
  1054.  Towson
  1055.  Westminster
  1057. Massachusetts
  1059.  Abington
  1060.  Adams
  1061.  Amesbury
  1062.  Amherst
  1063.  Andover
  1064.  Arlington
  1065.  Athol
  1066.  Attleboro
  1067.  Barnstable
  1068.  Bedford
  1069.  Beverly
  1070.  Boston
  1071.  Bourne
  1072.  Braintree
  1073.  Brockton
  1074.  Brookline
  1075.  Cambridge
  1076.  Canton
  1077.  Charlestown
  1078.  Chelmsford
  1079.  Chelsea
  1080.  Chicopee
  1081.  Clinton
  1082.  Cohasset
  1083.  Concord
  1084.  Danvers
  1085.  Dartmouth
  1086.  Dedham
  1087.  Dennis
  1088.  Duxbury
  1089.  Eastham
  1090.  Edgartown
  1091.  Everett
  1092.  Fairhaven
  1093.  Fall River
  1094.  Falmouth
  1095.  Fitchburg
  1096.  Framingham
  1097.  Gloucester
  1098.  Great Barrington
  1099.  Greenfield
  1100.  Groton
  1101.  Harwich
  1102.  Haverhill
  1103.  Hingham
  1104.  Holyoke
  1105.  Hyannis
  1106.  Ipswich
  1107.  Lawrence
  1108.  Lenox
  1109.  Leominster
  1110.  Lexington
  1111.  Lowell
  1112.  Ludlow
  1113.  Lynn
  1114.  Malden
  1115.  Marblehead
  1116.  Marlborough
  1117.  Medford
  1118.  Milton
  1119.  Nahant
  1120.  Natick
  1121.  New Bedford
  1122.  Newburyport
  1123.  Newton
  1124.  North Adams
  1125.  Northampton
  1126.  Norton
  1127.  Norwood
  1128.  Peabody
  1129.  Pittsfield
  1130.  Plymouth
  1131.  Provincetown
  1132.  Quincy
  1133.  Randolph
  1134.  Revere
  1135.  Salem
  1136.  Sandwich
  1137.  Saugus
  1138.  Somerville
  1139.  South Hadley
  1140.  Springfield
  1141.  Stockbridge
  1142.  Stoughton
  1143.  Sturbridge
  1144.  Sudbury
  1145.  Taunton
  1146.  Tewksbury
  1147.  Truro
  1148.  Watertown
  1149.  Webster
  1150.  Wellesley
  1151.  Wellfleet
  1152.  West Bridgewater
  1153.  West Springfield
  1154.  Westfield
  1155.  Weymouth
  1156.  Whitman
  1157.  Williamstown
  1158.  Woburn
  1159.  Woods Hole
  1160.  Worcester
  1162. Michigan
  1164.  Adrian
  1165.  Alma
  1166.  Ann Arbor
  1167.  Battle Creek
  1168.  Bay City
  1169.  Benton Harbor
  1170.  Bloomfield Hills
  1171.  Cadillac
  1172.  Charlevoix
  1173.  Cheboygan
  1174.  Dearborn
  1175.  Detroit
  1176.  East Lansing
  1177.  Eastpointe
  1178.  Ecorse
  1179.  Escanaba
  1180.  Flint
  1181.  Grand Haven
  1182.  Grand Rapids
  1183.  Grayling
  1184.  Grosse Pointe
  1185.  Hancock
  1186.  Highland Park
  1187.  Holland
  1188.  Houghton
  1189.  Interlochen
  1190.  Iron Mountain
  1191.  Ironwood
  1192.  Ishpeming
  1193.  Jackson
  1194.  Kalamazoo
  1195.  Lansing
  1196.  Livonia
  1197.  Ludington
  1198.  Mackinaw City
  1199.  Manistee
  1200.  Marquette
  1201.  Menominee
  1202.  Midland
  1203.  Monroe
  1204.  Mount Clemens
  1205.  Mount Pleasant
  1206.  Muskegon
  1207.  Niles
  1208.  Petoskey
  1209.  Pontiac
  1210.  Port Huron
  1211.  Royal Oak
  1212.  Saginaw
  1213.  Saint Ignace
  1214.  Saint Joseph
  1215.  Sault Sainte Marie
  1216.  Traverse City
  1217.  Trenton
  1218.  Warren
  1219.  Wyandotte
  1220.  Ypsilanti
  1222. Minnesota
  1224.  Albert Lea
  1225.  Alexandria
  1226.  Austin
  1227.  Bemidji
  1228.  Bloomington
  1229.  Brainerd
  1230.  Crookston
  1231.  Duluth
  1232.  Ely
  1233.  Eveleth
  1234.  Faribault
  1235.  Fergus Falls
  1236.  Hastings
  1237.  Hibbing
  1238.  International Falls
  1239.  Little Falls
  1240.  Mankato
  1241.  Minneapolis
  1242.  Moorhead
  1243.  New Ulm
  1244.  Northfield
  1245.  Owatonna
  1246.  Pipestone
  1247.  Red Wing
  1248.  Rochester
  1249.  Saint Cloud
  1250.  Saint Paul
  1251.  Sauk Centre
  1252.  South Saint Paul
  1253.  Stillwater
  1254.  Virginia
  1255.  Willmar
  1256.  Winona
  1258. Mississippi
  1260.  Bay Saint Louis
  1261.  Biloxi
  1262.  Canton
  1263.  Clarksdale
  1264.  Columbia
  1265.  Columbus
  1266.  Corinth
  1267.  Greenville
  1268.  Greenwood
  1269.  Grenada
  1270.  Gulfport
  1271.  Hattiesburg
  1272.  Holly Springs
  1273.  Jackson
  1274.  Laurel
  1275.  Meridian
  1276.  Natchez
  1277.  Ocean Springs
  1278.  Oxford
  1279.  Pascagoula
  1280.  Pass Christian
  1281.  Philadelphia
  1282.  Port Gibson
  1283.  Starkville
  1284.  Tupelo
  1285.  Vicksburg
  1286.  West Point
  1287.  Yazoo City
  1289. Missouri
  1291.  Boonville
  1292.  Branson
  1293.  Cape Girardeau
  1294.  Carthage
  1295.  Chillicothe
  1296.  Clayton
  1297.  Columbia
  1298.  Excelsior Springs
  1299.  Ferguson
  1300.  Florissant
  1301.  Fulton
  1302.  Hannibal
  1303.  Independence
  1304.  Jefferson City
  1305.  Joplin
  1306.  Kansas City
  1307.  Kirksville
  1308.  Lamar
  1309.  Lebanon
  1310.  Lexington
  1311.  Maryville
  1312.  Mexico
  1313.  Monett
  1314.  Neosho
  1315.  New Madrid
  1316.  Rolla
  1317.  Saint Charles
  1318.  Saint Joseph
  1319.  Saint Louis
  1320.  Sainte Genevieve
  1321.  Salem
  1322.  Sedalia
  1323.  Springfield
  1324.  Warrensburg
  1325.  West Plains
  1327. Montana
  1329.  Anaconda
  1330.  Billings
  1331.  Bozeman
  1332.  Butte
  1333.  Dillon
  1334.  Fort Benton
  1335.  Glendive
  1336.  Great Falls
  1337.  Havre
  1338.  Helena
  1339.  Kalispell
  1340.  Lewistown
  1341.  Livingston
  1342.  Miles City
  1343.  Missoula
  1344.  Virginia City
  1346. Nebraska
  1348.  Beatrice
  1349.  Bellevue
  1350.  Boys Town
  1351.  Chadron
  1352.  Columbus
  1353.  Fremont
  1354.  Grand Island
  1355.  Hastings
  1356.  Kearney
  1357.  Lincoln
  1358.  McCook
  1359.  Minden
  1360.  Nebraska City
  1361.  Norfolk
  1362.  North Platte
  1363.  Omaha
  1364.  Plattsmouth
  1365.  Red Cloud
  1366.  Sidney
  1368. Nevada
  1370.  Boulder City
  1371.  Carson City
  1372.  Elko
  1373.  Ely
  1374.  Fallon
  1375.  Genoa
  1376.  Goldfield
  1377.  Henderson
  1378.  Las Vegas
  1379.  North Las Vegas
  1380.  Reno
  1381.  Sparks
  1382.  Virginia City
  1383.  Winnemucca
  1385. New Hampshire
  1387.  Berlin
  1388.  Claremont
  1389.  Concord
  1390.  Derry
  1391.  Dover
  1392.  Durham
  1393.  Exeter
  1394.  Franklin
  1395.  Hanover
  1396.  Hillsborough
  1397.  Keene
  1398.  Laconia
  1399.  Lebanon
  1400.  Manchester
  1401.  Nashua
  1402.  Peterborough
  1403.  Plymouth
  1404.  Portsmouth
  1405.  Rochester
  1406.  Salem
  1407.  Somersworth
  1409. New Jersey
  1411.  Asbury Park
  1412.  Atlantic City
  1413.  Bayonne
  1414.  Bloomfield
  1415.  Bordentown
  1416.  Bound Brook
  1417.  Bridgeton
  1418.  Burlington
  1419.  Caldwell
  1420.  Camden
  1421.  Cape May
  1422.  Clifton
  1423.  Cranford
  1424.  East Orange
  1425.  Edison
  1426.  Elizabeth
  1427.  Englewood
  1428.  Fort Lee
  1429.  Glassboro
  1430.  Hackensack
  1431.  Haddonfield
  1432.  Hoboken
  1433.  Irvington
  1434.  Jersey City
  1435.  Lakehurst
  1436.  Lakewood
  1437.  Long Beach
  1438.  Long Branch
  1439.  Madison
  1440.  Menlo Park
  1441.  Millburn
  1442.  Millville
  1443.  Montclair
  1444.  Morristown
  1445.  Mount Holly
  1446.  New Brunswick
  1447.  New Milford
  1448.  Newark
  1449.  Ocean City
  1450.  Orange
  1451.  Parsippany–Troy Hills
  1452.  Passaic
  1453.  Paterson
  1454.  Perth Amboy
  1455.  Plainfield
  1456.  Princeton
  1457.  Ridgewood
  1458.  Roselle
  1459.  Rutherford
  1460.  Salem
  1461.  Somerville
  1462.  South Orange Village
  1463.  Totowa
  1464.  Trenton
  1465.  Union
  1466.  Union City
  1467.  Vineland
  1468.  Wayne
  1469.  Weehawken
  1470.  West New York
  1471.  West Orange
  1472.  Willingboro
  1473.  Woodbridge
  1475. New Mexico
  1477.  Acoma
  1478.  Alamogordo
  1479.  Albuquerque
  1480.  Artesia
  1481.  Belen
  1482.  Carlsbad
  1483.  Clovis
  1484.  Deming
  1485.  Farmington
  1486.  Gallup
  1487.  Grants
  1488.  Hobbs
  1489.  Las Cruces
  1490.  Las Vegas
  1491.  Los Alamos
  1492.  Lovington
  1493.  Portales
  1494.  Raton
  1495.  Roswell
  1496.  Santa Fe
  1497.  Shiprock
  1498.  Silver City
  1499.  Socorro
  1500.  Taos
  1501.  Truth or Consequences
  1502.  Tucumcari
  1504. New York
  1506.  Albany
  1507.  Amsterdam
  1508.  Auburn
  1509.  Babylon
  1510.  Batavia
  1511.  Beacon
  1512.  Bedford
  1513.  Binghamton
  1514.  Bronx
  1515.  Brooklyn
  1516.  Buffalo
  1517.  Chautauqua
  1518.  Cheektowaga
  1519.  Clinton
  1520.  Cohoes
  1521.  Coney Island
  1522.  Cooperstown
  1523.  Corning
  1524.  Cortland
  1525.  Crown Point
  1526.  Dunkirk
  1527.  East Aurora
  1528.  East Hampton
  1529.  Eastchester
  1530.  Elmira
  1531.  Flushing
  1532.  Forest Hills
  1533.  Fredonia
  1534.  Garden City
  1535.  Geneva
  1536.  Glens Falls
  1537.  Gloversville
  1538.  Great Neck
  1539.  Hammondsport
  1540.  Harlem
  1541.  Hempstead
  1542.  Herkimer
  1543.  Hudson
  1544.  Huntington
  1545.  Hyde Park
  1546.  Ilion
  1547.  Ithaca
  1548.  Jamestown
  1549.  Johnstown
  1550.  Kingston
  1551.  Lackawanna
  1552.  Lake Placid
  1553.  Levittown
  1554.  Lockport
  1555.  Mamaroneck
  1556.  Manhattan
  1557.  Massena
  1558.  Middletown
  1559.  Mineola
  1560.  Mount Vernon
  1561.  New Paltz
  1562.  New Rochelle
  1563.  New Windsor
  1564.  New York City
  1565.  Newburgh
  1566.  Niagara Falls
  1567.  North Hempstead
  1568.  Nyack
  1569.  Ogdensburg
  1570.  Olean
  1571.  Oneida
  1572.  Oneonta
  1573.  Ossining
  1574.  Oswego
  1575.  Oyster Bay
  1576.  Palmyra
  1577.  Peekskill
  1578.  Plattsburgh
  1579.  Port Washington
  1580.  Potsdam
  1581.  Poughkeepsie
  1582.  Queens
  1583.  Rensselaer
  1584.  Rochester
  1585.  Rome
  1586.  Rotterdam
  1587.  Rye
  1588.  Sag Harbor
  1589.  Saranac Lake
  1590.  Saratoga Springs
  1591.  Scarsdale
  1592.  Schenectady
  1593.  Seneca Falls
  1594.  Southampton
  1595.  Staten Island
  1596.  Stony Brook
  1597.  Stony Point
  1598.  Syracuse
  1599.  Tarrytown
  1600.  Ticonderoga
  1601.  Tonawanda
  1602.  Troy
  1603.  Utica
  1604.  Watertown
  1605.  Watervliet
  1606.  Watkins Glen
  1607.  West Seneca
  1608.  White Plains
  1609.  Woodstock
  1610.  Yonkers
  1612. North Carolina
  1614.  Asheboro
  1615.  Asheville
  1616.  Bath
  1617.  Beaufort
  1618.  Boone
  1619.  Burlington
  1620.  Chapel Hill
  1621.  Charlotte
  1622.  Concord
  1623.  Durham
  1624.  Edenton
  1625.  Elizabeth City
  1626.  Fayetteville
  1627.  Gastonia
  1628.  Goldsboro
  1629.  Greensboro
  1630.  Greenville
  1631.  Halifax
  1632.  Henderson
  1633.  Hickory
  1634.  High Point
  1635.  Hillsborough
  1636.  Jacksonville
  1637.  Kinston
  1638.  Kitty Hawk
  1639.  Lumberton
  1640.  Morehead City
  1641.  Morganton
  1642.  Nags Head
  1643.  New Bern
  1644.  Pinehurst
  1645.  Raleigh
  1646.  Rocky Mount
  1647.  Salisbury
  1648.  Shelby
  1649.  Washington
  1650.  Wilmington
  1651.  Wilson
  1652.  Winston-Salem
  1654. North Dakota
  1656.  Bismarck
  1657.  Devils Lake
  1658.  Dickinson
  1659.  Fargo
  1660.  Grand Forks
  1661.  Jamestown
  1662.  Mandan
  1663.  Minot
  1664.  Rugby
  1665.  Valley City
  1666.  Wahpeton
  1667.  Williston
  1669. Ohio
  1671.  Akron
  1672.  Alliance
  1673.  Ashtabula
  1674.  Athens
  1675.  Barberton
  1676.  Bedford
  1677.  Bellefontaine
  1678.  Bowling Green
  1679.  Canton
  1680.  Chillicothe
  1681.  Cincinnati
  1682.  Cleveland
  1683.  Cleveland Heights
  1684.  Columbus
  1685.  Conneaut
  1686.  Cuyahoga Falls
  1687.  Dayton
  1688.  Defiance
  1689.  Delaware
  1690.  East Cleveland
  1691.  East Liverpool
  1692.  Elyria
  1693.  Euclid
  1694.  Findlay
  1695.  Gallipolis
  1696.  Greenville
  1697.  Hamilton
  1698.  Kent
  1699.  Kettering
  1700.  Lakewood
  1701.  Lancaster
  1702.  Lima
  1703.  Lorain
  1704.  Mansfield
  1705.  Marietta
  1706.  Marion
  1707.  Martins Ferry
  1708.  Massillon
  1709.  Mentor
  1710.  Middletown
  1711.  Milan
  1712.  Mount Vernon
  1713.  New Philadelphia
  1714.  Newark
  1715.  Niles
  1716.  North College Hill
  1717.  Norwalk
  1718.  Oberlin
  1719.  Painesville
  1720.  Parma
  1721.  Piqua
  1722.  Portsmouth
  1723.  Put-in-Bay
  1724.  Salem
  1725.  Sandusky
  1726.  Shaker Heights
  1727.  Springfield
  1728.  Steubenville
  1729.  Tiffin
  1730.  Toledo
  1731.  Urbana
  1732.  Warren
  1733.  Wooster
  1734.  Worthington
  1735.  Xenia
  1736.  Yellow Springs
  1737.  Youngstown
  1738.  Zanesville
  1740. Oklahoma
  1742.  Ada
  1743.  Altus
  1744.  Alva
  1745.  Anadarko
  1746.  Ardmore
  1747.  Bartlesville
  1748.  Bethany
  1749.  Chickasha
  1750.  Claremore
  1751.  Clinton
  1752.  Cushing
  1753.  Duncan
  1754.  Durant
  1755.  Edmond
  1756.  El Reno
  1757.  Elk City
  1758.  Enid
  1759.  Eufaula
  1760.  Frederick
  1761.  Guthrie
  1762.  Guymon
  1763.  Hobart
  1764.  Holdenville
  1765.  Hugo
  1766.  Lawton
  1767.  McAlester
  1768.  Miami
  1769.  Midwest City
  1770.  Moore
  1771.  Muskogee
  1772.  Norman
  1773.  Oklahoma City
  1774.  Okmulgee
  1775.  Pauls Valley
  1776.  Pawhuska
  1777.  Perry
  1778.  Ponca City
  1779.  Pryor
  1780.  Sallisaw
  1781.  Sand Springs
  1782.  Sapulpa
  1783.  Seminole
  1784.  Shawnee
  1785.  Stillwater
  1786.  Tahlequah
  1787.  The Village
  1788.  Tulsa
  1789.  Vinita
  1790.  Wewoka
  1791.  Woodward
  1793. Oregon
  1795.  Albany
  1796.  Ashland
  1797.  Astoria
  1798.  Baker City
  1799.  Beaverton
  1800.  Bend
  1801.  Brookings
  1802.  Burns
  1803.  Coos Bay
  1804.  Corvallis
  1805.  Eugene
  1806.  Grants Pass
  1807.  Hillsboro
  1808.  Hood River
  1809.  Jacksonville
  1810.  John Day
  1811.  Klamath Falls
  1812.  La Grande
  1813.  Lake Oswego
  1814.  Lakeview
  1815.  McMinnville
  1816.  Medford
  1817.  Newberg
  1818.  Newport
  1819.  Ontario
  1820.  Oregon City
  1821.  Pendleton
  1822.  Port Orford
  1823.  Portland
  1824.  Prineville
  1825.  Redmond
  1826.  Reedsport
  1827.  Roseburg
  1828.  Salem
  1829.  Seaside
  1830.  Springfield
  1831.  The Dalles
  1832.  Tillamook
  1834. Pennsylvania
  1836.  Abington
  1837.  Aliquippa
  1838.  Allentown
  1839.  Altoona
  1840.  Ambridge
  1841.  Bedford
  1842.  Bethlehem
  1843.  Bloomsburg
  1844.  Bradford
  1845.  Bristol
  1846.  Carbondale
  1847.  Carlisle
  1848.  Chambersburg
  1849.  Chester
  1850.  Columbia
  1851.  Easton
  1852.  Erie
  1853.  Franklin
  1854.  Germantown
  1855.  Gettysburg
  1856.  Greensburg
  1857.  Hanover
  1858.  Harmony
  1859.  Harrisburg
  1860.  Hazleton
  1861.  Hershey
  1862.  Homestead
  1863.  Honesdale
  1864.  Indiana
  1865.  Jeannette
  1866.  Jim Thorpe
  1867.  Johnstown
  1868.  Lancaster
  1869.  Lebanon
  1870.  Levittown
  1871.  Lewistown
  1872.  Lock Haven
  1873.  Lower Southampton
  1874.  McKeesport
  1875.  Meadville
  1876.  Middletown
  1877.  Monroeville
  1878.  Nanticoke
  1879.  New Castle
  1880.  New Hope
  1881.  New Kensington
  1882.  Norristown
  1883.  Oil City
  1884.  Philadelphia
  1885.  Phoenixville
  1886.  Pittsburgh
  1887.  Pottstown
  1888.  Pottsville
  1889.  Reading
  1890.  Scranton
  1891.  Shamokin
  1892.  Sharon
  1893.  State College
  1894.  Stroudsburg
  1895.  Sunbury
  1896.  Swarthmore
  1897.  Tamaqua
  1898.  Titusville
  1899.  Uniontown
  1900.  Warren
  1901.  Washington
  1902.  West Chester
  1903.  Wilkes-Barre
  1904.  Williamsport
  1905.  York
  1907. Rhode Island
  1909.  Barrington
  1910.  Bristol
  1911.  Central Falls
  1912.  Cranston
  1913.  East Greenwich
  1914.  East Providence
  1915.  Kingston
  1916.  Middletown
  1917.  Narragansett
  1918.  Newport
  1919.  North Kingstown
  1920.  Pawtucket
  1921.  Portsmouth
  1922.  Providence
  1923.  South Kingstown
  1924.  Tiverton
  1925.  Warren
  1926.  Warwick
  1927.  Westerly
  1928.  Wickford
  1929.  Woonsocket
  1931. South Carolina
  1933.  Abbeville
  1934.  Aiken
  1935.  Anderson
  1936.  Beaufort
  1937.  Camden
  1938.  Charleston
  1939.  Columbia
  1940.  Darlington
  1941.  Florence
  1942.  Gaffney
  1943.  Georgetown
  1944.  Greenville
  1945.  Greenwood
  1946.  Hartsville
  1947.  Lancaster
  1948.  Mount Pleasant
  1949.  Myrtle Beach
  1950.  Orangeburg
  1951.  Rock Hill
  1952.  Spartanburg
  1953.  Sumter
  1954.  Union
  1956. South Dakota
  1958.  Aberdeen
  1959.  Belle Fourche
  1960.  Brookings
  1961.  Canton
  1962.  Custer
  1963.  De Smet
  1964.  Deadwood
  1965.  Hot Springs
  1966.  Huron
  1967.  Lead
  1968.  Madison
  1969.  Milbank
  1970.  Mitchell
  1971.  Mobridge
  1972.  Pierre
  1973.  Rapid City
  1974.  Sioux Falls
  1975.  Spearfish
  1976.  Sturgis
  1977.  Vermillion
  1978.  Watertown
  1979.  Yankton
  1981. Tennessee
  1983.  Alcoa
  1984.  Athens
  1985.  Chattanooga
  1986.  Clarksville
  1987.  Cleveland
  1988.  Columbia
  1989.  Cookeville
  1990.  Dayton
  1991.  Elizabethton
  1992.  Franklin
  1993.  Gallatin
  1994.  Gatlinburg
  1995.  Greeneville
  1996.  Jackson
  1997.  Johnson City
  1998.  Jonesborough
  1999.  Kingsport
  2000.  Knoxville
  2001.  Lebanon
  2002.  Maryville
  2003.  Memphis
  2004.  Morristown
  2005.  Murfreesboro
  2006.  Nashville
  2007.  Norris
  2008.  Oak Ridge
  2009.  Shelbyville
  2010.  Tullahoma
  2012. Texas
  2014.  Abilene
  2015.  Alpine
  2016.  Amarillo
  2017.  Arlington
  2018.  Austin
  2019.  Baytown
  2020.  Beaumont
  2021.  Big Spring
  2022.  Borger
  2023.  Brownsville
  2024.  Bryan
  2025.  Canyon
  2026.  Cleburne
  2027.  College Station
  2028.  Corpus Christi
  2029.  Crystal City
  2030.  Dallas
  2031.  Del Rio
  2032.  Denison
  2033.  Denton
  2034.  Eagle Pass
  2035.  Edinburg
  2036.  El Paso
  2037.  Fort Worth
  2038.  Freeport
  2039.  Galveston
  2040.  Garland
  2041.  Goliad
  2042.  Greenville
  2043.  Harlingen
  2044.  Houston
  2045.  Huntsville
  2046.  Irving
  2047.  Johnson City
  2048.  Kilgore
  2049.  Killeen
  2050.  Kingsville
  2051.  Laredo
  2052.  Longview
  2053.  Lubbock
  2054.  Lufkin
  2055.  Marshall
  2056.  McAllen
  2057.  McKinney
  2058.  Mesquite
  2059.  Midland
  2060.  Mission
  2061.  Nacogdoches
  2062.  New Braunfels
  2063.  Odessa
  2064.  Orange
  2065.  Pampa
  2066.  Paris
  2067.  Pasadena
  2068.  Pecos
  2069.  Pharr
  2070.  Plainview
  2071.  Plano
  2072.  Port Arthur
  2073.  Port Lavaca
  2074.  Richardson
  2075.  San Angelo
  2076.  San Antonio
  2077.  San Felipe
  2078.  San Marcos
  2079.  Sherman
  2080.  Sweetwater
  2081.  Temple
  2082.  Texarkana
  2083.  Texas City
  2084.  Tyler
  2085.  Uvalde
  2086.  Victoria
  2087.  Waco
  2088.  Weatherford
  2089.  Wichita Falls
  2090.  Ysleta
  2092. Utah
  2094.  Alta
  2095.  American Fork
  2096.  Bountiful
  2097.  Brigham City
  2098.  Cedar City
  2099.  Clearfield
  2100.  Delta
  2101.  Fillmore
  2102.  Green River
  2103.  Heber City
  2104.  Kanab
  2105.  Layton
  2106.  Lehi
  2107.  Logan
  2108.  Manti
  2109.  Moab
  2110.  Monticello
  2111.  Murray
  2112.  Nephi
  2113.  Ogden
  2114.  Orderville
  2115.  Orem
  2116.  Panguitch
  2117.  Park City
  2118.  Payson
  2119.  Price
  2120.  Provo
  2121.  Saint George
  2122.  Salt Lake City
  2123.  Spanish Fork
  2124.  Springville
  2125.  Tooele
  2126.  Vernal
  2128. Vermont
  2130.  Barre
  2131.  Bellows Falls
  2132.  Bennington
  2133.  Brattleboro
  2134.  Burlington
  2135.  Essex
  2136.  Manchester
  2137.  Middlebury
  2138.  Montpelier
  2139.  Newport
  2140.  Plymouth
  2141.  Rutland
  2142.  Saint Albans
  2143.  Saint Johnsbury
  2144.  Sharon
  2145.  Winooski
  2147. Virginia
  2149.  Abingdon
  2150.  Alexandria
  2151.  Bristol
  2152.  Charlottesville
  2153.  Chesapeake
  2154.  Danville
  2155.  Fairfax
  2156.  Falls Church
  2157.  Fredericksburg
  2158.  Hampton
  2159.  Hanover
  2160.  Hopewell
  2161.  Lexington
  2162.  Lynchburg
  2163.  Manassas
  2164.  Martinsville
  2165.  New Market
  2166.  Newport News
  2167.  Norfolk
  2168.  Petersburg
  2169.  Portsmouth
  2170.  Reston
  2171.  Richmond
  2172.  Roanoke
  2173.  Staunton
  2174.  Suffolk
  2175.  Virginia Beach
  2176.  Waynesboro
  2177.  Williamsburg
  2178.  Winchester
  2180. Washington
  2182.  Aberdeen
  2183.  Anacortes
  2184.  Auburn
  2185.  Bellevue
  2186.  Bellingham
  2187.  Bremerton
  2188.  Centralia
  2189.  Coulee Dam
  2190.  Coupeville
  2191.  Ellensburg
  2192.  Ephrata
  2193.  Everett
  2194.  Hoquiam
  2195.  Kelso
  2196.  Kennewick
  2197.  Longview
  2198.  Moses Lake
  2199.  Oak Harbor
  2200.  Olympia
  2201.  Pasco
  2202.  Point Roberts
  2203.  Port Angeles
  2204.  Pullman
  2205.  Puyallup
  2206.  Redmond
  2207.  Renton
  2208.  Richland
  2209.  Seattle
  2210.  Spokane
  2211.  Tacoma
  2212.  Vancouver
  2213.  Walla Walla
  2214.  Wenatchee
  2215.  Yakima
  2217. West Virginia
  2219.  Bath
  2220.  Beckley
  2221.  Bluefield
  2222.  Buckhannon
  2223.  Charles Town
  2224.  Charleston
  2225.  Clarksburg
  2226.  Elkins
  2227.  Fairmont
  2228.  Grafton
  2229.  Harpers Ferry
  2230.  Hillsboro
  2231.  Hinton
  2232.  Huntington
  2233.  Keyser
  2234.  Lewisburg
  2235.  Logan
  2236.  Martinsburg
  2237.  Morgantown
  2238.  Moundsville
  2239.  New Martinsville
  2240.  Parkersburg
  2241.  Philippi
  2242.  Point Pleasant
  2243.  Princeton
  2244.  Romney
  2245.  Shepherdstown
  2246.  South Charleston
  2247.  Summersville
  2248.  Weirton
  2249.  Welch
  2250.  Wellsburg
  2251.  Weston
  2252.  Wheeling
  2253.  White Sulphur Springs
  2254.  Williamson
  2256. Wisconsin
  2258.  Appleton
  2259.  Ashland
  2260.  Baraboo
  2261.  Belmont
  2262.  Beloit
  2263.  Eau Claire
  2264.  Fond du Lac
  2265.  Green Bay
  2266.  Hayward
  2267.  Janesville
  2268.  Kenosha
  2269.  La Crosse
  2270.  Lake Geneva
  2271.  Madison
  2272.  Manitowoc
  2273.  Marinette
  2274.  Menasha
  2275.  Milwaukee
  2276.  Neenah
  2277.  New Glarus
  2278.  Oconto
  2279.  Oshkosh
  2280.  Peshtigo
  2281.  Portage
  2282.  Prairie du Chien
  2283.  Racine
  2284.  Rhinelander
  2285.  Ripon
  2286.  Sheboygan
  2287.  Spring Green
  2288.  Stevens Point
  2289.  Sturgeon Bay
  2290.  Superior
  2291.  Waukesha
  2292.  Wausau
  2293.  Wauwatosa
  2294.  West Allis
  2295.  West Bend
  2296.  Wisconsin Dells
  2298. Wyoming
  2300.  Buffalo
  2301.  Casper
  2302.  Cheyenne
  2303.  Cody
  2304.  Douglas
  2305.  Evanston
  2306.  Gillette
  2307.  Green River
  2308.  Jackson
  2309.  Lander
  2310.  Laramie
  2311.  Newcastle
  2312.  Powell
  2313.  Rawlins
  2314.  Riverton
  2315.  Rock Springs
  2316.  Sheridan
  2317.  Ten Sleep
  2318.  Thermopolis
  2319.  Torrington
  2320.  Worland

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